Words we can no longer use.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Acting gay or acting "extra gay" as a response with family or a group of friends is different than someone calling them a faggot. Do your friends or family members call the gay individuals faggots? Just wondering. If so what were the reactions of the gay individuals.

Russell Peters makes fun of different ethnic groups in his stand up comedy routines but I have never heard him say any ethnic or racial slurs when talking about these same people. I can't say I have seen him non televised but it is apparent from the shows I have seen on the Internet, he knows the difference between using racial/ethnic slurs against different races as opposed to detailing their racial/ethnic tendencies/behaviors.
I can't remember anyone calling him a fag. But the key difference to me for anyone getting offended by anything is that it really comes down to life. If someone is going to get mad at everything, you're going to have a hard time enjoying life.

Put it this way. Every comedian, TV sketch show etc.... makes fun of the typical Southern US guy who probably resembles Uncle Jesse from Dukes of Hazzard or Deliverance.... some banjo playing, missing tooth, hick. Sweaty and driving a rusting pick up truck. Let's face it, that whole region isn't exactly Beverly Hills. Both whites and blacks and everyone in between has generally low income, crappier jobs, and less education.

When was the last time you say any Southerner getting stereotyped in the media as a buck-toothed hillbilly get mad or make a stink? Basically never.


Asian Picasso
Jan 11, 2014
I can't remember anyone calling him a fag. But the key difference to me for anyone getting offended by anything is that it really comes down to life. If someone is going to get mad at everything, you're going to have a hard time enjoying life.

Put it this way. Every comedian, TV sketch show etc.... makes fun of the typical Southern US guy who probably resembles Uncle Jesse from Dukes of Hazzard or Deliverance.... some banjo playing, missing tooth, hick. Sweaty and driving a rusting pick up truck. Let's face it, that whole region isn't exactly Beverly Hills. Both whites and blacks and everyone in between has generally low income, crappier jobs, and less education.

When was the last time you say any Southerner getting stereotyped in the media as a buck-toothed hillbilly get mad or make a stink? Basically never.
Your first paragraph is the key one. Next time when you are with your family and friends, ask them how they would feel being called faggots or what they thought of Pillars comment. The fact you have never heard this comment with them would suggest to me that everyone in your circle of family and friends knows that the term faggot is an offensive word and should not be used.

Comedians make fun of ethnic and individual stereotypes and behaviors and most see that as funny and acceptable. Russell Peters does it but I have never heard him use a slur word in his comedy routine. He may have, I just gave not heard it.

These two situations are totally different. The point I was trying to illustrate was that white people may have thick skin because most racial or ethnic slurs for them are not as derogatory compared to other ethnic groups. Their "thick skin" is lessened or disappears when other terms that can be applied to them are attached to them, i.e.; faggots.


Active member
May 22, 2011
Your first paragraph is the key one. Next time when you are with your family and friends, ask them how they would feel being called faggots or what they thought of Pillars comment. The fact you have never heard this comment with them would suggest to me that everyone in your circle of family and friends knows that the term faggot is an offensive word and should not be used.

Comedians make fun of ethnic and individual stereotypes and behaviors and most see that as funny and acceptable. Russell Peters does it but I have never heard him use a slur word in his comedy routine. He may have, I just gave not heard it.

These two situations are totally different. The point I was trying to illustrate was that white people may have thick skin because most racial or ethnic slurs for them are not as derogatory compared to other ethnic groups. Their "thick skin" is lessened or disappears when other terms that can be applied to them are attached to them, i.e.; faggots.
Same to you, I don't remember hearing fag with my cousin, the words may have been said but I'm not hanging out with with him 24 hours a day. I just don't remember hearing it.

They aren't different.

The reason why whities typically shrug off ethnic slurs and jokes isn't because all whities are rich and famous. They shrug it off over time because they typically just don't care and have other things to worry about than stereotyped as a bricklaying wop, cheap ass big-nosed jew or toothless dumbass farming hick.

You are watching mainstream comedians. You haven't seen raunchy stand up, where all the stereotypes and slurs come in at the 11 pm show.

Do you see Asian people caring much about being joked at being a rice eater with slant eyes who minces up the English vocabulary? Not really. They don't seem to give a shit either. I don't think those 50 year old Chinese men and women working at a restaurant for minimum wage give a shit about Asian jokes.

As I said, some people roll with the punches and don't care, and some seem to care a lot. It all depends on which side of the fence someone wants to stand.

So you tell me why some groups of people don't seem to care, while others do.

A slur is really just a recap word that describes stereotypes. The typical description of a wop most people associate the word with is a lowly educated immigrant from the early 1900s. Italian, crude jobs, low education. And like most Italians, probably hairy too. Who cares. Whether someones says wop, or goes through the words saying all the stereotypical jokes that goes with it, it's really the same.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010

That's one word you won't be using soon
(at least not in mainstream society)


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
Apparently we can't use "prostitute" here.


Asian Picasso
Jan 11, 2014
Same to you, I don't remember hearing fag with my cousin, the words may have been said but I'm not hanging out with with him 24 hours a day. I just don't remember hearing it.

They aren't different.

The reason why whities typically shrug off ethnic slurs and jokes isn't because all whities are rich and famous. They shrug it off over time because they typically just don't care and have other things to worry about than stereotyped as a bricklaying wop, cheap ass big-nosed jew or toothless dumbass farming hick.

You are watching mainstream comedians. You haven't seen raunchy stand up, where all the stereotypes and slurs come in at the 11 pm show.

Do you see Asian people caring much about being joked at being a rice eater with slant eyes who minces up the English vocabulary? Not really. They don't seem to give a shit either. I don't think those 50 year old Chinese men and women working at a restaurant for minimum wage give a shit about Asian jokes.

As I said, some people roll with the punches and don't care, and some seem to care a lot. It all depends on which side of the fence someone wants to stand.

So you tell me why some groups of people don't seem to care, while others do.

A slur is really just a recap word that describes stereotypes. The typical description of a wop most people associate the word with is a lowly educated immigrant from the early 1900s. Italian, crude jobs, low education. And like most Italians, probably hairy too. Who cares. Whether someones says wop, or goes through the words saying all the stereotypical jokes that goes with it, it's really the same.
Let me try to explain the difference to you in a simple way that is easy to understand.

Walk up to a friend that that you know is Jewish and ask that person, Are you a Jew? See what that persons reaction is.

Now ask your gay friend, Are you a faggot? I would really be interested to know what their reaction is. I think you will find out very quickly what side of the fence they are on.

Next, go into a predominantly black neighborhood and approach a group of black individuals and say, hey $&@%er do you have the time. If you are non black, I would expect the reaction you will receive is not a favorable one.

Go into a Chinese restaurant and use your fingers to slant your eyes and order "chinky" food with as a Chinese person trying to speak "engrish". I honestly don't think they will be pleased.

Lastly, ask a person you know that has very little to their name, are you white trash?

The examples you brought up include characteristics that others associate with the word. The word Jew and hick are not slangs on their own while the term Wop and faggot are. Big difference.

People in this city get upset when the term faggot is used as it is a very derogatory term when referring to gay individuals. Kevin Pillar understood that and that is why he apologized. In the heat of the moment he used a term he should not have used.

Times have changed in a city a widely diverse as Toronto. Maybe it is the environment I was raised in but derogatory slang terms for ethnic/racial groups was not prevalent.

Almost every ethnic group/race have characteristics that show them in a very unflattering light and of course some don't care and that is their choice. Why however, do you not see these terms used by individuals in the media, those who teach children, by politicians in speeches, etc.... Because it is wrong!!!

Sniper Jr.

Sep 24, 2005
People in this city get upset when the term faggot is used as it is a very derogatory term when referring to gay individuals. Kevin Pillar understood that and that is why he apologized. In the heat of the moment he used a term he should not have used.
I doubt very much Kevin Pillar meant to use the word as an anti-gay slur, as there was no reason to think the pitcher was gay. The term was just meant as a general insult, like kids in the playground might use it. That's what sets Pillar's comment apart from that of a player who, say, directs a racial slur against someone based on that person's actual race. The suspension was an overreaction. But I guess it's a sign of the times: it's not good business these days to be seen as anti-LGBTQ2S (did I get all the letters, or have they added another one recently?).


Mar 31, 2009
anti-LGBTQ2S (did I get all the letters, or have they added another one recently?).
You forgot to add "BLM". On the other hand, it is currently fashionable to be anti-police. After all, the police are only trying to protect us from criminals.


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
Are there any offensive names to call white people? Aside from honky and cracker (does anyone even use those dated terms), what else? I guess you could say wop for Italians, or frog for French, but there's really nothing.

Like if somebody called me a honky ass mother fucking fag lipped cunt I'd probably laugh. I can't think of a name anyone could call me that would upset me.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
This... it is extremely disrespectful to use any of the terms any of you gentleman have provided on this thread . Like samranchoi said if you went up to any race and used a racial slur or any derogatory name their reaction would not be pleasant and their can be serious repercussions. Some people don't care because like he said there is just to much things going on their life to pay attention to ignorant people but that's the thing, they know it is ignorant but they are mature enough not to cause problems with people who don't care about other people. I was raised in a conservative family and if I used any of the words you men have said here , my mom would wash my mouth out with soap! simply because it is WRONG.

Let me try to explain the difference to you in a simple way that is easy to understand.

Walk up to a friend that that you know is Jewish and ask that person, Are you a Jew? See what that persons reaction is.

Now ask your gay friend, Are you a faggot? I would really be interested to know what their reaction is. I think you will find out very quickly what side of the fence they are on.

Next, go into a predominantly black neighborhood and approach a group of black individuals and say, hey $&@%er do you have the time. If you are non black, I would expect the reaction you will receive is not a favorable one.

Go into a Chinese restaurant and use your fingers to slant your eyes and order "chinky" food with as a Chinese person trying to speak "engrish". I honestly don't think they will be pleased.

Lastly, ask a person you know that has very little to their name, are you white trash?

The examples you brought up include characteristics that others associate with the word. The word Jew and hick are not slangs on their own while the term Wop and faggot are. Big difference.

People in this city get upset when the term faggot is used as it is a very derogatory term when referring to gay individuals. Kevin Pillar understood that and that is why he apologized. In the heat of the moment he used a term he should not have used.

Times have changed in a city a widely diverse as Toronto. Maybe it is the environment I was raised in but derogatory slang terms for ethnic/racial groups was not prevalent.

Almost every ethnic group/race have characteristics that show them in a very unflattering light and of course some don't care and that is their choice. Why however, do you not see these terms used by individuals in the media, those who teach children, by politicians in speeches, etc.... Because it is wrong!!!
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