It might be a bit late now. If you don't like the number, just politely tell them so. "Sorry, that's more than I'm used to paying." Most girls will come down. If they don't, just move on. There is a lot out there.Be patient. They're the ones that need our money and my experience has shown that you can get good value. Hint: Stay away from the glamour girls, the girls who say they want rich guys, give me whenever I want and I never even talk to ones who think that they are princesses. We need to get these girls to understand that they have to be reasonable. If guys are overpaying, it makes it harder for all of us.I'm in process discussing with this one girl from online text. I'm quite new to this and she's the only one we managed to have several chats so far. Did I make a mistake by asking her how much before seeing her? She quoted $500. I like it bit lower but not sure how I approach this without turning her off.
But, be polite and gentlemanly. There are so many assholes out there that treat them like service providers, just being polite will get their attention. Do you want a pro or a college girl who needs a few extra bucks. At the beginning, act like you're trying to get a girl to go out with you.