Toronto Escorts

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  1. B

    I'm balding....HELP

    Use Rogaine everyday. Discontinue using after a month or so, and take daily pictures of all your hair falling out. I give it about 1 week! Threaten to sue or go public. $$$$
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    N.Y. mayor says defending Israel is part of his job

    Antisemitism is probably the most misused word in politics, anti-Jewish or anti-israeli is more correct.
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    Dating a Civilian Man? ;)

    How about implied occasional unfaithfulness? cause it's just not as hot if you have permission.
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    How dumb am I? I bought a jacket with coyote fur on the collar.

    The answer to the original question is...pretty fuckin' dumb.
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    Apple Mini Mac

    Mac desktops are really designed as a piece of art, versus an optimal functioning computer. For an older gent that is new to Macs methods, one might find it quite inconvenient.
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    Lindsay Lohan - Escort?

    She'll be the first escort that can actually make money without any sex being involved.
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    Are you more likely to book an appointment with an Escort who posts in The Lounge?

    Same. I actually booked a particular sp even with the something odd posts, and she cancels. The following week she posts rants about customers. Then more posts that she's retiring. Weeks later, still advertising but silence on the retiring idea. Not sure if posting has backfired on this sp...
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    Christmas gift question

    Hi, I'm looking to buy really nice stuffed animals, not the bs ones that you find at Walmart or Toy r us. I work all over the gta, but westend is better. Thanks.
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    UFC on Fox free card Saturday, December 8 at 8:00 p.m. ET

    Best free tv card ever!!
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    Fat kid on Two and a Half Men finds Jesus, now hates show.

    I don't mind the show, it is what it is...bit comedy with lots of hot ass and one liners.
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    Ufc 154

    If Bas was British instead of Dutch, he would be commentating for the ufc. I like Rogan, but the guy I hate is that Jon Anik from the ESPN/Fox broadcasts.
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    Ufc 154

    Some very valid points there but I think you might want to re-watch these fights before you cement your opinions. It sometimes helps to re-watch fights sober, alone and without the commentary. You wouldn't believe how many times I hear people just cut and pasting Joe Rogan's opinions as their own.
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    RAPPERS: Top 5 - Dead or Alive

    90%+ of Eminem's lyrics are about relationships = bullshit marketing People who love Eminem are FAGGOTS, period.
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    laptop confiscated or searched at US customs

    That's pretty crazy considering my exes family has a lengthly criminal history and we never had any problems at any borders. I also don't remember ever declaring that I had any electronics (cell phone, laptop) with me when I last travelled abroad.
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    Kid needs a car??

    lots of cheaper options out there without sacrificing safety. Maybe a lease.
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    Bullying. in light of what happened, your thoughts?

    No webcams, Facebook or anything not as Anon until maturity. Girls back in the day could just move, change name through marriage, cut off friends, but now with social media, the internet and hackers, you can't hide from your past and go to school.
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    THEDIRTY.COM and Hamilton SP's

    Is this just getting crazy?
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    facebook for hookups - Wired magazine

    You can't cruise on FB and poke anyone and get results. FB often works as a platform for others to look at you through connections you have with people they know. Treat FB like a resume for women and put your best foot forward!
Toronto Escorts