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  1. I

    Leafs playoff game assessments

    I don't know which is more painful: Lost 4 games to 1 (as many experts predicted) or bowed out in Game 7 after leading 4 goals to 1 with 10 minutes to go. The total collapse in the 3rd period last night almost took place in the 3rd period of Game 5 when the Bruins lopsidedly dominated plays...
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    Leafs playoff game assessments

    Game over. Couldn't believe it leading 4 -1 at one point.
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    Leafs playoff game assessments

    Leafs will win in OT. And I predict Grabbo will score the winner. You have to admire his heart, courage and perseverance - knocked down on almost every play all series round. He will win it for us with his first goal in the playoff.
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    Leafs playoff game assessments

    What the f--k? I went to get a beer from the fridge and it is 4-4. Leafs must cover the points else ......
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    Leafs playoff game assessments ....Did you watch the 3rd period of tonight's game when the Bruin's dialled up the heat? The Leafs couldn't even get the puck out of its own zone. It was brutal to watch and would have been a lopsided win for Boston if not for Reimer's unreal performance (his best ever by a wide margin)...
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    Leafs playoff game assessments

    How about a double or nothing for a third win?
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    Leafs playoff game assessments

    I usually have reservations about the Grape's comments but this one I agree. Leafs had better cover the points more aggressively in their own zone because the Bruins like throwing the puck back to the points. There is too much room for Bruin's D-men to manipulate and fuel the attack...
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    Leafs. 2013 Short Season

    With Ottawa's loss tonight, Toronto will be playing either Boston or Montreal in the playoff. Which would I prefer as a Leafs fan? It doesn't matter, with the way they were playing in the last few games - being outshot by a zillion to 1 and relying on the much improved (though inconsistent)...
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    Leafs. 2013 Short Season

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    Rick Nash to become a Leaf !

    Get Nash at all cost. He is a proven, perennial all-stars with skill and grits - a franchise player that the Leafs have been missing since Sundin. Throw in Burke and Wilson if it could make the deal. Seriously though, I would trade Kessel for Nash if I have to.
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    NFL; KC and Miami Fire Head Coach

    Norv Turner are in the running too?
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    Argos acquire Ricky Ray

    A steal for the Argos no matter how you'd look at it. I'd start booking tickets for the Grey Cup for next season.
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    Toronto Maple Leafs 2011/12

    The honeymoon is over for the Leafs this season. They played a soft schedule at the start of the season and were able to amass some wins against weaker teams. They have now lost 3 of the last 4, and are back to reality. The Leafs’ biggest problem is in the offense. It is clearly evident that...
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    Toronto Maple Leafs 2011/12

    Sorry, what is this about? Who is calling whose mom by what name to do what?
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    Raptors Fire Triano

    Ron Wilson
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    Zedano Chara Should Sue the Montreal Canadiens, the Bell Centre and NHL

    Sorry, I forgot to put the NHL ahead of Chara. The NHL should have enforced safety designs for the arenas where the games are played on. It doesn't surprise me that Bettman, being a lawyer, decided not to penalize Chara in fear of being implied as an admission of guilt if otherwise.
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    Zedano Chara Should Sue the Montreal Canadiens, the Bell Centre and NHL

    I agree with you 100%. While much of the debates have resided on whether Chara should be suspended, and if so, for how long. The biggest problem was with that pole that caused the most damage to Pacioretty. Had the hit been administered at other spots, the damage should have been much less...
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    Charas Hit....with intent?

    The problem is the pole; and the guilty party is G. Bettman and the NHL. The pole should have been insulated with whatever is necessary to avoid injury when a player hits it. NHL officials should have inspected all NHL arenas to ensure that all safety concerns have been addressed.
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    Do you think the Leafs will make the playoffs....

    Forget this season, guys. Leafs could have moved to 2 points of Carolina this weekend but failed. Its defensive plays were awful in both games. They were out-muscled, out-speeded and were lucky to have got the one point in each of the 2 games. Burke kept saying his blueprint was to build the...
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