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TTC strike official! Monday @ 4 am!


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
...strike...strike.....strike...strike....strike...strike....strike...strike. i hope they strike... who are anyone to tell them they don't deserve cushy jobs and over pay.... i know a driver he makes 70k plus.. he says it is an easy job .. people make the driver stress up.. he loves when the ladies have low cut tops.. the cleavage is great.. he says that some times he drives around with a semi chub all day.. there are so many beautiful ladies in this city... he hates the idea of the strike.. "total waste of time"


Nov 11, 2004
Jaedon said:
That's EXACLTY what working to rule means. NOT doing a part of your job that is required. Ask the cops that don't write speeding tickets when they catch you speeding during a work to rule campaign? Are they getting a free ride? Think your statements through before making them so that they at least make sense. Wouldn't you rather save $25 a week in fares than spend a week stuck in traffic because of the strike?
Umm, actually, you're the one who should think things trough, because that is not at all what work to rule is. Work to rule is where employees do no more than the minimum required by their job, and enforce other regulations to the max in order to slow-down production. That is why it's called "work to rule" -- they are working to the letter of the rules and regulations.

Police officers aren't required to write tickets, they are required to enforce the law, and are given a great deal of discretion in how they carry that out. That is why when they work to rule, they will pull people over and give them warnings instead of tickets. When teachers work to rule, they stop doing the voluntary activities like coaching sports and other extra-curriculars.

Drivers and ticket collectors don't have discretion when it comes to collecting fares, so failing to do that is not work-to-rule, it's failing to do their job and will get them fired. Taking your union-mandated break at an inconvenient time for the employer? Work to rule. Not performing required duties? Grounds for dismissal.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
james t kirk said:
I mean that there are lots of things that should be done at TTC that aren't because the money has to come from somewhere.


Double doors on subway platforms to prevent jumpers and pushers. Obvious solution, however, who is going to pay for it. So instead, we allow a suicide or two a week (resulting in one very scarred subway driver), and the odd push every few years.


Cameras on Buses


the driver enclosures

etc. etc.
I agree

But if the TTC didnt have so many over-inflated salaries, perhaps they'd have money for all that.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Esco! said:
I agree

But if the TTC didnt have so many over-inflated salaries, perhaps they'd have money for all that.
More money problems for the TTC? Dont worry, their solution for that is raise the fares in a few months


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Jaedon said:
The union left a message on my machine yesterday. They will be calling all members to advise us of a strike by early afternoon on Sunday. The deadline is set for 4pm on Sunday afternoon which is 2 hours after Mayor Miller returns from China. So he has 2 hours to get from the airport to the negotiating table to prove that he is the mayor king he believes he is and prevent a strike.

Bus drivers, subway drivers, collectors (ticket takers) are all teh same position by salary and we get $26.54/hour with time and a half for voluntary overtime and double time for forced/mandatory overtime. We feel that the break down is like this: $6/hour for driving the bus - $20.54 / hour for putting up with everyones bullshit (take that as everyone of the 1% of passengers who constitute the moron population of this fine city) and that simply is not enough for me to put up with all that bullshit.

Perhaps TTC employees would not have to put up with the bullshit you describe if
a) They eliminated the employees with terrible attitudes (ie, the sign on the street car was different from the one I regularly take, I asked politely if this car was going to Yonge. The driver snapped back at me "Cant you read the sign?. What an asshole. A lot of drivers are really cool ie pleasant & help old ladies onto the bus or help women with little kids on to the bus. There is however a sizable % which do not like their jobs and it shows, People tend to remember the bad incidents more than the good ones
b) The scheduling was better.
I have waited outside in frigid weather for 30-40 mins waiting for a street car. Then I will see 4 or 5 in a row come along. The last one of course will not carry anyone ???? WTF???
Don't blame this one on management. Strike threats every 2-3 years lead to confrontational partnerships with management.
Your union should be looking to be partners with management. In the ever changing global economy, unions that do not adopt this approach will go the way of the dodo bird. The CAW will be very small in twenty years time, if it even exists

C) If the TTC union did not threaten to disrupt riders daily lives every 2-3 years by withholding services that many depend upon. Demanding ever increasing compensation which is significantly higher than the national average for positions which do not require special skills of education is plain unsustainable.

$20.54 / hr for putting up with Bullshit. GIVE ME A BREAK.
Every Job has its bullshit component.
If it that bad, find another job. Oh, you are not qualified for another job, well have you thought about retraining yourself?
You prefer to feel your special & deserve to sponge from the rest of society by demanding higher compensation than the national average

In the private sector if you withhold services you lose clients, then your job

Sorry pal no sympathy from me for threating to mess me about next week


New member
Sep 8, 2005
I was never asking for sympathy and who the fuck are you telling me that I am not qualified to do another job? I graduated with Honors with a degree in domestic animal sciences on my way to being a vet... I found out that there isn't enough money in my chosen field (as a vet tech) to raise a family on. I also could not go on to be a vet because I could not deal with the grief component. 3 years in journalism before that showed me that there is another industry where it isn't what you know but whose ass you can kiss to make it to the top... and I am most certainly not going to kiss someone's ass to get anywhere in life when I can get there with determination and hard work.

Again I challenge ANY of you to do the job of a bus driver for ONE day and see how well you make it out at the end.

And lastly I agree that all the employees that have that type of attitude should be fired.... as long as it isn't a one off incident...everyone has a bad day... even two....but when it's an everyday thing they should be out on their ass so that I am not made to be thought of as an asshole because of something someone else did.

Retraining myself? Most people with a grain of sense in their head are CONSTANTLY learning and therefore don't need to be retrained. Looking for another job to allow me to raise my 2 kids and keep my family fed without forcing my wife to head back into the work place is my number one motivation. The moment I find another job that meets my requirements I would not hesitat to jump ship.... been looking for 8 years....

As for the work to rule suggestion I stand corrected..... it seems I misunderstood the concept. No in my mind it takes an intelligent person to stand up and be counted and admit they made a mistake.. I shall take that stand here.


Dec 24, 2001
Jaedon said:
Again I challenge ANY of you to do the job of a bus driver for ONE day and see how well you make it out at the end.
Set up the day with the TTC and I'm sure you'll have a few terbites and recent arrivals taking you up on your challenge.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
thompo69 said:
Umm, actually, you're the one who should think things trough, because that is not at all what work to rule is. Work to rule is where employees do no more than the minimum required by their job, and enforce other regulations to the max in order to slow-down production. That is why it's called "work to rule" -- they are working to the letter of the rules and regulations.

Police officers aren't required to write tickets, they are required to enforce the law, and are given a great deal of discretion in how they carry that out. That is why when they work to rule, they will pull people over and give them warnings instead of tickets. When teachers work to rule, they stop doing the voluntary activities like coaching sports and other extra-curriculars.

Drivers and ticket collectors don't have discretion when it comes to collecting fares, so failing to do that is not work-to-rule, it's failing to do their job and will get them fired. Taking your union-mandated break at an inconvenient time for the employer? Work to rule. Not performing required duties? Grounds for dismissal.
Actually, drivers and collectors do have discretion when it comes to collecting fares. Another example of someone who knows a little less than he thinks. Breaks are mandated by law, not by unions.



New member
Feb 28, 2006
rama putri said:
Exactly! The TTC union is plainly extorting money. Again, just fire the lot of them and hire people that want to work and who understand the value of work.

What sort of work do you do?



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Face it pal you & your union are out of line here.
Threating a strike every 2-3 years is wearing thin.

Who am I telling you are not qualified to another job.
I am not telling you are not qualified to another job. If you are qualified to do another job & feel that the $20.54 /hr premium is not enough to compensate you for the bullshit factor of your job then find another one
But do not threaten to disrupt city of millions to demand more compensation for a job which is already clearly overpaid for the services provided.

Again you are not special and compensation well over the national average is not warranted.
I suggest you think long & hard about the people making a much lower wage who also have 2 kids & who will receive less in their pay packet because it will take them an extra hour to travel to work when you go on strike.Or they will have to fork out for cab fare to get to work & then back home to those 2 kids

As far as your education goes. It is your choice to drive a bus vs work in the field you are educated for.

Who the fuck am I telling you anything?
I am your client. I ride the bus/ street car / train every day
It is my fares & tax dollars which pay your salary
Just like the guy who is making less and will have to fork over more to get to work if you strike. He /She is your client as well
Not much thought went into their hardships as a result of a strike was there?
No this is greed at its lowest form.
Without the client you have no job!!!!

This is the simple fact you seem to be missing and will probably never understand, despite your level of high education

Sorry pal you guys are out of line
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
elmufdvr said:
...strike...strike.....strike...strike....strike...strike....strike...strike. i hope they strike... who are anyone to tell them they don't deserve cushy jobs and over pay.... i know a driver he makes 70k plus.. he says it is an easy job .. people make the driver stress up.. he loves when the ladies have low cut tops.. the cleavage is great.. he says that some times he drives around with a semi chub all day.. there are so many beautiful ladies in this city... he hates the idea of the strike.. "total waste of time"
I know a driver who makes $80k. Yes, $80k.

I have no sympathy for the people in the TTC who complain about the stress of their job. Teachers are paid about half of that and they actually do something other than pushing a pedal and watching the fare box. These days, everyone's job is stressful, by and large, in one form or another.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
If the strike does happen, have to feel sorry for the people who are working in regular jobs, who may not earn much money, but need all the money they do earn to support themselves and their family, and must get to work one way or another.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
babyfinsta said:
i personally dont think education should determine one's lot in life. there are a lot of people i know that make a hell of a lot of money w little or no education. i have more credentials than my previous bosses. its not how much knowledge u have in your head but what u do with it.

i used to work in a union a long time ago. even i knew i was overpaid. plus, i would have had to kill somebody in order for me to considered for dismissal. of course, i always fought for the union increases when it came up. :D
everyone always looks out for their best interest. i have no beef with people trying to milk the cow (even u admit that's what it is)

given the skill set required howver, TTC guys are overpaid. are u telling me that guy sitting on his ass issuing tickets can easily get an equivalent job in the private sector doing the same thing for the same $26/hr and benefits? if not than he is obviously overpaid and dont expect people to be sypathetic.

i dont take the ttc but i feel bad for the commuters that have to.
I don't think anyone is overpaid if their employer is willing to pay that wage. Are hockey players overpaid? Are teachers overpaid? Are escorts overpaid? It seems that anyone who makes more than the complainers on this blog are overpaid. I know an electrician making $110/hour working up north. Is he overpaid?
People like to discuss the skill set required by the TTC but nobody seems to understand what it is.
Sure there are TTC employees who are assholes that shouldn't be there. There are also bad teachers, cops, and escorts who shouldn't be working in their respective fields.
If you want the $26/hour and benefits, the hiring hall is on Bathurst. If not, stop bitching and go back to your job where you are extremely happy getting by on what you are truly worth.



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
xdog said:
I don't think anyone is overpaid if their employer is willing to pay that wage. x
In this case the employer (The city- ie they are broke) is not willing to pay that wage.
However the TTC union is threatening the economic viability of the city by denying service.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Mao Tse Tongue said:
I know a driver who makes $80k. Yes, $80k.

I have no sympathy for the people in the TTC who complain about the stress of their job. Teachers are paid about half of that and they actually do something other than pushing a pedal and watching the fare box. These days, everyone's job is stressful, by and large, in one form or another.
Yup, I agree

$26 an hour for sitting at a booth, and still they're on strike?????!!!!! :confused:


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
xdog said:
I don't think anyone is overpaid if their employer is willing to pay that wage. Are hockey players overpaid? Are teachers overpaid? Are escorts overpaid? It seems that anyone who makes more than the complainers on this blog are overpaid. I know an electrician making $110/hour working up north. Is he overpaid?
You're comparing apples and oranges, the TTC is (ab)using their union status to hijack the city


Nov 11, 2004
xdog said:
Actually, drivers and collectors do have discretion when it comes to collecting fares. Another example of someone who knows a little less than he thinks. Breaks are mandated by law, not by unions.

So, you are saying that drivers have the discretion to let people ride for free? I'm pretty sure they don't, even though some may do it. I'm sure the TTC doesn't care if the odd person here and there is let on with less than exact change, but any organized effort to do it regularly would be stomped on.

And I admit referring to breaks as "union mandated" was not clear, but it depends on who you work for whether breaks are mandated by law, or the terms of one's collective agreement (negotiated by their union, which is what I was referring to).

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
thompo69 said:
And I admit referring to breaks as "union mandated" was not clear, but it depends on who you work for whether breaks are mandated by law, or the terms of one's collective agreement (negotiated by their union, which is what I was referring to).
Apparently if you are paid for lunch, you don't get your 2 breaks. I work 9-5 with a paid lunch and don't get any 2- 10 or 15 min. breaks. :eek:


Uncaring bastard!
Aug 28, 2006
The Centre of the Universe!
The Bandit said:
Apparently if you are paid for lunch, you don't get your 2 breaks. I work 9-5 with a paid lunch and don't get any 2- 10 or 15 min. breaks. :eek:
Most people get 2 paid 15 minute breaks and an unpaid lunch (this is what the law requires)...which would you prefer?

And if you are management, you are lucky if you even GET a lunch break most days!

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
hoser1970 said:
Most people get 2 paid 15 minute breaks and an unpaid lunch (this is what the law requires)...which would you prefer?

And if you are management, you are lucky if you even GET a lunch break most days!
Most would probably prefer to work a half hour less each day.
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