Vaughan Spa

Any suggestions on Christmas gift for sp


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
Just in case there are other airheads reading-

SPs like, have lives, with houses and cottages and some OWN their incall space. Some like, have handy skills and interests in addition to fucking?

WHATl?!?!?!?!?!? Nobody told me this,,,,,you mean I have been spending my days just pampering myself and being soft and smelling nice and looking pretty for all the men that may come by for an hour or so?????Dammit, now I have to get a 'real life'? sigh ;)


The Abstinent Hobbyist
Oct 12, 2009
Next Door
Just in case there are other airheads reading-

SPs like, have lives, with houses and cottages and some OWN their incall space. Some like, have handy skills and interests in addition to fucking?
Whew, and here I thought she wanted a belt sander for tonight's activities. :eek:


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I won't miss his sig pic though. I found it creepy and asked him to take it down, but he refused.
I also find the picture disturbing -- not creepy but freaky. Her eyes were too big. And I guess, in the end, you were right about his "minor" tendencies. :D
I won't miss his sig pic though. I found it creepy and asked him to take it down, but he refused.
I'm wondering if something is wrong with my settings... I remember mb12ca's sig pic with the young looking girl with the freaky eyes, but it stopped showing up awhile ago, and someone else mentioned in another thread they really like stang's sig pic, but his wasn't showing up either. But other member's sig pics DO show up... Is it possible to set it up where some members sigs show up and not others?

I know about the "Show your signature" check box that can be unchecked by the person posting, and I myself have been using that on occasion since someone mentioned that they didn't like seeing multiple sig pics from the same poster in the same thread... I also try and uncheck this when I post pics...

Is there any other way?


Active member
Sep 13, 2007
Ooops, your BANNED! Well i guess my advice remains the same:

If your on a budget just give whatever gift of cash you can along with a heart filled letter explaining how much you appreciate her time and efforts.

Truthfully i think most SP's are happy when you treat them right and with respect, come over on time and clean, and just be a gentleman.

Good luck to everyone.


Pop Rock Kid
I'm wondering if something is wrong with my settings... I remember mb12ca's sig pic with the young looking girl with the freaky eyes, but it stopped showing up awhile ago, and someone else mentioned in another thread they really like stang's sig pic, but his wasn't showing up either. But other member's sig pics DO show up... Is it possible to set it up where some members sigs show up and not others?

I know about the "Show your signature" check box that can be unchecked by the person posting, and I myself have been using that on occasion since someone mentioned that they didn't like seeing multiple sig pics from the same poster in the same thread... I also try and uncheck this when I post pics...

Is there any other way?
It could be problems with the host not showing the pic. I use Ripway and find sometimes the picture doesn't load.

I also agree with the OP's sig pic, she had to be underage and I was disturbed every time I saw it.

As far as gifts go, it was mentioned before but a Shoppers Drug Mart gift card will always be recieved well as there's variety and something for every woman.

Iconic One

Mar 26, 2007
Ok, I'll just say Ontario.
Sorry to have contrary opinion, but you're the one giving the gift. Frankly, I never ask my wife what she wants for a gift for any occaision. I just buy her something I think she might like and something I want to give her. I choose gifts that are refundable and returnable and I have no problem if the gift is returned or exchanged. Actually, that almost never happens, but it has a few times. One particulary memorable time too. Still laugh about that one.

So, don't ask if your sp wants a spa card. If that's what you want to give, do it. It's a nice gift that most women would appreciate. If she really won't use it, she can always re-gift it or get some products from the spa. Besides, women who don't like spas are most likely one's that never go. The spa card might be an extravagance for her that she may not usually allow herself.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
If you don't know the Sp and are not a regular but want to tip as it happens to be holiday time and you're in a good mood, a cash tip would be good.

I do this with cab drivers when Christmas shopping in NYC - they drop me off at the airport on the 22nd after my shopping on 57th St, I give them $50 and wish them a Merry Christmas and they are very appreciative. Treat others as you would want to be treated in their place is the essential message of most religions.

If you are her regular, then give her something you know she'd like based on her tastes and interests in her non-working life. If she likes books, a book or Indigo gift card...etc, etc. If you've seen her a dozen times you probably know a bit about her private life likes and dislikes unless you tune her out totally. Last Christmas I gave a Gordon Ramsay cookbook to a SP who had said in passing pillow talk that she liked cooking.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
I can't afford to buy her nice jewellery because I am poor and I don't think she would be interested in small gifts like chocolate or flowers etc. I want to spend about $200 on the gift. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I guess this is really none of my business, but that never stopped me before :D.

You describe yourself as "poor". One usually gives gifts to good friends, family or someone who needs it more than you do ( in other words charity). Do you think that your gift to this sp would be received and appreciated in proportion to the sacrifice you are making ?

Sorry I just don't want you to "led down the garden path" so to speak if you can't really afford it.

I can afford it but I have never given a $200 gift to a sp. In fact I rarely give gifts to sp's. Years ago I gave a sp a game boy for her 8 year old son ( about $70 I think) because she had mentioned something about getting one for him but didn't know which one was good. That was the most expensive thing I ever gave a sp.

I have given other really small gifts like putting the dough in the ribbon on a chocolate Santa from Laura Secords to a 110 lb sp with a chocolate addition. You know that I got the biggest reaction from the smallest things that had just the slightest bit of a personal thought to it. If you don't know her well enough to do something personal you have to consider why you are doing this.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
If you don't know the Sp and are not a regular but want to tip as it happens to be holiday time and you're in a good mood, a cash tip would be good.

I do this with cab drivers when Christmas shopping in NYC - they drop me off at the airport on the 22nd after my shopping on 57th St, I give them $50 and wish them a Merry Christmas and they are very appreciative. Treat others as you would want to be treated in their place is the essential message of most religions.

If you are her regular, then give her something you know she'd like based on her tastes and interests in her non-working life. If she likes books, a book or Indigo gift card...etc, etc. If you've seen her a dozen times you probably know a bit about her private life likes and dislikes unless you tune her out totally. Last Christmas I gave a Gordon Ramsay cookbook to a SP who had said in passing pillow talk that she liked cooking.
You do your Xmas shopping in NYC? Interesting. I think it's a jungle out there -- especially during the holidays. I do most of my shopping online and only venture to Macy's for a gift certificate (and even that's a pain in the ol' arse).


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
Rim the hell outta her. Chicks love that as a Christmas gift.


Sep 4, 2002
Now this might be the cheap bastard in me coming up with this. In the business world, isn't it the CLIENT receiving the gifts from the companies? I know I spend a fortune through my company this time of year providing gifts for good clients. NOW I am thinking, maybe just maybe, shouldn't the SP be buying the gift for her regular clients that have paid dearly for the services through the year? YEAH I KNOW it's the cheap bastard in me.:eek:
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