Props to this brave 18 year old mother!!


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
We had a thread not long ago where we had a discussion about a McDonalds employee beating unruly customers into pulp for attacking him. Many in here went on rambling about how self-defense has limits, how his actions were uncalled for and how he should`ve stopped..

Well I`m sure those spoilt brats are lucky they didn`t face this brave mom who shot intruders the moment they stepped into her home... Authorities say this shooting was justified.

now... where can I buy myself a shotgun?


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
WOW - that is all I can think to say right now.

That and good on her. Poor girl, a young teenage mother, just lost her husband to cancer on Christmas day of all days and then this.....

and she is so calm and mature it seems.

I am just shocked.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Even in a Jurisdiction which doesn't have a "your home is your castle" doctrine. I can't imagine a jury (frankly I can't imagine a prosecutor who would charge) that would convict (of course you were “in fear of your life") when you shoot and kill someone who has a 12" knife and kicked in your front door.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Unfortunately, many times every year a resident of a house shoots a daughter or son, that comes home late.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Unfortunately, many times every year a resident of a house shoots a daughter or son, that comes home late.
That goes to exactly this case: she didn't shoot through the door, she didn't shoot as soon as he kicked in the door, she waited until not only he stepped into the house but she clearly saw him.

Further where I primarly practice I can't recall a case like that in over 20 years.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
damn that probably blew the intruder's head apart and squeezed the shit out of the one that got away
I read that the man with the knife was instantly dead in the hallway, his accomplice has surrendered to police.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
That goes to exactly this case: she didn't shoot through the door, she didn't shoot as soon as he kicked in the door, she waited until not only he stepped into the house but she clearly saw him.

Further where I primarly practice I can't recall a case like that in over 20 years.
exactly... someone didn't watch the video well it seems. She did make sure it was an intruder, called 911 to ask if she should shoot the fucker .. it wasn't like she shot randomly when a person walked into her house. Two different cases.

I'm sure those who end up shooting their own family are probably too drunk or keep guns at home for the wrong reasons in the first place, like most people these days


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
That goes to exactly this case: she didn't shoot through the door, she didn't shoot as soon as he kicked in the door, she waited until not only he stepped into the house but she clearly saw him.

Further where I primarly practice I can't recall a case like that in over 20 years.
I understand. I saw the video also. I am merely warning that shooting intruders often have disasterous results. I remember an issue of TIME magazine that had the stories of all shooting deaths dusing a month in the US. There were a frightingly high number of instancies where someone shot what he thought was an intruder, but who turned out to be a (dead) family member.


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
I know the Mcdonalds incident you're referring to. Good for the guy and good for the young mother.


New member
Dec 27, 2004
Good for her.

If an armed goon who has been stalking you kicks in your locked door, when he knows you are in there, and obviously wants to harm/rape/kill you, then he deserves to get shot.

In Florida, the combination of 'home is your castle' doctrine combined with extensive gun ownership makes it unlikely that intruders would go around an occupied home rattling doors and trying to get in before proceeding to bang on and kick in a peticular door as a shotgun blast from the alerted and prepared owner would be the expected response.

The debates Fuji and I have had over the years on Florida gun laws are mainly that in Florida you can shoot intruders who are stealing your property and not specifically trying to harm you, or are trying to steal your car. So if a thief comes in a window and is picking up your TV he is fair game. Heck, if he is in your backyard stealing your lawnmower he is fair game. Some places require the purposes of the illegal intrusion be to harm the occupant (as was clearly the case with the woman in the news story) and don't allow lethal force to be deployed against thieves, and/or require the house itself be breached, not just the property line. We also argue about Florida letting everyone keep unregistered handguns in their home or car.

Anyway. I think we all can agree that in this case the woman was justified to shoot him. It was unfortunate he put her in the position to have to, but she did what she had to do.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Real gun control is hitting what you aim at.....

Scary for her for sure....



Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Canada's self defense laws are a joke. The victim of a home intrusion is looked upon as the criminal if he/she uses excessive force to defend him/her self. In Canada there are limits to the saying "your home is your castle". The homeowner can't use unreasonable force against an intruder, and they can only use guns to defend themselves if it is reasonable and there is no other option. Try to defend yourself in a court of law with the crown accusing you as the criminal.

Here's a few examples for your reading pleasure.

My position, good on that young Oklahoma girl.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
In Canada you would be arrested for killing someone in your home like that. While the intruder broke and entered, he was at the door. He was not yet a threat to her. In Canada you would be required to prove that there was a danger to yourself or the baby. Then she could have had the option to injure before killing the intruder. That is the way it is in Canada.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Canada's self defense laws are a joke. The victim of a home intrusion is looked upon as the criminal if he/she uses excessive force to defend him/her self. In Canada there are limits to the saying "your home is your castle". The homeowner can't use unreasonable force against an intruder, and they can only use guns to defend themselves if it is reasonable and there is no other option. Try to defend yourself in a court of law with the crown accusing you as the criminal.

Here's a few examples for your reading pleasure.

My position, good on that young Oklahoma girl.
If you like the american laws so much, why don't you move to Florida?
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