the fact that she said she usually gets that is a red flag , I would have asked her how many coffee dates she's had in the last 6 mos and why is she not in an arrangement now after so many.Back and forth chatting with a girl and we agree to meet for a meet and greet, arranged a time and place and she casually drops, oh by the way, will you be compensating me for the meet and greet, I usually get a small gift(aka $150-$200).
I stated that I never pay money for just coffee chat and she said no go then.
Guys, don't be suckers, don't pay for just a coffee chat. If girls expect it, it means there are enough guys out there that pay for just talking with no guarantee of anything materializing afterwards. Don't fuck things up for the rest of us by creating expectations for financial transactions for just talking.
I've asked them that question in this scenario and the response is very telling of the intent to not follow thru