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  1. S

    How Many TD's For Manning

    As a long time die hard Colts fan (yes, since the late 1970's, just when they began a streak of about 20 years where they made the post season twice)....I think the strategy is to get the record done with as early as possible, and then begin working on a more balanced offensive attack in...
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    Chris Berman-isms

    Not a Chris Berman-ism....but I always enjoy this anecdote.... spray painted grafitti inside a New York city subway station: "Who is Jesus?" .....spray painted just below that, in different colour paint, was the answer: "He's Felipe's brother".
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    Well, the baseball writers who vote on these awards are at least thinking a bit more about who to vote for, after 2 guys got kicked off the voting list last year when they did not list Carlos Delgado ANYWHERE on their MVP ballot (I think they get to list their top 10 choices) at least now...
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    Cy Young and MVP Choices

    Regarding the debate re MVP should come from a winning team or not....this will never be solved, because there always will be years when somebody will be head and shoulders above every other player in terms of stats, but play on a weak team. Therefore, this argument will be renewed every time...
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    Cy Young and MVP Choices

    A couple of comments: first, regarding Vald Guerrero.....the reason he may win the MVP (especially if the Angels make the playoffs) is because of Anaheim's injuries this YEAR: Over the same time period (at least 2 months) the following starting hitters were injured for about 2 months: Troy...
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    Cy Young and MVP Choices

    NL Cy Young: 1. J Schmidt; 2. R Clemens; 3. R Johnson; 4. R Oswalt; 5. Oliver Perez, Pitts; - Randy - I love the guy, but with a .500 won-lost record, they won;t give it to him. NL MVP: 1. B Bonds; 2. A Beltre; 3. A Pujols; 4. S Rolen; 5. J Thome; - Cardinals' sluggers will split the vote; if...
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    Are women stupid?

    Hey everyone. My theory is this: when we marry someone because of the emotional feelings (ie. it FEELS so so good being with this person, or the sex is hypnotizing, etc, etc) without having doen our "intellectual" homework on the person - ie. what makes her click, then we are setting ourselves...
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    speeding ticket

    I have averaged 45,000-50,000 kms a year for the past 15 yrs (my kids are in rep sports!!! + I drive to work). I hadn't received a speeding ticket in at least 10 years. But I have now rec'd 2 in the past 3 months, and both for more than 15kms over, meaning points are involved. I have hired one...
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    Atlanta Braves going for 14th straight???

    you are all correct in your points...but c'mon....regardless of what happened to them in the post-season, you have to admit this is one record that is fast approaching the Eric Gagne/Cal Ripken levels of being an unbreakable record.
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    Atlanta Braves going for 14th straight???

    Although doom and gloom began being predicted from the 2001 season (when Kevin Millwood left) and again in 2002 (Tom Glavine left), and 2003 (Greg Maddux left), yet Atlanta continued winning their division, no one was THAT surprised, as the Braves GM John Sheurholz(sp?) was able to still put a...
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    Tosca fired! - where's the real problem

    With respect to the advertising: WHY in God's name has no one publicly stood up and ridiculed the Jays brass for their new uniforms???? Or am I the only sane person that immediately started laughing at the unveiling because they are Tampa Bay Devil Rays shirts...instead of "Rays", it says...
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    Tosca fired! - where's the real problem

    The next manager, if chosen by JP, will most definately have a proven major league track record. Hiring Tosca who had not had major league managing experience was ok at the time, because JP had full control of the team, full backing of the organization and its fans, so he hired a yes man to give...
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    Tosca fired! - where's the real problem

    Unfortunately what "they" don;t tell us about the Oakland model, or money-ball, is that in order for it to work you need to have an established mix of talent, from older veterans that know their roles, to a core group of players who have 3-5 years of service under their belts, to being able to...
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    Tosca fired! - where's the real problem

    the problem with what division they're in is that they can forget about 1st place, and also forget about 2nd place. And if they don;t make 1st or 2nd, they are not going to win the wild card. As far as competing for the wild card, they have to compete with the following teams that spend WAY...
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    Tosca fired! - where's the real problem

    Now THAT is the wisest, most accurate statement that anyone has made! The Jays are trying to become contenders by assembling a group of young stars (who's salaries are still low enough to fit on the payroll), while Boston & NY (and Baltimore to an extent) just go out and "buy" a "sure thing" -...
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    Tosca fired! - where's the real problem

    The problem with Phelps if he achieves the #'s you are projecting for him Pistol is that as a guy who as of now is regarded as "only" a DH - there are only 14 spots available throughout the league for him, therefore, to hold down a position he'd have to do better than 20HR/80RBI, otherwise he'll...
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    Tosca fired! - where's the real problem

    The Jays outlook for next year is worst than what they are doing this year. Pistol makes a lot of good points that I agree with...but I'll focus on one: The dissapearing of Delgado's $17 mil off the books. Firstly, the Jays would be breaking even this year (even with the dissapointing...
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    Tosca fired! - where's the real problem

    Tosca acted like an amateur earlier this season when he suddenly annointed Terry Adams as the closer, based on Adams having thrown all of about 5 scoreless innings in a row. VERY PREMATURE, considering that Adams had been a closer only once - for half a season a few years ago - and he was just...
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    Online/Phone Dating

    Having used Lava in the past (I haven't for a couple of years now because I don;t like the wasted time of emailing back and forth, impressing her, and then meeting, and of course the chemistry is not always then back to the drawing board....but I'd say it was successful about 1 in 5...
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    Mandatory release ....Happy Anniversary

    Just be careful out there boys - in a year from now - as you never know who that "new" SP on the scene could be Karla herself....I mean, she's gonna have to support herself somehow...
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