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TTC strike official! Monday @ 4 am!


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
danmand said:
You are a fool (notice I did not use the B word) if you think you can
run a public utility without unions. It can and will never happen.
Huh ? Want to repeat that?

You could easily run one but you can't get there from here.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Moraff said:
yup cause god knows the automated 407 is much cheaper and efficient than the New York Thruway that has those old-fashioned human collectors. :rolleyes:
It is.

Don't confuse cost of revenue collection with the buyer trying to pay for the purchase.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
I'm sure when Miller comes back on Sunday there will be some miracle breakthrough in the negotiations and a strike will be avoided at the last second.


New member
Sep 8, 2005
The union left a message on my machine yesterday. They will be calling all members to advise us of a strike by early afternoon on Sunday. The deadline is set for 4pm on Sunday afternoon which is 2 hours after Mayor Miller returns from China. So he has 2 hours to get from the airport to the negotiating table to prove that he is the mayor king he believes he is and prevent a strike.

KBear said:
It would be interesting to see the actual pay scales for different jobs at the TTC. Drivers, cleaners, ticket takers, etc.
Bus drivers, subway drivers, collectors (ticket takers) are all teh same position by salary and we get $26.54/hour with time and a half for voluntary overtime and double time for forced/mandatory overtime. We feel that the break down is like this: $6/hour for driving the bus - $20.54 / hour for putting up with everyones bullshit (take that as everyone of the 1% of passengers who constitute the moron population of this fine city) and that simply is not enough for me to put up with all that bullshit.


New member
Jun 17, 2005
Jaedon said:
Bus drivers, subway drivers, collectors (ticket takers) are all teh same position by salary and we get $26.54/hour with time and a half for voluntary overtime and double time for forced/mandatory overtime. We feel that the break down is like this: $6/hour for driving the bus - $20.54 / hour for putting up with everyones bullshit (take that as everyone of the 1% of passengers who constitute the moron population of this fine city) and that simply is not enough for me to put up with all that bullshit.
Does anyone else think that 55k a year to collect tickets seems like a fair wage. Unless, somehow I missed the "Faculty of Ticket Collection" building on my way to class everyday at U of T in my Graduate studies....


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
mmmburritos said:
Does anyone else think that 55k a year to collect tickets seems like a fair wage. Unless, somehow I missed the "Faculty of Ticket Collection" building on my way to class everyday at U of T in my Graduate studies....
Ditto that.

Jaedon said:
Bus drivers, subway drivers, collectors (ticket takers) are all teh same position by salary and we get $26.54/hour with time and a half for voluntary overtime and double time for forced/mandatory overtime. We feel that the break down is like this: $6/hour for driving the bus - $20.54 / hour for putting up with everyones bullshit (take that as everyone of the 1% of passengers who constitute the moron population of this fine city) and that simply is not enough for me to put up with all that bullshit.
What about the BS that the riders have to take from you (you as in general ttc employees), what do the riders get for that? Even higher fares?
I dont take ttc as much as others, and i've actually stopped and will probably never again. But in all the times i've used it i've never encountered any rude riders, always the opposite, and just for simple things like asking a question.
1 thing to just want more pay for stress, how about some actual customer service then huh? Lists some things TTC will improve on then ask for more pay. Why is it always TTC taking from people who pays them? Works both ways.
You want to get paid for stress on the job or injury, you'll get it when something happens, either get injured and cant work or need to see some doctors due to stress. Just like everyone else. TTC workers are not the only work that gets stressed.


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
big dogie said:
Do the people that have to walk to work on Monday have a choice? These stupid fucks are holding the city hostage, they wouldn't do shit to help you, I say give their over-paid ass's a nice beat down and they can stick it right up their kinnier.......

b d
Punching drivers in the face, now thats a clever solution:rolleyes: Thats a person doing his job..... and might not even want to go on strike but has to as the majority vote for it. Tell you what, cops get thier money from our taxes and got a raise recently, go punch one of them in the face. I haven't checked your posting history, are all your posts as brilliant as this? I am gonna suffer as much as everyone else who relies on the TTC for 100% of my transportation needs yet can survive the inconvenience without suckerpunching anyone.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
So what is the TTC strike suppose to entail????

Cutback in buses and subway cars coming each hour???
Or complete shutdown of all subway, bus and streetcars???

Does anyone know???

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
Esco! said:
So what is the TTC strike suppose to entail????

Cutback in buses and subway cars coming each hour???
Or complete shutdown of all subway, bus and streetcars???

Does anyone know???
Complete shutdown, no "work to rule".


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
The Bandit said:
Complete shutdown, no "work to rule".
I dont think its smart of their Union to do that

If Mcguinty declares the TTC an essential service, they'll forever be unable to strike again.
Or at least nothing beyond a "work to rule"

Master Baiter

Active member
Dec 20, 2001
The thing is nobody is holding a gun to their heads forcing them to stay with the job if they find that it's not worth what they're paid. Uhmm, I worked for the Golden Arches and started as a fry guy at $3.75 /hr, moved up the ranks to manager, put myself through university, worked an average of 12-14hrs per day before finally graduating, quitting and working as a system admin for a worldwide firm. You think you have way too much stress for $55K per year? You're making more $$ than a lot more people who are highly educated in high-stress positions. Sorry, I feel no pity.

If you think you're underpaid for the stress and lifestyle associated with your job, you always have the option of just finding a better job that would gladly pay you more for less work/stress with your educational background.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
$26.54/hour, plus probably a third more with benefits. Ticket takers should be making about $10/hour, with no benefits. No wonder the city has no money. At some point something has to change, because this can not go on forever.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Maybe McGuinty should do a Reagan, and fire all their sorry asses.

Just like Ronnie did with them air traffic controllers :D


Apr 9, 2008
Jaedon said:
Bus drivers, subway drivers, collectors (ticket takers) are all teh same position by salary and we get $26.54/hour with time and a half for voluntary overtime and double time for forced/mandatory overtime. We feel that the break down is like this: $6/hour for driving the bus - $20.54 / hour for putting up with everyones bullshit (take that as everyone of the 1% of passengers who constitute the moron population of this fine city) and that simply is not enough for me to put up with all that bullshit.
I don't see how increased compensation of TTC drivers/ticket takers will actually reduce the incidence of 'bullshit'; attract job applicants to a difficult job, yes, keep employes, sure--but that doesn't seem to be the problem here. If that is really how most TTC workers see their pay break down, then they're not making the point about poor treatment to management, or management doesn't know how to deal with the problem. Or, the 'bullshit' is just an excuse for greed. The transit constables are a step in the right direction, but (a) they have to be in the trouble spots and (b) there need to be many more.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
Last week in the Sun their was a write up stating that some TTC employee's make $100,000. with overtime yearly..

A job that basically requires (grade 3) math skillz and some of them are still very rude to customers and earning 100g's?

Thats f-ed up.

I agree with the guy who said that allot of those so called assults are from the drivers/collectors being impatient and rude to customers. A few months ago I had made an complaint against a ticket collector for being extreamly rude and not making change for me at one of their high traffic stations. I didnt assault him physically but I did put him in his place verbally. He actually tried to bluff me that he had the power to ban me from the station forever...haha. I told him where to go and walked down to the train.

When I told their complaints department what he had said they kept apologising to me saying that only TTC police can ban a customer from a station and asked for the collectors name/which side of the booth he was working on. They told me that a supervisior will have a talk with him and straighten him out and it wont happen again.

Since then I have not seem him. What I think they do is keep moving the workers with bad records and poor customer service history's from one station to another. Maybe with the union its tuff to fire a worker so they become nomads and move from one side of the city to another until they act up again?

Some of them think that they are cops and they try to boss customers around within their little booth.haha
I know the real reason they try to boss people around is because deep down they hate their job since its so mindless and unchallenging. They think within that 5 feet by 6 foot booth they are god.ha

They should thank god that they have a job paying over $ for the level of education/skill they have.
Last edited:


Jul 29, 2007
ticket takers should get paid the same as some mcdonalds employee. takes a lot more skill to make a big mac imo


New member
Feb 28, 2006
For all those people complaining about incomes for TTC employees, please list your job, income, and education. I'm sure you wouldn't mind giving other people a chance to decide if you're worth it or not....



Active member
Sep 11, 2004
xdog said:
For all those people complaining about incomes for TTC employees, please list your job, income, and education. I'm sure you wouldn't mind giving other people a chance to decide if you're worth it or not....

So NOW you want to be treated like others? hmmm. I have no probs with that, but what would that really prove to you? If anything i think it'd totally backfire and work against you if you want to compare general public and ttc.

Why do you guys always say the same things, but ignore what everyone else is saying? Everyone as in the general public who pays you. This is more than what ppl think you're worth. You want more money, than give ppl a good reason to side with you. Cant believe after all these years and all these talks of strikes you people still dont get why people complaint so much about ttc and $.
You guys go on strike til you get what you want then its back to normal. Not caring about nothing else but what You want.

This is exactly my point, you guys always cry the victim like you are perfect.
As i've said earlier, why should TTC get paid extra for stress and injury before anything happens? Everyone has stress and gets injured on the job, what makes ttc special?

Funny how NOONE from TTC dont EVER comment on any of the complaints from the public, they always turn things around, or just ignores it. Always crying the victim. Even shows in places like here.


Feb 8, 2005

I am going to get my bike out of the garage and take the day off work and ride on the TTC tracks down spadina. The strike isn't a bad thing, if you are self employed.
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