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Sex addiction


Jun 27, 2013
What is everyone's thoughts on this subject? Do you think it's a real addiction like drugs or alcohol? I wonder if my urges to have sex are a sign of addiction or just a normal male sex drive? Where is the line drawn? Please be serious in your replies.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
What is everyone's thoughts on this subject? Do you think it's a real addiction like drugs or alcohol? I wonder if my urges to have sex are a sign of addiction or just a normal male sex drive? Where is the line drawn? Please be serious in your replies.
Sex addiction is the card you play when you get caught.


Active member
Feb 18, 2013
What is everyone's thoughts on this subject? Do you think it's a real addiction like drugs or alcohol? I wonder if my urges to have sex are a sign of addiction or just a normal male sex drive? Where is the line drawn? Please be serious in your replies.
Yes it is, just like an alcoholic can't have even one drink or they will start drinking again. A sex addict can't engage in sex just once or they will binge sex until they can get "sober" again


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
No doubt a lot of us would. I'm wondering if someone is harboring on sex addiction or just making up for a bad marriage. How many people here who's wives didn't want to have sex, finally went out and bought it? It seems cheaper and less of an impact on your life or family than a divorce.
The scriptures and the nature teach us that the male is not a monogamous animal. We crave variety and multiple partners.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
To me, a true addiction is to a foreign substance that a body's physiology becomes so used to having that it becomes modified. The body does not function properly if it doesn't get it. Physical withdrawal occurs.

I don't think of sex that way. Our mind craves it. It is behavioural, not physiological. Expounding on the concept of sex as an addiction, one could say that any activity that somebody is overly preoccupied with is an addiction. Stamp collecting could be considered an addiction if it occupies too much of one's time.
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love punany bad
Jan 3, 2020
13 for me. "High Risk". It's the one thing I truly enjoy. If I'm not doing it, I'm thinking about it, or want to talk about it!
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Oct 9, 2006
Six. For me that’s a close tie with money. Having this brought to my attention, honestly I‘m not sure which I like more.

Actually, I need to have it all. I can’t have enough of either one.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2004
Maybe they should ask more realistic questions. First one.

Have you ever posted on TERB about your exploits?
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Active member
Jul 24, 2006
Psychologically I think you can get hooked on anything pleasurable: food, booze, gambling and of course sex.

I don't think it's a physical addiction, though. You're not going to go through withdrawal symptoms if you abstain.

How to tell if you actually have a problem with it: if you are cancelling plans to hang out with friends in order to
look at porn or see SP's, that's a bad sign.

Sex should be a great part of your life, but only a part of it. I think people get in trouble with addiction when they have
nothing else going on in their life, so make sure you make time for friends, family, hobbies, learning new stuff, etc. Have a
well rounded life that includes enjoyable sex.


Oct 9, 2006
Maybe they should ask more realistic questions. First one.

Have you ever posted on TERB about your exploits?
I won’t list the party favors because I don’t wana be a bad example. This is just for fun and we are all adults here.

When I use to do party favors, I had a thing about hooking up with girls on the same level At GUV which is now gone. I was really young and was sorta in a relationship with one of the bottle girls. I remember it was winter and i stepped out to the smoking area in just a t-shirt. This gorgeous girl started talking to me and notice I was cold. So she opened her big long winter fur coat and all I saw was skin and she offered me to get inside in and get warm. I remember getting into her coat and she was going “Fuck this country“over and over again while caressing me and pulled the coat around us. I think she was from the Czech republic, then her friend came and she was Canadian and she sat on my lap. I remember people watching and a lot of girls liked what they saw. I remember one guy looked and he was creep he seemed upset. I remember getting up and saying “ I need to see my friend she is working bottle service”. These girls followed me and next thing we were on the dance floor. I forget the name of the room but it was the room where usually all the raves are but I was heading to -The Drink- the room upstairs where my friend was doing bottle service. I told her “Sorry I gota go.” Then another girl came and so goes “ You’re not going anywhere!” I hooked up with all three that night.

Me and a buddy hooked up with a bartender and her friend in Vaughan. The bartender is a ring girl for UFC. The bartender/UFC girl invited me and my friend back to her house and we were all doing party favors and drinking. I remember all of us headed upstairs to her room and she told me and my buddy to wait on her bed. I remember the girls getting into the closet and came out wearing kilts and they started stripping. I totally forgot about my buddy and after that first nut, I just wanted more, I just wanted to do it again and again and again. Even just the pounding felt so good, felt just as good as the nut.

Your turn or who ever :)
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Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
To me, a true addiction is to a foreign substance that a body's physiology becomes so used to having that it becomes modified. The body does not function properly if it doesn't get it. Physical withdrawal occurs.

I don't think of sex that way. Our mind craves it. It is behavioural, not physiological. Expounding on the concept of sex as an addiction, one could say that any activity that somebody is overly preoccupied with is an addiction. Stamp collecting could be considered an addiction if it occupies too much of one's time.
Addiction can occur in the behavioural realm. Compulsive gamblers are another example. Mental and emotional addictions are real.

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
The definition of an addict is one who gives up the necessities of life ie. Love,food, shelter, family for there addiction. IF your spending money you don't have, totally preoccupied with how to get your next fix, become moody, aggressive hostile when you don't get a fix, then your an addict.
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Oct 9, 2006
Hmm thanks. You’re right, I have no addictions, I am the one in control 👍.


Active member
Jul 24, 2021
Everyone has sex addiction there is just different levels to it. Some can't control it and resort to rape. Most watch porn or become a sex tourist like myself to fulfill it.
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