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  1. M

    SP's and Ball Play. Is it Common?

    One of my regs told me same thing, keep the hair off your balls and the girls like BLS much better.
  2. M

    Palin for president

    I get a kick out of James Carville speaking for the Dems, "Oh we are really scared of Palin, Oh she is a real force..." which is pure mischief making. The Dems would love Palin in the GOP race because she scares the s### out of Independants who really control who wins.
  3. M

    Dating your fav SP ?

    Ive just worked out the best arrangements with some of my favourites lately. We take turns paying. One week I pay them and next week they pay me. Try it, its great.
  4. M

    What is it that Excites You Most About Your Favorite SP?

    I go back often to see Cherry (Yonge and Sheppard) reason? We have great sex why else?
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    Is it time that we reviewers cool it a bit?

    I was accused of being that guy. Let me assure you I was not that guy.
  6. M

    Sexual drive - the 7 day poll

    four in one day
  7. M

    For the married guys

    I work my wife into my regular routines. I think of my girls like a little harum, Tuesday working girl #1 Thursday working girl #2 Saturday night special wife then the cycle begins again. You have to give them all a fair chance. There is only so much me to go around.
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    God could only make water It took man to make wine. Victor Hugo The man who opens a school closes a jail Victor Hugo.
  9. M

    Do SPs have a ethnic preference for their clientele?

    I am black. I am a clean well dressed professional man who arrives to visit sps in a suit. When I visit Asian SPs I ask in advance if they see black clients. The answer is less than half. If they see me once they are very good about seeing me again. I have never been refused a second visit. The...
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    Our President Does not bow to other leaders

    Is this totally useless thread still alive? Talk about something important, health care, Afganistan, Iraq, Palistine, nuclear proliferation, Pakistan, global warming, or don't you understand these issues?
  11. M

    Our President Does not bow to other leaders

    Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Non Issue talk about something serious. This is the kind of issue the dim latch onto because the other stuff involves actually thinking.
  12. M

    Can Sarah Palin Make a Comeback? be the "calibre" of politician that she know SOOOOO little. Shes lucky she wasnt roasted like a pig at a luau and eaten for a midnight snack. Could you imagine??? You step out on the world stage claiming to be the one that could run the most powerful country in the world in...
  13. M

    Dalton Days

    Dalton Days probably illegal now Supreme court decision in BC case.
  14. M

    Any suggestions on Christmas gift for sp

    Which SP??? You can tell us. We will keep it a secret,
  15. M

    Odd experience, Scarborough Town Centre.

    Very life is that much different as a white guy...I knew it! lol discounted sex, people trust you and give you the benefit of the doubt, sneak in people's homes and wreck up the place and then blame it on the immigrants...what ice cream at Baskin Robins. :D
  16. M

    Best Era of Hip Hop

    jeezus... explain to me how hip hop isnt music :confused: and before you spout off your anti hip hop/rap diatribe...consult Webster's Main Entry: mu·sic Pronunciation: \ˈmyü-zik\ Function: noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English musik, from Anglo-French musike, from Latin...
  17. M

    Who has had a fuck buddy?

    Being married I feel much more comfortable simply paying for it. That way i: 1) dont feel like I owe them my time 2) sleep better at night knowing i dont have to deal with some pissed off girl because it just sunk in that she will never be number 1....hell hath no fury like a...
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    *Paranormal Activity*

    :eek: lets hear some stories
  19. M

    Private vs Public School.

    Pure truth there. But private school does help in the way of hook ups later on down the rowad. However in the end of the day when you turn these kids out to the big scarey world....nothing matches a combination of cleverness/street smarts/opportunism. Your kid has those 3 things and he/she is...
  20. M

    Credit Card Spending

    CC companies are bullshit.... card and one card only....they penalize you for paying it off in full every month. The best credit rating is achieved by floating a small relative balance month to month. these bastards just always have to be making money off you one way or the other.
Toronto Escorts