COVID caurionary tale


Apr 1, 2017
Not sure this is is the right forum for this, but I saw an SP who later tested positive for COVID. How do I know?
Because the new smartphone app notified me of an exposure to a positive person and I had suggested to the SP that she download the app. One week after our encounter, I received a notification that I had been in close contact with someone who had since reported a positive test result to the app. I didn’t have close physical contact with anybody else during that period. So would be extremely unlikely that the notification wasn’t from her, seeing as how I recommended she download the app and very few Canadians have it on their phones (5% I think?j).

Thanks to the app, I went to get tested and the result was negative. Big relief after a stressful few days.! Somehow I wasn’t infected after an hour long session. Maybe I dodged a bullet and my body resisted the virus, or maybe she hadn’t yet contracted the virus when I saw her?

I of course want to stress that I. will NOT name the girl nor the agency in order to respect privacy and anonymity. This is just meant as a heads up that the virus is circulating in the community, SPs are not immune, and the COVID smartphone app can be a useful tool to inform hobbyists about a risky encounter after the fact.


New member
Dec 28, 2018
It was not from her - if she downloaded the app after meeting you she would not have sent the bluetooth codes the app uses to communicate (i.e. her app would only start sending the codes after she downloaded, presumably after you left).


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
This post should be deleted or moved to the covid section.

no guarantee it was the SP who tested positive
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Jul 24, 2006
'Close contact' could mean someone you stood next to at a traffic light, too, though. Hard to
say definitely it was her. In all probability it wasn't.
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Well-known member
Jan 12, 2017
Not sure this is is the right forum for this, but I saw an SP who later tested positive for COVID. How do I know?
Because the new smartphone app notified me of an exposure to a positive person and I had suggested to the SP that she download the app. One week after our encounter, I received a notification that I had been in close contact with someone who had since reported a positive test result to the app. I didn’t have close physical contact with anybody else during that period. So would be extremely unlikely that the notification wasn’t from her, seeing as how I recommended she download the app and very few Canadians have it on their phones (5% I think?j).

Thanks to the app, I went to get tested and the result was negative. Big relief after a stressful few days.! Somehow I wasn’t infected after an hour long session. Maybe I dodged a bullet and my body resisted the virus, or maybe she hadn’t yet contracted the virus when I saw her?

I of course want to stress that I. will NOT name the girl nor the agency in order to respect privacy and anonymity. This is just meant as a heads up that the virus is circulating in the community, SPs are not immune, and the COVID smartphone app can be a useful tool to inform hobbyists about a risky encounter after the fact.
Thank you. I am cancelling my Terb membership!
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Apr 1, 2017
Not sure this is is the right forum for this, but I saw an SP who later tested positive for COVID. How do I know?
Because the new smartphone app notified me of an exposure to a positive person and I had suggested to the SP that she download the app. One week after our encounter, I received a notification that I had been in close contact with someone who had since reported a positive test result to the app. I didn’t have close physical contact with anybody else during that period. So would be extremely unlikely that the notification wasn’t from her, seeing as how I recommended she download the app and very few Canadians have it on their phones (5% I think?j).

Thanks to the app, I went to get tested and the result was negative. Big relief after a stressful few days.! Somehow I wasn’t infected after an hour long session. Maybe I dodged a bullet and my body resisted the virus, or maybe she hadn’t yet contracted the virus when I saw her?

I of course want to stress that I. will NOT name the girl nor the agency in order to respect privacy and anonymity. This is just meant as a heads up that the virus is circulating in the community, SPs are not immune, and the COVID smartphone app can be a useful tool to inform hobbyists about a risky encounter after the fact.
It was not from her - if she downloaded the app after meeting you she would not have sent the bluetooth codes the app uses to communicate (i.e. her app would only start sending the codes after she downloaded, presumably after you left).
Actually, I forgot to mention an important detail that addresses your point, I saw her twice: On the first occasion, I suggested she download the app. The second, time I saw her was 8 days later, I am presuming she downloaded the app between my first and second visit. The app didn’t come up in conversation on my second visit. A week after the second visit, I got the exposure notification from the app.

Thanks for pointing this out and prompting me to clarify.


Apr 1, 2017
'Close contact' could mean someone you stood next to at a traffic light, too, though. Hard to
say definitely it was her. In all probability it wasn't.
Impossible. The notification said “you have been close to the person for 15 minutes or more.”

Casual contact from a passing car doesn’t meet the definition of close physical contact.

“What's an exposure?
The app estimates how near people are by the strength of Bluetooth signals.

If you're closer than 2 metres for more than 15 minutes, the app will record an exposure.”


Apr 1, 2017
This post should be deleted or moved to the covid section.

no guarantee it was the SP who tested positive

Sure There is no guarantee....butt the likelihood is overwhelming given the circumstances and my history of close contact during that period. Look, I am not trying to finger anybody and will absolutely NOT divulge any identifying information.. This is simply a reminder that Covid is out there circulating and that there are ways to check if we are at risk.


Apr 1, 2017
This post should be deleted or moved to the covid section. Hi 👋
Why? I posted it here because it relates to an incall setting.
This post has nothing to do with political opinions about Covid.
I see it as falling under the following:

“Reviewers will be allowed to mention any special precautions that were taken before, during or after the session regarding COVID.”.

Apologies if I misinterpreted this directive and the post doesn’t belong here in this forum.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
This post should be deleted or moved to the covid section.

no guarantee it was the SP who tested positive
Who cares really if it was the SP or not? What truly helps is the app alerting them both!


Apr 1, 2017
Dozens of TERBites have probably been infected by now.
You raise an important moral dilemma. . What is more important:

- Respecting the anonymity and privacy of the infected individual, as the app was designed to do?
- Revealing the identity of the sp thereby informing those who sessioned with her that they might want to get tested?

Another factor to consider is that I do not claim to be 100 percent certain it is the SP who reported the positive test result to the app. I am deducing based on my contact history. Would say 95 percent confidentt.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
You raise an important moral dilemma. . What is more important:

- Respecting the anonymity and privacy of the infected individual, as the app was designed to do?
- Revealing the identity of the sp thereby informing those who sessioned with her that they might want to get tested?

Another factor to consider is that I do not claim to be 100 percent certain it is the SP who reported the positive test result to the app. I am deducing based on my contact history. Would say 95 percent confidentt.
If she was positive and you had sex with her, you should have contracted the virus, have you? If not, I doubt she was positive. It's next to impossible to engage sexually with an infected person and not become positive as well.


Apr 1, 2017
If she was positive and you had sex with her, you should have contracted the virus, have you? If not, I doubt she was positive. It's next to impossible to engage sexually with an infected person and not become positive as well.
On what basis do you say it is guaranteed to contract the virus from a sexual encounter with an infected person? Is there a study? What does the science say?

Maybe she didn’t have enough viral load at the time?
Maybe the odds of transmission are less than 50/50 for any single contact with a carrier? The odds of contracting HIV from a single sexual encounter with an HIV-positive person are estimated at 1 in 2500 for males. Certainly, Covid is more contagious than 1 in 2500 but perhaps not as easily transmitted as we assumed?
Maybe there is some factor makes me less predisposed to catching it? E.g. existing t-cells from other coronaviruses

I tested negative nine days after seeing her. My understanding is the virus usually shows up in a test 5-6 days following a contact with a positive person, so I would have likely been positive at the time I went to get tested if I had been infected.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
On what basis do you say it is guaranteed to contract the virus from a sexual encounter with an infected person? Is there a study? What does the science say?

Maybe she didn’t have enough viral load at the time?
Maybe the odds of transmission are less than 50/50 for any single contact with a carrier? The odds of contracting HIV from a single sexual encounter with an HIV-positive person are estimated at 1 in 2500 for males. Certainly, Covid is more contagious than 1 in 2500 but perhaps not as easily transmitted as we assumed?
Maybe there is some factor makes me less predisposed to catching it? E.g. existing t-cells from other coronaviruses

I tested negative nine days after seeing her. My understanding is the virus usually shows up in a test 5-6 days following a contact with a positive person, so I would have likely been positive at the time I went to get tested if I had been infected.
It's respiratory droplets so unless you are both wearing a mask I believe it's safe to say you're going to catch it. It's not rocket science.

I myself if I hobby I would not wear a mask, talk about a bonerkiller LOL.
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Apr 1, 2017
It's respiratory droplets so unless you are both wearing a mask I believe it's safe to say you're going to catch it. It's not rocket science.

I myself if I hobby I would not wear a mask, talk about a bonerkiller LOL.
Nope. maskless contact with an infected individual is not guaranteed to result in contracting COVID. Bareback sex with an HIV positive person is also no guarantee of acquiring HIV. Far from it, - less than 1 in 1,000 chance of infection from a single sexual encounter with a HIV-positive patient and less tnan 10 percent chance of infection from a single maskless close contact with a COVID carrier.

Take a look at the scientific studies. Here is one example.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Nope. maskless contact with an infected individual is not guaranteed to result in contracting COVID. Bareback sex with an HIV positive person is also no guarantee of acquiring HIV. Far from it, - less than 1 in 1,000 chance of infection from a single sexual encounter with a HIV-positive patient and less tnan 10 percent chance of infection from a single maskless close contact with a COVID carrier.

Take a look at the scientific studies. Here is one example.
That is exact. No virus is 100% contagious. I would say if the girl was positive the chance are high for transmission during sex act. But they are not 100%.

There was many case reported where the virus was spread in a bar, private party, wedding, etc... Not 100% got positive. Between 20 and 80% of the attendance got it. Around 20% in a bar up to around 80 in a private party.
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