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  1. M

    Question about Whatsapp

    On the other hand, WeChat messages ARE deleted on the other side if you remove them.
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    Words we can no longer use.

    Since you mentioned it...
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    Would you like to see more?

    womg, that white hair. IT IS REAL. I'm turned on (mentally) big time. If there were some glasses to go with that, and an ice cold stare...
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    A devastating update and a sad farewell of sorts

    We may have only met once, but even beyond the 'strictly business,' your openness and kindness as a human being naturally shines. Best wishes for your health, happiness, and finding transcendental inner peace! "Love is how you stay alive, even after you're gone." - Tuesdays with Morrie
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    Pooping delinquent uses his turds to terrorize Texas town.

    Other side of the world, but same issue.
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    Webex sexy cosplay

    Cosplay involves the impersonation of 2D Comic/Anime/Manga characters, mostly involving known/existant characters of published works. But then, this is connoisseurship left for those who enjoy the genre. But yes, definitely keys in into "a more interesting life" behind the scenes.
  7. M

    Hong Kong Woman Berating / slapping boyfriend

    Nothing about this video is fake. Given the whole social environment of Hong Kong, it's a wonder that anyone would actually bother stepping up and stopping this abuse at all. HK girls (esp. the non-elite) are...ignorantly snobbish and haughty. The girl in black on the side is the COUSIN of the...
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    Lia (sweet Japanese Cutie) - Light in the Air

    Ahh yes, the great LIA - a Japanese singer who can actually enounce English properly because she studied music in California. One of the reasons why Christopher Tin's "Calling All Dawns" so awesome, too. Did I mention she's married and has a kid?
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    Rogers Internet Speed slow in the evenings in T.O. - check your speed with this test

    I experienced the same problem for Thornhill/Richmond Hill a few months ago, and my family has been quite pissed off at it - and we've done everything from our end to improve things but to little avail. It's worse when you also have VoIP phones and experience holes in both sending and reception.
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    Solid state drive or not

    I've heard many horror stories about how people use SSDs only to find out that they burn out from constant use within THREE months. Something to re-consider and opt for hybrid use?
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    Brinks truck crash spills millions of loonie coins on Ontario Highway 11

    According to the National Post, another truck involved in the accident spilled considerable amounts of candy into the mix. Snow, shiny coins, candy...what is this, some kid's perverse dream?
  12. M

    Rogers are Thieves!!!! internet follow up!

    Funny you say that, because every NIGHTtime our internet gets significantly throttled to 33%. Either that, or it's the antiquated infrastructure in Richmond Hill...
  13. M

    Librarians walk off the job, 98 branches close NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :(

    The library isn't just for books, it's also an important venue for community groups and artists to showcase/run their activities. This is affecting the livlihood of the community itself. But I'm not saying that the strike is completely unjustified.
  14. M

    Does anyone bother with TERB profile "friends"?

    Strictly from a functional POV, it's a mouse-friendly way of looking up a certain person's recent activity and posts.
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    The BEST Dessert Thread

    It's winter season...a warm/hot dessert is in order. Osmanthus flower-scented tangyuan (rice balls) are customary for Winter solstice, Chinese New Year's, and 15 days after that on Yuanxiao. And I also find that the East Indian dessert...
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    English Pronunciation

    Ah yes, I just LOVE this when someone brought peanuts in a shell when they were asked for SHELLED peanuts in a recipe. *** But really, nobody got thrown off in pronunciation in actually reading this, have they? It's not exactly a tongue-twister. *** P.S. Terpsichore? Last time I remembered, it...
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    Props to this brave 18 year old mother!!

    Question is, how well can this example work in the land of the Maple Leaf?
  18. M

    Woman uses shipping container for home.

    Question: If the main missile silo is what I think it is, the top technically can open up to expose all the sun you could ever want? That main control room access door seems flimsy and rather obvious. You'd think they'd put hidden panels like the hotel in Virginia?
  19. M

    TTC tokens

    Perhaps I have too much of a patience for the TTC and its service quality, having come from the land of efficient and profitable subway systems - Hong Kong. lack of communications in the tunnels (mass phone-flipping at above ground stations - Davisville and Rosedale phonehomes, anyone?) are the...
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    Cosmetics meets eugenics? Laser will permanently turn brown eyes blue - for 5k.

    And for those anime lovers...twin-coloured pupils of all variants, shades, and colours. Who wouldn't want a gold/blue, blue/silver or red/blue tint, without having to resort to pesky coloured contacts that not everyone may feel safe about? Behold, the laser!
Toronto Escorts