TTC strike official! Monday @ 4 am!


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
xdog said:
For all those people complaining about incomes for TTC employees, please list your job, income, and education. I'm sure you wouldn't mind giving other people a chance to decide if you're worth it or not....

I have multiple degrees, a lifetime of experience & I work late (without OT)when its needed.
Do not insult me by saying TTC employees deserve to make more than me
Unions had their day, served their purpose to prevent abuses in the late 19th and early 20th century.
This boils down to simple plain "Greed"
$100 K / yr to make change with a poor attitude.
Something is very very wrong
They have milked the cow & its running dry


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
tersey said:
Today unions are needed in places like China.
I saw a doc on the way factory workers are treated there and it was heartbreaking.

Don't believe all that you see. Any report has some bias in it.

At our facility the people are paid above the norm and get superior dorm accomadations and occupancy.

Not saying we are saints, we expect performance in return, but it is hardly exploitation. There are many terrible locations but they are generally not in the WOFE's, the main offenders are the domestic companies .


rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
Someone should have the balls and fire the whole lot of them. Even if its dragged through the courts for years and years. I've been riding the TTC since I was a kid, most recently taking the subway to the Eaton Centre a couple weeks ago, and I haven't met a bunch of more whiny workers other than teachers.


Jul 29, 2007
xdog said:
For all those people complaining about incomes for TTC employees, please list your job, income, and education. I'm sure you wouldn't mind giving other people a chance to decide if you're worth it or not....

what the TTC is doing is nothing more than legalized extortion. they get paid extremely well for their skillset (public sector jobs don't pay the same as private sector jobs) and if they don't like it, find another job.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
i hope this strike last weeks.. so the employees get f all strike pay.. so it will take a long time for them to earn the lost money from the strike... hahahah i laugh at those stupid assh@les... the closed stations should be over run by the homeless and set up commuinites under ground.. enjoy saving the enviornment by riding your bikes... don't forget that this will rase the cost of goods at the stores..because the trucks will be stuck in traffic and burn more gas and raise cost of deliveries and kill the enviornment faster.. yup man is the true animal.. me first second.. me third... you last..

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
I worked at Consumers Distributing and we were in a strike position in 1980, the Union president said he didn't care whether we went on strike or not...that he still got paid his $600/wk anyways. Bob Kinnear can also tell the workers to go on strike because it doesn't affect his paycheque.

Always hearing about the extensive "fringe" benefits for the TTC union and also the teachers union contracts... I wonder how much they make in strike pay.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
elmufdvr said:
i hope this strike last weeks.. so the employees get f all strike pay.. so it will take a long time for them to earn the lost money from the strike... hahahah i laugh at those stupid assh@les... the closed stations should be over run by the homeless and set up commuinites under ground.. enjoy saving the enviornment by riding your bikes... don't forget that this will rase the cost of goods at the stores..because the trucks will be stuck in traffic and burn more gas and raise cost of deliveries and kill the enviornment faster.. yup man is the true animal.. me first second.. me third... you last..
That will cause economic chaos.
People will not be able to work a full day. Get in late , leave early etc
The trucks will not be able to deliver goods
& some poor schmuck will die because his ambulance was unable to get through traffic
Business leaders will pressure the Govt to legislate back to work.
A couple of days, a week max then the Govt will have to step in
Hopefully in a forcefully way to put the union-heads in their place


New member
Feb 28, 2006
milhouse said:
So NOW you want to be treated like others? hmmm. I have no probs with that, but what would that really prove to you? If anything i think it'd totally backfire and work against you if you want to compare general public and ttc.

Why do you guys always say the same things, but ignore what everyone else is saying? Everyone as in the general public who pays you. This is more than what ppl think you're worth. You want more money, than give ppl a good reason to side with you. Cant believe after all these years and all these talks of strikes you people still dont get why people complaint so much about ttc and $.
You guys go on strike til you get what you want then its back to normal. Not caring about nothing else but what You want.

This is exactly my point, you guys always cry the victim like you are perfect.
As i've said earlier, why should TTC get paid extra for stress and injury before anything happens? Everyone has stress and gets injured on the job, what makes ttc special?

Funny how NOONE from TTC dont EVER comment on any of the complaints from the public, they always turn things around, or just ignores it. Always crying the victim. Even shows in places like here.

I now longer work at the TTC. I'm working as an electrician making more money for easier work. Ain't life grand?



New member
Feb 28, 2006
flyingiguana said:
what the TTC is doing is nothing more than legalized extortion. they get paid extremely well for their skillset (public sector jobs don't pay the same as private sector jobs) and if they don't like it, find another job.
If you want to make more money, then work at the TTC.



New member
Feb 28, 2006
JohnLarue said:
I have multiple degrees, a lifetime of experience & I work late (without OT)when its needed.
Do not insult me by saying TTC employees deserve to make more than me
Unions had their day, served their purpose to prevent abuses in the late 19th and early 20th century.
This boils down to simple plain "Greed"
$100 K / yr to make change with a poor attitude.
Something is very very wrong
They have milked the cow & its running dry

Why don't TTC workers deserve to make more than you? Where is it written that people with degrees deserve more money than people without? I have a degree.....big deal... How's it feel to work OT without getting compensated for it? Sucks to be you. I would rather milk a cow than be a sheep.



New member
Feb 28, 2006
John_E_Depth said:
Last week in the Sun their was a write up stating that some TTC employee's make $100,000. with overtime yearly..

A job that basically requires (grade 3) math skillz and some of them are still very rude to customers and earning 100g's?

Thats f-ed up.

I agree with the guy who said that allot of those so called assults are from the drivers/collectors being impatient and rude to customers. A few months ago I had made an complaint against a ticket collector for being extreamly rude and not making change for me at one of their high traffic stations. I didnt assault him physically but I did put him in his place verbally. He actually tried to bluff me that he had the power to ban me from the station forever...haha. I told him where to go and walked down to the train.

When I told their complaints department what he had said they kept apologising to me saying that only TTC police can ban a customer from a station and asked for the collectors name/which side of the booth he was working on. They told me that a supervisior will have a talk with him and straighten him out and it wont happen again.

Since then I have not seem him. What I think they do is keep moving the workers with bad records and poor customer service history's from one station to another. Maybe with the union its tuff to fire a worker so they become nomads and move from one side of the city to another until they act up again?

Some of them think that they are cops and they try to boss customers around within their little booth.haha
I know the real reason they try to boss people around is because deep down they hate their job since its so mindless and unchallenging. They think within that 5 feet by 6 foot booth they are god.ha

They should thank god that they have a job paying over $ for the level of education/skill they have.
You need a high school degree to work at the TTC. What is your level of education? Where did you come up with $15/hour?



New member
Feb 28, 2006
KBear said:
$26.54/hour, plus probably a third more with benefits. Ticket takers should be making about $10/hour, with no benefits. No wonder the city has no money. At some point something has to change, because this can not go on forever.

How much should photographers make? Anyone can point and shoot.....



New member
Feb 28, 2006
milhouse said:
So NOW you want to be treated like others? hmmm. I have no probs with that, but what would that really prove to you? If anything i think it'd totally backfire and work against you if you want to compare general public and ttc.

Why do you guys always say the same things, but ignore what everyone else is saying? Everyone as in the general public who pays you. This is more than what ppl think you're worth. You want more money, than give ppl a good reason to side with you. Cant believe after all these years and all these talks of strikes you people still dont get why people complaint so much about ttc and $.
You guys go on strike til you get what you want then its back to normal. Not caring about nothing else but what You want.

This is exactly my point, you guys always cry the victim like you are perfect.
As i've said earlier, why should TTC get paid extra for stress and injury before anything happens? Everyone has stress and gets injured on the job, what makes ttc special?

Funny how NOONE from TTC dont EVER comment on any of the complaints from the public, they always turn things around, or just ignores it. Always crying the victim. Even shows in places like here.

I'm still waiting for people to list job, income, and education?



Well-known member
Jul 2, 2005
On top of yo mama!
xdog said:
How much should photographers make? Anyone can point and shoot.....

using that arguement, the guy issuing ttc tickets and change in the subway should be making the same as they guy in the booth at a Impark lot.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
babyfinsta said:
using that arguement, the guy issuing ttc tickets and change in the subway should be making the same as they guy in the booth at a Impark lot.
Exactly! The TTC union is plainly extorting money. Again, just fire the lot of them and hire people that want to work and who understand the value of work.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
rama putri said:
Exactly! The TTC union is plainly extorting money. Again, just fire the lot of them and hire people that want to work and who understand the value of work.
I sometimes use a transfer to get from streetcar to subway. As an experiment, for the past few times I've just walked through without showing the transfer. I've yet to be stopped.

The TTC spent $400K fighting a case brought against them to announce stops. When they lost the case, they had to install automated equipment that does exactly that. Instead of fighting a useless case, they could have spent the $400K installing that automated equipment years ago.

In a similar vein then, I think most (all?) ticket collectors could be released and automated transfer machines could be installed where necessary. From my limited experiment, it's clear that the ticket collectors aren't doing their job / couldn't care to try a little harder. Why keep them? Buying tokens and metropasses can easily be done through machines if the TTC would just try a little harder and get more / better machines.


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2005
On top of yo mama!
xdog said:
Why don't TTC workers deserve to make more than you? Where is it written that people with degrees deserve more money than people without? I have a degree.....big deal... How's it feel to work OT without getting compensated for it? Sucks to be you. I would rather milk a cow than be a sheep.

i personally dont think education should determine one's lot in life. there are a lot of people i know that make a hell of a lot of money w little or no education. i have more credentials than my previous bosses. its not how much knowledge u have in your head but what u do with it.

i used to work in a union a long time ago. even i knew i was overpaid. plus, i would have had to kill somebody in order for me to considered for dismissal. of course, i always fought for the union increases when it came up. :D
everyone always looks out for their best interest. i have no beef with people trying to milk the cow (even u admit that's what it is)

given the skill set required howver, TTC guys are overpaid. are u telling me that guy sitting on his ass issuing tickets can easily get an equivalent job in the private sector doing the same thing for the same $26/hr and benefits? if not than he is obviously overpaid and dont expect people to be sypathetic.

i dont take the ttc but i feel bad for the commuters that have to.


Well-known member
Jul 2, 2005
On top of yo mama!
xdog said:
How much should photographers make? Anyone can point and shoot.....

on a side note Kbear, u are worth every penny u charge...i am still pleasuring myself to Jana and Daphne's pics :D


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
Toronto Needs to Get up to speed

One great way that the TTC can save money is update the system, get rid of the drivers in the subways and go automated like other cities like Vancouver. Enough paying another Union more damn money out of our pockets when it can be going back to things Toronto needs (ie Swimming pools). Another story all together but it's a valid point.

It's like when I hear all the BS about how cabbies in Toronto have it bad with abusive riders but these same jackasses are the same ones who won't drive you if you aren't going to be a big $$$ ride. Pure example is trying to go anywhere in the downtown core from the entertainment area, mostly on the weekends or the busy nights. They will kick your ass out or not even let you in to begin with if you not going outside of Toronto. I never feel sorry for them when they have any issues. Same how I feel with the TTC issue. I can't understand how someone selling tickets can be worth $100,000+ a year when we can put that money towards upgrading the system and get rid of them all together. Forget the whole get the same pay if you are injured because everyone with an IQ of at least 70 knows that it will be abused. If it's safety that they worry about then either TTC locks a cage around them or maybe they need to get a new safer job. I say no to higher wages and no to 100% comp for medical issues. Terb readers and I both know their jobs are priceless. They got it great already. They are just milking the system like it was build for and the consumer is getting the bad end of the deal.

I remember Vancouver had a bus strike that lasted more than 123 days.
Read about what happened with them. Government had to step in but it sure changed how strikes could happen and not ever again.

Sometimes I wish Toronto was in the US. Reason is you can sue anyone for anything. I would sue them surely for any money that I had to pay out extra for time wasted and money lost because their asses went on strike. And that lawsuit would come from someone who drives to work and doesnt ride the TTC. I will never ride the TTC like I'll never ride in a Toronto Cab.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts