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  1. H

    Seemingly TERB will be a very, very unhappy place Novermber 3

    I like what Trudeau said about living next to the Americans: "Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt." Not sure how the hell you could possibly...
  2. H

    JSF F-35: Unable to meet Canada's needs and over priced

    As I understand it, no contract has been signed for the jets and won't be till 2011 or 2012. The government just announced an intent to purchase, kinda like how they announced an intent to build Arctic patrol ships and replacement replenishment vessels, but no contracts have been signed for...
  3. H

    SP's emotionally attached to their clients

    You'll be like Nixon with charmisa after the operation.
  4. H

    Bin Laden is not in a cave

    As long as they know the rough area, why not get a British Trident to pay the area a visit?
  5. H

    Poll: Ford and Smitherman in a dead heat

    He's a Trudeau. That's enough.
  6. H

    Blue Bayou

    Prefer the original Roy Orbison:
  7. H

    BC Prostitution bust!

    Good riddance. No respect for terbies that go to similar places here in Toronto.
  8. H

    IDF Soldier Caught on Tape Humiliating Handcuffed and Blindfolded Palestinian Woman

    How the hell can it be held accountable to it, when it hasn't signed and ratified the treaty? That's not how international law works, kiddo.
  9. H

    IDF Soldier Caught on Tape Humiliating Handcuffed and Blindfolded Palestinian Woman

    I presume you're also including a right of return for Jewish refugees too, eh?
  10. H

    IDF Soldier Caught on Tape Humiliating Handcuffed and Blindfolded Palestinian Woman

    You are aware that Israel can't be held accountable to a treaty that it has never signed, right?
  11. H

    Omar Khadre

    That would be fine with me, but only if he and his family agreed to leave the country and renounce Canadian citizenship upon his release.
  12. H

    Canada and the UN Security Council

    Go to the Congo, Rwanda, or the Sudan and ask people how much they love the UN and blue helmets.
  13. H

    Canada and the UN Security Council

    Are you serousily suggesting that Canada's foreign policy should be only meant to appease the Arab world and make us an invisible country? Pathetic.
  14. H

    Canada loses prestige UN spot due to conservative Government foreign policies

    I suspect he spun completely out of his grave after Rwanda.
  15. H

    Zionism's Downward Spiral Continues: Now a Loyalty Oath for "Non-Jews"

    It has not been approved yet, since it still has to be approved by the Knesset.
  16. H

    Ford doesn't understand his own "fiscal plan"

    Smitherman's plan on getting $100 million from the province is practically that, though.
  17. H

    CBC Radio today 4 PM - Prostitution

    Reminds of a quote from The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress: "Must be a yearning deep in human heart to stop other people from doing as they please. Rules, laws — always for other fellow. A murky part of us, something we had before we came down out of trees, and failed to shuck when we stood up...
  18. H

    Interesting article re "back to basics" soft porn magazines

    It'll be a cold day in hell when that happens.
  19. H

    Oh illicit drugs are harmless.

    Hard to get quietly high while the Mexican Drug War is raging, no? I support legalization, but I also support throwing idiots in jail that decide to support organized crime just so they can get a temporary high.
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