TTC tokens


Jan 31, 2005
I am bothered by the number of coughing and sneezing people there.
This doesn't bother me. I am not a shut in. I go lots of places that are crowded and full of people coughing and sneezing: bars, restaurants, house parties, sporting events, concerts. People cough and sneeze. If you have a healthy immune system you cope with it.


Jan 31, 2005
Makes sense
Honestly all they need in the long run is to get WIFI there. You don't REALLY need cell signal. Currently there's this idiotic stuff about having a phone number to dial that is tied to a carrier, but that is going to be a thing of the past in another 10 years or so. Think Google voice, or skype. Once you have a good IP based connection you are able to place and receive phone calls, with the right technology. Carriers at the end of the day are just a data pipe. If TTC would provide a good data pipe throughout their system people would pay extra for that and it would likely become a profit center that could offset things like 10 cent fare increases.

They literally have a monopoly on service in the tunnel. How much is that actually worth??? A lot I would guess.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
How do you figure?
It is not a numerical ranking system.

When North America was discovered across the Atlantic by the known world of that time, it was called the "New World" as opposed to the known or "Old World".

Less developed countries after the Old and New Worlds were called Third World.


New member
Nov 16, 2011
You beat me to it.

No such thing as a "first world" country.
You guys are kidding right how often does the subway in NY, Paris, London or Tokyo go down due to mechanical issues that happen almost daily?! in those major cities how many shut down in the morning and are not 24 hours a day...


New member
Nov 16, 2011
It is not a numerical ranking system.

When North America was discovered across the Atlantic by the known world of that time, it was called the "New World" as opposed to the known or "Old World".

Less developed countries after the Old and New Worlds were called Third World.
I read first equals fully functioning captist free market economies, second socialist and third developing nations with fractured unstable economies...


Apr 24, 2005
how often does the subway in NY, Paris, London or Tokyo go down due to mechanical issues that happen almost daily?!
I have some experience with the NYC subway system circa 1989-98. It was always crowded during office hours and can be extremely hot in the Summer and also scarey depending on the time of day and your location.

BTW: Was there a fire on the Bloor line earlier this evening?


New member
Nov 16, 2011
Honestly all they need in the long run is to get WIFI there. You don't REALLY need cell signal. Currently there's this idiotic stuff about having a phone number to dial that is tied to a carrier, but that is going to be a thing of the past in another 10 years or so. Think Google voice, or skype. Once you have a good IP based connection you are able to place and receive phone calls, with the right technology. Carriers at the end of the day are just a data pipe. If TTC would provide a good data pipe throughout their system people would pay extra for that and it would likely become a profit center that could offset things like 10 cent fare increases.

Have a friend who works at ttc and basically ttc is cheap they want carriers to pay to put coverage down there wifi or cell towers. The carriers want to share the cost but the ttc doesn't see the need to pay to improve condition of it's travelers so basically stalemate with riders suffering. But ttc believes that no one can miss something they're use to having in e first place. Really backwards and short sighted thinking but obviously not surpass considering it's source.
Jun 11, 2007
The lack of internet is really lame. It would not have been too hard for them to put WIFI in the new subways that they just ordered. Cellular service is harder (so many carriers) but WIFI would have been easily doable and would have made a HUGE difference. I think a lot of people would even be willing to pay an extra $30/month or so to have access to subway WIFI. A company like Boingo would probably even underwrite most of the costs of doing it, because it would net them a huge number of new subscribers, or else partner up with that failed "one zone" wifi service and resuscitate it.
$30 a month for wifi for maybe 2 hours a day? What are you smoking Fuji? I pay $50 a month for all the WiFi I can use at home for the month.


Jan 31, 2005
$30 a month for wifi for maybe 2 hours a day? What are you smoking Fuji? I pay $50 a month for all the WiFi I can use at home for the month.
You can buy your home internet from a variety of competitors, the TTC would have a monopoly on your internet access in its tunnels. You don't think they could afford to charge monopoly rates for that? If the service was also offered generally outside the TTC, say it was done in partnership with Boingo or OneZone, people absolutely would pay. Not everyone, but a lot of people would decide to pay $1/day to have internet access on their commute.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
An extra dollar a day if you get a reclining lounge chair with a pulsating action to go with your WiFi.

If they served drinks in a bar car and brought back the stripper poles they could easily finance a new subway.


May 5, 2009
Perhaps I have too much of a patience for the TTC and its service quality, having come from the land of efficient and profitable subway systems - Hong Kong.

lack of communications in the tunnels (mass phone-flipping at above ground stations - Davisville and Rosedale phonehomes, anyone?) are the bane. Will WiFi really solve the issue? Maybe if we all emailed home with it, perhaps, but nothing beats the traditional phonecall, and despite multiple carriers in China, they do it all the same.

Guess I can't complain, for the MTR is the only system in the world that can support operations from fares alone - and a little extra. Can't blame them for being the first in the world to implement RFID transit passes and full screen-door systems...and a place where 10 seconds late is a verbal complaint and 2 minutes is a full written reprimand.


Jan 21, 2003
TTC set to confirm 5-cent fare increase

The TTC is expected on Wednesday to confirm a fare increase that will take effect in the new year.

The increase is on the commission's agenda for Wednesday’s meeting. A staff report that will be presented at the meeting says "a modest fare increase in line with the rate of inflation is required to balance the budget."

It previously approved in principle the five-cent fare hike for Jan. 1.

The hike will affect tokens, which would go to $2.65 each, up from $2.60. It also applies to tickets for students and seniors, which would go up to $1.80 from $1.75.

Adult monthly Metropasses would go up to $128.50, an increase of $2.50, while weekly metropasses would go up $1 to $38.50.

Adult cash fare would stay at $3, student and senior fares are unchanged at $2, as is the cash fare for children, which remains at $0.75.

The TTC's operating budget in 2013 is projected to be $1.54 billion, an increase of four per cent compared to the previous year.


Jan 21, 2003
Did moderate fare increase prevent tokens hoarding? In 2010 the price of tokens is set to rise 25 cents to $2.75, TTC suspended token sales.

hoarders-foiled-as-ttc-halts-token-sales Taken aback by the amount of token hoarding following its decision to raise fares in January, the Toronto Transit Commission has suspended most token sales and reverted to tickets as a temporary measure.

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
The new presto machines are almost all installed and i can see them going that way very soon. They will not need to pay for collectors nor having the expense of sorting and transporting the money collected on a daily basis. On a good note when all of the new trains are running on the YUS line they will be running about 30 seconds apart, this should help with the congestion.
Ashley Madison
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