case wide open
You do not understand the difference between temperature and temperature change (temperature anomoly
Too bad you dropped out of high school
a temperature anomaly of 1 degree is the same for the surface of the planet and 10km up in the troposphere and for the sea surface.
a 1 degree c change = a 1 degree C change be it measured in a solid, liquid or gas, be it measured in Toronto, Nunavik, Paris, a farmers field in Brazil, the north pole, the south pole , at the top of mount Everest, in the troposphere , in the stratosphere , in the mesosphere , on the moon or in deep space
the Satellite temperature anomalies are confirmed by the weather balloon temperature anomalies observations
Are you going to argue the scientist have been sending millions of weather balloons aloft for 100+ years have been wasting their time.... because "Frank footer the bullshit artist says so?
the Satellite temperature anomalies are confirmed and are valid for comparison to the bloody mess that is the surface data record.
get use to it and learn something
now you answer a question
explain how an
Atmospheric Gas CO2 manages to heat up the surface faster than the
Atmosphere ?
be sure to explain how your morons theory obeys the laws of Thermodynamics , the Stephan Law and conservation of energy