TTC on strike


Mar 20, 2004
So a 9% raise in the next 3 years is not enough for these fucking idiots ?? What the city needs to do is cut the pay of the police, fireman, teachers, and doctors so that they can pay the TTC employees more money because they feel they should be the highest paid people !!! Fire all these uneducated bastards and get people who actually take pride in their work to work at the TTC. Fucking idiots, when this strike is over every car driver should start by never giving way to bus drivers and giving them finger when they drive by !
JohnFK said:
Got home just in time after going to the opera via the TTC.

It should be an essential service.
Eugene Onegin? How was it?

and yes I agree it should be an essential service, I feel bad for everyone that has to try to get to work tomorrow (or home tonight!).


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Gutless f***s leaving people high and dry. At least get the people home that rely on their service and help pay their f****** wages.

Liber Pater

New member
Feb 27, 2007
Then you hear that ridership is down???? I stopped taking TTC daily at beginning of the year and now walk where I need to go. If its more than a 30 minute walk, I take my car.

Lucky I live close to work so the car only gets used for groceries and SP visits.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
strike strike!!! power to the people.... strike strike!!! just f@cking great... as if wasn't hard enuf to make a living in the a F#cking TTC cocks@ckers strike!! F#ck them all... off with the unions head!!! but this could be good? it will give me the chance to toss a few eggs at the f@cking striking assh@les.. or maybe just be a good citizen and just supply eggs to stranded passengers.. they could use the protine from eggs to help themselves. hummmm not a bad thought. got eggs?


New member
Jan 24, 2008
dcbogey said:
So much for the 48 hour notice they pledged to give.

The 48 hours notice was not given because last week before the last minute deal drivers were being threatned and assaulted. The union did not want to get any other drivers assaulted over the weekend if they knew we were walking off the job monday.
I do think my union is dumb for what they have just done. This comes down to the maintnace side not having the right language in the contract to make sure jobs would not be contracted out. which with all these new buses they feared the company that made the buses were going to get the maintnace work down the road and they would be out of jobs. All they needed to do was stay at the table longer last week to make sure the proper language was included and we would not be striking now.
The TTC managment likes to screw us when it comes to language in contracts. We are still fighting for our job evaluations which we won 6 years ago. The TTC is using every stop to not give it to us. All other city workers received this but not us because of the contract language from 6 years ago, they found a loophole to delay it.
Well only thing good about this is now maybe we will be declared a essential service which we are. To all those that miss work today I am sorry. I had nothing but positive feedback from my regular customers all week that they were on our side. Somehow I think that will not be the case anymore. But we must stand together and fight for our jobs as if they contract out maintnace jobs it would just be a matter of time before they tried same with drivers and other workers.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2004
The union has said that giving 48 hours notice was not acceptable, because it might endanger their workers. Well, I'm sorry to break it to them, but pulling services at the last minute on a Friday night doesn't exactly endear themselves to the public, either. Way to drum up public support.


New member
Jan 24, 2008
flyingiguana said:
this is insane. no notice to the public? make it an essential service and cut their pay 10%+

yes yes please do make us essential service. but you see are pay will not go down with this it will go up up up.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
buffyjunky said:
The 48 hours notice was not given because last week before the last minute deal drivers were being threatned and assaulted. The union did not want to get any other drivers assaulted over the weekend if they knew we were walking off the job monday.
They could have at least worked until people got home from the bars instead of stranding people.

buffyjunky said:
This comes down to the maintnace side not having the right language in the contract to make sure jobs would not be contracted out. which with all these new buses they feared the company that made the buses were going to get the maintnace work down the road and they would be out of jobs.
The union management agreed in principal to a contract. If the union management is so out of touch, the union management should have been thrown out on the spot. How they hell can they go back to the table when it is clear they don't have a f***ing clue what the members want? If it is a matter of "wording" the union could have given the city x number hours/days to renegotiate before striking.

buffyjunky said:
All they needed to do was stay at the table longer last week to make sure the proper language was included and we would not be striking now.
Or the union could have gave an extension because they have union management that doesn't understand its members.

buffyjunky said:
The TTC managment likes to screw us when it comes to language in contracts.
Maybe the union should hire better lawyers that can actually understand the language in a contract.

I now hope the city contracts out maintenance out to show the union that the city doesn't appreciate the disregard to it riders.

By the way, I was mostly in favor of the TTC workers being able to strike but it doesn't seem the workers give a shit about the riders.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
dcbogey said:
Surprisingly, he actually seemed pretty pissed of. He has asked McGuinty to legislate them back to work asap.
He probasbly is pissed off. He gave them everything they asked for and now they want more . His little deal with Kinnear fell through.

The world is not unfolding as it should in his tiny little mind.

The negotiaors should go back to the table start at square one, or better get negotiators from Calgary or Edmonton who have no vested interest in the city to negotiate a proper contract.

Contract out all the non skilled cleaning services 26.00 /hr to push a broom seems a little high right now
God/Allah/Buddha/your choice of savior) ....BLESS TERB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it weren't for the good membership on this board, I probably would not have known 'bout this strike.

Just cruisin the Lounge and saw the headline....!!!

I'd hate to be downtown later this afternoon for the Raptors playoff game.....16000 + people in the fuckin downtown core?!?!

Yup, chaos.



Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
Dr. Know said:
It is time that the City and the Union get back to the table and get an acceptable contract in place. If the public feel that the TTC is an essential service then the government should create the legislation to make it so. I have noticed that there has been a lot of "union bashing" going on but remember that unions are a response to bad management. Torontonians will be inconvenienced because the negotiating teams did not properly resolve the issues on the table. Get back to the table, do your jobs, and get the transport system rolling!
Unions are not always in response to bad management. In the case of the public sector, it is more in response to overfed employees and management who really have no business model to adhere to. The city can always borrow more or raise taxes. Any private industry would just go bankrupt as they are unable to compete. Unions have their place, but the TTC union is only there to hold the city hostage. The TTC generally provides shitty service with staff that have all the personality of Kraft cheese (not even good cheese!).

Only one negotiating team did not do their job (the UNION). It is a royal fuck up. I was pissed at the TTC before. Now I think they should all be fired. They can go out on the market again and find out what their skills are really worth.


Aug 26, 2006
Buffy, very brave of you to out yourself as a TTC worker right now :)

But we must stand together and fight for our jobs as if they contract out maintnace jobs it would just be a matter of time before they tried same with drivers and other workers.
I don't think anyone other than TTC employees would be all that broken up about it if that happens. It's not like those jobs would be lost to another country.

I do think it's funny how a lot of free-market Ayn Randian types are up in arms about the TTC employee's preceived "greed". I thought greed was good?

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
A friend of mine works in the body shop @ the TTC he said the do a lousy job so the bus rust out in a few years so so they have work to do..... fire the lot of them and start over aalot of people have bus licences.....

b d


Apr 11, 2008
Most TTC employees are drones ...
Meaning of "drone":
1) A male bee, especially a honeybee, that is characteristically stingless, performs no work, and produces no honey.
2) an idle person who lives by the work of others; parasite; loafer
3) a person whose work is routine, monotonous, etc.

These people are soooo overpaid it's not funny. You can train a chimp to blow a whistle and press a couple of buttons...
Ashley Madison
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