Toronto Escorts

TTC strike official! Monday @ 4 am!


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
Jaedon said:
How is it that fares went up almost 25% over the past 6 years, which was blamed on the unions of course wanting to be greedy, and yet in that same time frame my income only increased a little more than 11%. Where is the other 50% of the fare increase going? Management got an 18% increase over the same time frame..... in oder to attract more quality people to the positions.... bullshit.. in order to line the pockets of the overpaid, bloated salaried, people who do less than I do by a wide mile, at the top of the food chain. Want to see where your money gets wasted in the TTC?? Look at management salaries and their bonus structure.
If management is the true issue and what you said is really the reason then maybe when the union gets ready to strike then why is it we always hear it's because you want more, not the management. You would gain the publics support if you went in saying you want to strike because you don't think someone taking/selling a ticket should get equal to a driver. Maybe the public would feel your pain more if the real issues that effect the public would be that management needs an overhaul and you want your job discriptions put in writing and that all salaries would be based on current market conditions with others doing the same jobs elsewhere that are not unionized. If someone at the AMC make $10/hr to take a ticket or $15/hr to clean, then maybe those people doing the same type of job for the TTC should be getting paid the same and not more.

The public is tired of over-priced work because the government is involved and start paying what the public knows is the proper wage. The access amounts left over would either go back with upgrades to the horrific conditions the TTC is in a bring it up to the 21st century and give justifications on the rate hikes. I don't think people would mind paying what they do now if the quality of their rides went way up with them. There are many reasons why people with options like myself stay in our cars. It's discusting to ride. TTC takes no pride in their service. You as a driver just become the face that people use to voice their feelings.

Again, if you are the face of the TTC, I think it's time you be the mouth for those complaining faces and stand up for your riders and not for yourselves.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
james t kirk said:
So instead, we allow a suicide or two a week (resulting in one very scarred subway driver), and the odd push every few years.
well if the TTC upgraded the system to being automated then there wouldnt be any scared subway drivers. Machines don't have feelings.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
Jaedon said:
Again I challenge ANY of you to do the job of a bus driver for ONE day and see how well you make it out at the end.
you`re on an escort board and you want to challenge us to do your job???

Give me a break. Why not try half the peoples jobs on here and see how fast you would think your job is heaven. Try selling your asshole for $100 a screw (in some of your cases 3 times according to one of your reviews)
/bareback dick/tongue wars/dining for a week and find out fast how any of these ladies on this board and in this profession feels. You made the damn girls fuck you 3 times with the SOG with almost a 4th???? FUCKING GREEDY! (that should be another thread.) Oh and then have people rate you and write reviews on your performance about your `not having a great day on the job` and have it effect if you make more money. You think you have it hard buddy, think what it would be like doing your same job with half the pay and if you didn`t do you damn job right, get the axe or a penalty of your pay. That`s what you guys should be making. Just stop.

You have the nerve to tell us you can work as your wife stays home. You have any idea how many out there can`t even have two incomes pay their bills. People are tired of those cushiony jobs like the TTC and other government jobs because we all know that once you land that sort of job, you are laughing to the bank. The consumers (clients) of the TTC want you guys to get paid to par with the regualr folks doing the same jobs and you should be happy with that with your benefits of a pension and health coverage. Some people don`t even get that. I can`t recall anyone at the AMC getting a fat pension when they retire for their taking/selling ticket jobs. I`ll ask next time I`m there but I highly doubt it. Honestly, if TTC wasn`t an essental part of 1.5 million peoples lives, I assure you that the regular folks would boycott your company till they got what they wanted. A few thousand people having a huge effect on 1.5 million people`s lives. Not only should you be assamed but seriously you all should be fired. As a TTC driver and as a John. FUCKING GREEDY!

Get a grip, get a reality check and get on with doing your damn job. Stop your whining.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Jaedon said:
How is it that fares went up almost 25% over the past 6 years, which was blamed on the unions of course wanting to be greedy, and yet in that same time frame my income only increased a little more than 11%. Where is the other 50% of the fare increase going?
I would suspect a lot goes to an increase in the cost of power and fuel.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
xdog said:
It's unwritten that new employees are told about when they start at the TTC. employees are told not to risk their lives for $2.75. If it were formalized, nobody would pay.

Thre is quite a diffrenece between risking injury to collect a fare and deciding not to collect a fare because it's Tuesday and sunny outside. You should have qualified your claim with the phrase "under certain circumstances".

You are probably being misleading about TTC workers breaks being mandated by labpor law. Minimum breaks are mandated by law. I'm sure the TTC has negotiated a sweeter deal a long time ago.

3 % the City caved I think unless there was a reduction of starting wages and benefits.

Inflation will be 2% this year


New member
Feb 28, 2007
hoser1970 said:
Most people get 2 paid 15 minute breaks and an unpaid lunch (this is what the law requires)...which would you prefer?

And if you are management, you are lucky if you even GET a lunch break most days!
I am a sole proprieter I own the business and I work about 95 hrs a week during the summer.

I don't make an average of 25.00 per hour over the year and I ahve spent 25 years learning my business, which includes stone masonry, carpentry surveying and heavy equipment operation( yes I could drive a bus ).

I don't get paid breaks or paid lunches although I have to pay labourers for that time . I have to put up with bullshit from clients because if I don't I won't have any clients.( I dosen't look like the rock in the picture, I really like it but I would rather have something like that)

The purpose of this particular venting is to point out that idiot customers are not the sole purview of bus drivers , being paid the same amount for a job of lower skill level is economic suicide . If a driver can no longer drive and takes a position like ticket collector he takes the wage hit with it.

The statement that you are losing x amount of oney to deductions negotiated by the union is well and good. The people paying for those benefits are the taxoayers of toronto either through the fare box or through the their taxes .

The managment throughout toronto and its corporations is hideously over staffed . Just one example council members get dinner paid for . They also get the plants in their offices watered, ok two examples. The waste starts at the top and works its way down.

A chainsaw should be taken to managment at all levels.

Caretaking services ie; janitorial etc at the ttc should be put out to tender lowest bidder wins.

I just realized that I could expound for hrs but that is counter productive.

Here Endeth The Rant


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2005
On top of yo mama!
xdog said:
I don't think anyone is overpaid if their employer is willing to pay that wage. Are hockey players overpaid? Are teachers overpaid? Are escorts overpaid? It seems that anyone who makes more than the complainers on this blog are overpaid. I know an electrician making $110/hour working up north. Is he overpaid?
People like to discuss the skill set required by the TTC but nobody seems to understand what it is.
Sure there are TTC employees who are assholes that shouldn't be there. There are also bad teachers, cops, and escorts who shouldn't be working in their respective fields.
If you want the $26/hour and benefits, the hiring hall is on Bathurst. If not, stop bitching and go back to your job where you are extremely happy getting by on what you are truly worth.

sorry my job pays much more than $26/hr so i will skip the hiring hall. :D
as someelse already pointed out, the city isnt willing to pay them the higher monies, hence the strike talk. obviously this means the TTC's employer thinks they are overpaid.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Seems that the UNION THUGS won another round.

Wait for fares or taxes to increase to cover the costs.

All you people who work harder for less enjoy riding on transit knowing that sluggo in the ticket booth or driving the bus gets paid more.

How sad.



New member
Aug 3, 2006
Just my 2 cent

I have no problem with TTC worker increasing their wages because of whatever reason they have. Everyone want to have a better live, right? The thing is who is paying for it? In this case, the riders are, and they are not getting their wages increased due to an increase in ticket price. People are angry, I think is not because TTC workers are getting pay exceptionally higher than other equally challenging jobs, but it is because the unfairness that it will cause in society. Why should riders have to pay more for the same level of service they used to get? I mean if ticket prices never goes up and the government compensate the TTC workers with tax cut or whatever, I think there will be much less noise than now.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
The quid pro quo with a strike is that the striking workers have to deal with the hardship of no income beyond strike pay for the period of the strike. The chance of a mortgage, car payment loan etc going into arrears . This disincentive to strike does not exist with the TTC as both sides are well aware of the fact that the workers will be set back to work by legislation. The end result is a couple of days or a week off then back to work. Several months off with no money does not come into the equation so the only inconvienienced people are transit riders.

The system should be made an essetial service and the wages decided by arbitration after comparison to equivalent work places not just the highest paid comparison.

N.B. The York region transit system is contracted out and runns well at a lower cost per passenger.


New member
Jan 24, 2008
KBear said:
Photographers should make as much as they can in this competitive market.

Have not noticed many people complaining about the pay bus drivers make. Driving a bus is a difficult job that requires someone to pay attention all day, and put up with BS from the public. The bus drivers are out front and exposed to the public. I would not want to be a bus driver going back to work after a strike for sure.

It is the ticket takers, cleaners etc that are extremely overpaid. They are also easily replaced either with contracting out, or automation. How can it be justified that a ticket taker makes 3-4x the market rate for the job, or as much as a bus driver?

In some ways it is the bus drivers who are getting screwed, because the unions will not allow the automation, or contracting out of services. If the system could be made more efficient, there would be fewer strikes, rates could be lowered, and the public might be nicer to the bus drivers who are out in front taking the blame for everything that is wrong with the TTC.

We so called ticket takers are paid the same as drivers because we ALL were drivers before. As for education that everyone keeps bringing up, The majority have college or university education. Anyone on this board know how to drive a subway? how about fixing a subway door problem in under 60 seconds? No ok something simple then drive a bus for 12 hours a day with all the idiot drivers in Toronto we have? I as a ticket taker can do all that and more. I choose to be a ticket taker because I have that option and wanted to try it out. I do get bored alot of times so you will see me reading or listening to music. I put those down when people come to buy tickets or passes. (I am responsible for all that money/ tickets I have. So when you throw $3 into the farebox don't expect a quarter back from my funds) I know alot of collectors are very rude and should not be in working as collectors but we all know all jobs have some bad apples.
As for everyone saying make us "Essential service", great please do. I can then reap the rewards of better contracts like the police and fire fighters do. I would say 90% of drivers want this and most wanted to go out on strike not because we wanted to cripple the city, but so we could be declared a Essential service and get it over with. We all know the ttc is a Essential service so get it over with a make us one.
Another reason we would love to be Essential service is ttc management loves to fire us for any reason. The then try to force you to come back with conditions. most of these firings are not valid reasons to fire someone. but what do they care it's taxpayers money they use to fight our union with when they know they will lose. There has been so many cases of workers being fired and harassed and then won settlements from ttc. If we become Essential service say goodbye to firing's as they would have to pay us full pay while were off.
i know most of you know about the way ttc fought the blind lawyer for years about station stop annoncements. the do the same with drivers ALL the time.
Now for the main issue for threatning strike action, the assaults and safety issues and losing pay because of this. Now be reasonable and think about this for a minute. 7 years ago I was driving a subway train when a 15 year old girl jumped infront of my train. I will not go into details but trust me when i say I remember every fine detail of what happened like it was yesterday. I almost lost my house and car because I was not able to go to work right after. At the time it took 6 weeks minimun for any money to come in from wsib. I had to borrow from family and credit cards just to make ends meet. On top of this and the suicide the ttc management harasses you to come back to work even if your not ready. This has been going on a long time and was a big concern for many. this also includes drivers that are assaulted. So why should we not receive full pay when were assaulted or someone committs suicide in front of you while working?

ttc collector/ bus driver/ subway driver
Toronto Escorts