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  1. S

    Would you date someone who killed another in a drunk driving accident?

    I'd be ok with it. The person made a terrible mistake, but one that a lot of people make. This mistake just so happened to have terrible consequences, while many other people get away with it scot free. If he was remorseful and has learned his mistake then I don't see the issue.
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    Sex addiction

    Psychologically I think you can get hooked on anything pleasurable: food, booze, gambling and of course sex. I don't think it's a physical addiction, though. You're not going to go through withdrawal symptoms if you abstain. How to tell if you actually have a problem with it: if you are...
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    New Name For Ryerson University

    Metropolitan basically just means downtown and elite/expensive. Toronto already has a downtown university that is elite and expensive. U of T is like 7 blocks away. The name they came up with is meaningless and just desperate not to offend. What is Ryerson about? What does Ryerson stand...
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    Who's better: 92-93 Gilmour or 2021-22 Matthews?

    Just wondering what you guys think. The case for Matthews: he's likely gonna score around 67 goals which is just incredible given how good the league is. He's also a very, very solid defensive player. Helping his team along to what will be a franchise point record. In serious...
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    With mask mandates lifting, are you still going to wear one?

    Regardless of whether you wear a mask or not, you will likely get COVID at some point in the next few years. It's literally is everywhere. Some will never know they even had it. Most will experience minor symptoms that resolve within a few days. A small amount of people will get long...
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    With mask mandates lifting, are you still going to wear one?

    For someone under the age of 70 or so, with at least 2 vaccine doses and no serious underlying health issues, COVID will almost certainly be a pretty minor deal, and something you're likely to contract at some point anyway. To me, there's no reason to wear the mask. If you're very elderly...
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    The hobby is money was no object.

    If money didn't matter at all I'd book pretty much everyday, sometimes twice a day. Lots of 3 ways. Have some Seeking Arrangments girls on call, as well. But I would take breaks, as well, and make sure I had other interests and other things to occupy my time, as even sex gets old when it's...
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    Hey man, Ashley at Mirage has caught my eye and since you've seen her I was hoping to ask you...

    Hey man, Ashley at Mirage has caught my eye and since you've seen her I was hoping to ask you a couple questions: - I like the 'regular college girl' look and attitude. Is Ashley like this or is she more a seasoned pro? - Would you say she's realistically 23? - How's her ass? Anything else...
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    Ford to announce lifting of vaccine mandate March 1st???

    Reading between the lines from the press conference with Dr. Moore that they will announce on March 1st the lifting of the mask mandate by April 1st or so.
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    Your TOP 3 Escorts in the last 15 years?

    Alice is the best I've seen, yes. I can't get a hold of her, either. I guess I should just be happy I got to see her at all.
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    Famous people or celebs you would like to have sex with?

    Jennifer Aniston in her Friends days was unreal. She still looks great actually.
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    Pointless Lockdowns

    The vast majority of Canadians have altered their life in a dramatic way to slow the spread. Not perfectly, mind you, but most people have bought in as well as can be expected for such an enormous shift. While it doesn't make for a sexy headline, the measures we're taking are helping. Cases...
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    Will a vaccine give us our old lives back?

    I don't think anyone has a definitive answer, but here's my best guess: Things are gonna be really bad till about April. That's about when the general population will have access to the vaccine, and with the warming weather things will improve. The summer will be better than last, with more...
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    Actor Ellen Page Is Elliot Page

    You can't transition between genders. Your DNA stays the same. She's already gone through puberty, no adam's apple, no broad shoulders, etc. You can change your name, though, so Elliot is fine by me. She is not a biological man and never will be, even if she ends up getting surgery...
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    COVID caurionary tale

    'Close contact' could mean someone you stood next to at a traffic light, too, though. Hard to say definitely it was her. In all probability it wasn't.
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    Adele getting flack for wearing Jamaican/African outfit

    Cultural appropriation is amazing. As long as you don't claim to have invented it or start speaking in a Jamaican accent or something then we're all good. Otherwise we wouldn't have Elvis and Eminem, you would only be able to eat pizza in Italy, etc.
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    Your TOP 3 Escorts in the last 15 years?

    Alice at Mirage Chloe Worldwide Aimee at Dreammakers (the best ass I've ever seen in my entire life)
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    What is your favourite position and why?

    Definitely doggy because of how animalistic it is and how hard you can go at it.
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    Do You Believe A Second Wave Of Covid-19 Will Be Worse Than The First?

    We are still in the first wave. If there is a second wave it will be in the fall, when traditional flu season hits as more people go back to being indoors with the cooler weather, returning to work, etc. Yes, there has always been a 2nd wave with pandemics, however those were influenza...
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    REOPENING AT STAGE 2, with recommendations for Coordinated Toronto Reopening Strategy

    I think Allegra's proposal is about as well thought out as can possibly be expected. I don't know if waiting for phase 3 (and there could be months between phases 2 and 3) is really any safer for anyone involved. Phase 2 seems reasonable. This world is adult entertainment and ultimately if...
Toronto Escorts