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Toronto Escorts

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  1. I

    Live riots on TV--Glad to be Canadian

    Yup. Glad to be connected to Amy Cooper (otherwise known as Central Park Karen).
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    Stunning mansion in Oakville

    Everything about this house is just yuck! On a busy street (you can see traffic in the videos). No direct lake access or views. Tacky interior design. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck..
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    USA Greatest Country in the world

    Okay. You do make a good point. I will stand down on this matter, for this one individual.
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    Ontario's official list of businesses that can re-open announced

    I somehow did not notice this thread yesterday. I would’ve thought that this is a topic that would’ve gotten more traction. Assuming that a number of people of TERB are in or around Toronto (after all, that is what T is TERB stands for), I would’ve thought this post to be welcome news, no...
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    USA Greatest Country in the world

    I did watch the video. And, I do not argue that he is not well. My point is that a medical condition is just that, a medical condition. I do not think a person should be made fun of for that. On the other hand, if a person is small-minded, not-very-bright, xenophobic, racist populist, I do...
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    USA Greatest Country in the world

    I mean...fuck. Just seeing that photograph gives me chills. WTF??????? And, people have issues with Canada banning assault-style guns????
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    USA Greatest Country in the world

    This shit is crazy!!!! (That’s all I got).
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    The Person With The Last Post In This Thread Wins!

    Aha. My post is #2674. That is a good number, I think, but didn’t think that would be the winning number.
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    Trudeau bans assault rifle

    I have read through this thread and I am still struggling as to what is a good/cogent argument for these assault-style guns guns to be still legal? Here are some of the arguments made: - Because Canadian’s current have this right, it ought not to be taken away: But, if that were to be the...
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    Jacinda Ardern

    Could either you (Robert Mugabe) or Jerimander let rest of us know as to what makes you think that Jacinda is pro-Muslims or is turning NZ into a Muslim slum? Yes, I think most of us educated ones know about Jacinda’s empathetic leadership in the face of the cowardly attack on a place of...
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    USA Greatest Country in the world

    Can we please not call Trump “dementia-addled”? Dementia is a medical condition. And, those who get it, do not “ask” for it or “deserve” it (I would know; I had a parent who ended up having it). I think using a medical condition that hundreds of thousand (likely more) suffer from and Trump in...
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    Jacinda Ardern

    Thank you very much for the link. Yes, some great photos of her. I had not come across this in my “research”. And, I agree that she isn’t a classic beauty. But, I do find her combination of empathetic leadership, pleasing personality, and sense of humor (check out her videos with Stephen...
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    Jacinda Ardern

    My goodness. A simply thread about how I find Jacinda hot degenerates into xenophobia. Wow! I generally try not to use strong words, but I guess some people are born this way: ignorant, xenophobic, small-minded, stupid, losers.
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    Jacinda Ardern

    She has been in the news lately, again, as New Zealand has “eliminated” the virus. Since this is an “adult” kinda forum, thought this might be a safe question to ask here: Does anyone else find her to be “hot” in a MILFy kind of way?!?!? I clearly do! (I was going to add a photo or two of...
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    Do you ever look at stuff and wonder how it got there?

    Another great point. “Forced to choose a side” is such an excellent phrase. Who wud have thunk it that in (arguably one of) the most prosperous nation on this Mother Earth, a vast number of people are being “forced to choose” a “less objectionable candidate” (to mix the two phrases I like in...
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    Do you ever look at stuff and wonder how it got there?

    I do agree with this. Despite my very clear dislike for Trump, I cannot say that I can get terribly excited for Biden.
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    Do you ever look at stuff and wonder how it got there?

    A few days ago, I posted somewhere on TERB that whatever happened to the “middle”? Trump’s election has so solidified the extremes that it is almost as though there is no middle any more. What happened to terms such as “fiscally conservative, socially liberal”? These days, it appears, you are...
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    Do you ever look at stuff and wonder how it got there?

    You and I may have different political views. But, I cannot disagree with the thrust of your post.
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    NY Times Article (trump Fans--Don't Waste Your Time)

    While I agree with you that Biden is definitely status quo, I must say that if (and that is an if only at this point, sadly) Biden did get elected, I will not have the same level of wonderment as Danmand’s collage suggests (he was the Vice President of the United States of America for 8-years...
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    dr. trump - at it again

    Wow! This is an excellent line of thinking (one that hadn’t crossed my mid at all, yet). Now that you have said it, it doesn’t surprise me. To use one word: They are/were both narcissists. Thanks SQYAD51 for pointing to the Imelda Marcos documentary - I will be sure to check it out.
Toronto Escorts