Club Dynasty

Webex sexy cosplay


Jan 31, 2005
Sometimes it's the little things the really make your day. So I have this call today with a woman on my team who works in another city. Reasonably attractive but I figured boring and conservative, I think second generation Indian. Probably 27 or 28. She is showing me some materials she has prepared so shares her desktop with me through a webex to walk me through.

At some point she flips to her browser and is showing me some document in a tab there, and I notice that I can see the names of all the other tabs she has open in the background, not the content but enough that I can google to find what she is viewing.

Things like "sexy cosplay", and several tumblr sites that are basically weird soft porn. She had about six of these open. So while she is running through her material I am googling her tabs and viewing these sites, saying nothing, but thinking she might be more interesting than I previously thought.


Average Sized Member
Oct 21, 2005
I think Cosplay means Costume Play and years ago I remember the Japanese were crazy about it. Keep an eye out for a Cosplay event and let it slip that you were thinking of checking it out.


May 5, 2009
Cosplay involves the impersonation of 2D Comic/Anime/Manga characters, mostly involving known/existant characters of published works. But then, this is connoisseurship left for those who enjoy the genre.
But yes, definitely keys in into "a more interesting life" behind the scenes.

Naughty Nuru

New member
Nov 7, 2012
Cosplay is awesome! It's also best when done sexy. lol
My friends and I are cosplay enthusiasts, which means were nerds who like anime, videogames, scifi etc. Then you pick your favorite characters and construct a costume that mimics their look. Then you compete in a 'masquerade' for best costume. Some of the costumes are very elaborate.

If you ever check out conventions like fan expo you'll see tons of us sexy cosplayers around. Many of the characters we emulate from games, shows etc have revealing costumes. I say the sexier the better with cosplay ;)

Fuji, I think the lady in question is for sure more interesting than you may have thought. My gf's and I like sexy cosplay because were nerds, but hot ones! It's fun to show off your curves and creativity at the same time. There is a mild element of exhibitionism to sexy cosplay. She is likely far more wild than you thought!
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