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Mr. Trudeau Going Full Adolph


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Ignoring the whole opps we shot those guys, I think they were trying to surrender thing, did we really execute Nazis regardless of record.
Hess died in prison in 1987
Speer in 2017
Von Krosigk who was minister of finance and defacto chancellor for a month at the end, died in 1977
Schacht in 1970
Yes, but those were pretty high level guys. If you can't find a reason to hang them, you kind of at least have to keep them locked up.
I am sure if anyone gave a shit they could find Nazis who were not executed, and probably many who were never tried or convicted of war crimes either.

Inglorious Bastards was a wonderful movie, nice revenge fantasy, clever elements etc... but it always bothered me when they assumed every German was a Nazi, on a semi related note
Oh look. I found another wiki article by googling for 15 seconds and we can read what it says....

All civilian organisations, including agricultural groups, volunteer organisations, and sports clubs, had their leadership replaced with Nazi sympathisers or party members; these civic organisations either merged with the Nazi Party or faced dissolution.[38] The Nazi government declared a "Day of National Labor" for May Day 1933, and invited many trade union delegates to Berlin for celebrations. The day after, SA stormtroopers demolished union offices around the country; all trade unions were forced to dissolve and their leaders were arrested.[39] The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service, passed in April, removed from their jobs all teachers, professors, judges, magistrates, and government officials who were Jewish or whose commitment to the party was suspect.[40] This meant the only non-political institutions not under control of the Nazis were the churches.[41]

Germany was entirely Nazified by 1945. There were MILLIONS of Nazis. Every fucking schoolteacher was a member of the Nazi party. Probably every lawyer. Every university prof.

No one went around rounding up schoolteachers and hanging them in 1945. They were mainly just ordinary shmos who signed on so they could keep their jobs, make a living and stay out of a one way trip to Auschwitz.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

Here you go, meinen Kameraden!!..... More shit about Nazi Germany.

A 1948 denazification clearance certificate from Wattenscheid in the British Zone
About 8 million Germans, or 10% of the population, had been members of the Nazi Party. Nazi-related organizations also had huge memberships, such as the German Labor Front (25 million), the National Socialist People's Welfare organization (17 million), the League of German Women, and others.[8] It was through the Party and these organizations that the Nazi state was run, involving as many as 45 million Germans in total.[9] In addition, Nazism found significant support among industrialists, who produced weapons or used slave labor, and large landowners, especially the Junkers in Prussia. Denazification after the surrender of Germany was thus an enormous undertaking, fraught with many difficulties.

The first difficulty was the enormous number of Germans who might have to be first investigated, then penalized if found to have supported the Nazi state to an unacceptable degree. In the early months of denazification there was a great desire to be utterly thorough, to investigate every suspect and hold every supporter of Nazism accountable; however, it was decided that the numbers simply made this goal impractical. The Morgenthau Plan had recommended that the Allies create a post-war Germany with all its industrial capacity destroyed, reduced to a level of subsistence farming; however, that plan was soon abandoned as unrealistic and, because of its excessive punitive measures, liable to give rise to German anger and aggression.[10] As time went on, another consideration that moderated the denazification effort in the West was the concern to keep enough good will of the German population to prevent the growth of communism.[11]

The denazification process was often completely disregarded by both the Soviets and the Western powers for German rocket scientists and other technical experts, who were taken out of Germany to work on projects in the victors' own countries or simply seized in order to prevent the other side from taking them. The US took 785 scientists and engineers from Germany to the United States, some of whom formed the backbone of the US space program (see Operation Paperclip).[12]

In the case of the top-ranking Nazis, such as Göring, Hess, von Ribbentrop, Streicher, and Speer, the initial proposal by the British was to simply arrest them and shoot them,[13] but that course of action was replaced by putting them on trial for war crimes at the Nuremberg Trials in order to publicize their crimes while demonstrating that the trials and the sentences were just, especially to the German people. However, the legal foundations of the trials were questioned, and many Germans were not convinced that the trials were anything more than "victors' justice".[14]


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
No their crime was being Nazi's. Just like this guy's crime was being in SS. We executed tons of Nazi's who just followed orders to fight
No, we didn't.

You know dick all about this. You want me to keep posting wiki articles to prove you wrong?? How much of my time are you going to waste?

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Few things.

The world was very different in the 1920s when Hitler came on the scene. Very different 1939-1945. No such thing as the internet, and 3 square were a luxury.

If half of America can believe aliens were invading thanks to Orsen Wells and television, and 80% of Americans believed there were communist in every closet thanks to Mcarthyism….

Why would German nationals think the world or the war, was anything but what they were told?

For shits and giggles.
if in the next 25 years, the US decides to annex us for our resources and water. How many of you are going to become terrorist. Maybe murderers of unarmed combatants. If I’m not worm food, I’ll sure as hell take every single one armed or not with me.

And while we will put a serious hurt on them, given our climate etc, sheer land mass. Not much differently than the Afghan debacle. We will lose. Then be tried as terrorist, murderers etc etc.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005

Don’t forget… maybe slightly more then 5% off the top taxed to private Zenlensky villa courtnesy of Canadian Taxpayer.

Zelensky’s $5 Million Villa in Egypt

By Deborah L. Armstrong
Caution: My articles cause cognitive dissonance.

Luxury villa is located next door to estate owned by Angelina Jolie

The luxury villa features a swimming pool, panoramic views of the Red Sea, and is located next door to an estate belonging to Angelina Jolie. Photo:
AnEgyptian investigative journalist has discovered a document showing that the family of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky purchased a luxurious villa in El Gouna, which is known locally as “the city of millionaires.” The document reveals that the VIP estate, worth $5 million, is owned by Olga Kiyashko, whose name matches that of Zelensky’s mother-in-law.

El Gouna, which is thought of as the Venice of Egypt, is located on the coast of the Red Sea. The luxury villa sports lavish interior decorations and a swimming pool, panoramic views of the sea, and beach access. Next door to the villa is the estate of Angelina Jolie, the world-famous Hollywood actress.

The journalist who found the documents, Mohammad Al-Alawi, an Egyptian blogger, recorded a video near the villa stating that news of the villa’s purchase came from reliable sources. The video is in Arabic with English subtitles, and you can watch it on Al-Alawi’s YouTube channel. It includes more views of the luxury estate.

The document, first published yesterday, shows that Kiyashko purchased the villa in May, 2023, for 150,000,000 Egyptian pounds, which is about $4,850,000.

Sale contract dated May 16th includes the value of the villa in Egyptian pounds and is signed by a woman whose name matches that of Zelensky’s mother-in-law. Photos:
An Egyptian political scientist, Abdulrahman Al-Abbassy, suspects that the real estate in El Gouna, was acquired with dirty money. Though Ukrainian elite have purchased real estate in Egypt previously, Al-Abbassy saw nothing like this before 2022.
“I am surprised that relatives of top Ukrainian officials began to buy luxury real estate after the start of [the] Ukraine war,” Al-Abbassy is quoted as saying. “It is surprising that Ukraine is waging a bloody war with Russia, and relatives of Ukrainian officials are buying up real estate in Egypt instead of donating their riches to the needs of the country. A suspicion is creeping in that Ukrainian bureaucrats, with the help of their relatives, are stealing financial aid to Ukraine from the West. I am quite certain that Zelensky’s mother-in-law’s purchase of a villa in El Gouna is the result of corruption and the theft of humanitarian aid to Ukraine. I sincerely sympathize with the Ukrainian people.”
At present, the villa appears empty, and it is unknown whether Zelensky or members of his family will enjoy their weekends there any time soon.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
More false propaganda by the Russians that the far right on this Board only buy to desperately try to discredit Zelenskyy:

Orascom denies reports Ukrainian president’s family own villa in Egypt’s El Gouna
Egyptian tycoon Sawiris denies Zelensky’s family El Gouna villa reports

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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022

Can we trust PP to "vet every individual" when he did this:

Probably not.
World of difference between convicted terrorist and Nazis though……

But the outright or should I say rank hypocrisy of Liberals and many on the left, is what reeks the most.

One rule for thee, but not for me.
Even worse given so virtuously woke. And posting that is a prime example. Roasted for marching beside someone….including JT and the party…..someone who almost certainly wouldn’t have been vetted by everyone prior to attending. And doesn’t hold a candle to a terrorist (hate crimes) or Nazi ( hate crimes)


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Probably not.
World of difference between convicted terrorist and Nazis though……

But the outright or should I say rank hypocrisy of Liberals and many on the left, is what reeks the most.

One rule for thee, but not for me.
Even worse given so virtuously woke. And posting that is a prime example. Roasted for marching beside someone….including JT and the party…..someone who almost certainly wouldn’t have been vetted by everyone prior to attending. And doesn’t hold a candle to a terrorist (hate crimes) or Nazi ( hate crimes)
JT had nothing to do with the choice, he had as much responsibility as PeePee who also applauded.
Blame the speaker, nobody else.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Probably not.
World of difference between convicted terrorist and Nazis though……

But the outright or should I say rank hypocrisy of Liberals and many on the left, is what reeks the most.

One rule for thee, but not for me.
Even worse given so virtuously woke. And posting that is a prime example. Roasted for marching beside someone….including JT and the party…..someone who almost certainly wouldn’t have been vetted by everyone prior to attending. And doesn’t hold a candle to a terrorist (hate crimes) or Nazi ( hate crimes)
We know that Poilievre politicizes everything under the sun, and it is working for now with his lead in the polls. However, two years is a long way away.
The hypocrisy from the right reeks even more. One of the Conservative members of parliament even mentioned about the terrorist attack on Parliament Hill in 2014.
She was referring to the vulnerability of Parliament Hill. However, this was the time of Harper's tenure. The lives of the MPs were definitely under a huge threat then.
But did the "Left" blame the then Conservative PM for their security as it was under his watch?
This is the real hypocrisy from Poilievre and the right that in time will be more transparent. But remember that The Speaker has taken all the full responsibility for his sole decision to invite this Nazi backed War Veteran!!

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
We know that Poilievre politicizes everything under the sun, and it is working for now with his lead in the polls. However, two years is a long way away.
The hypocrisy from the right reeks even more. One of the Conservative members of parliament even mentioned about the terrorist attack on Parliament Hill in 2014.
She was referring to the vulnerability of Parliament Hill. However, this was the time of Harper's tenure. The lives of the MPs were definitely under a huge threat then.
But did the "Left" blame the then Conservative PM for their security as it was under his watch?
This is the real hypocrisy from Poilievre and the right that in time will be more transparent. But remember that The Speaker has taken all the full responsibility for his sole decision to invite this Nazi backed War Veteran!!
Same cats different stripes. Agree?
Cons cats dont really pretend to be something other than cats. Is Pierre parading around, singing koombuyah, or is he an attack dog/cat. Harper?

Liberal cats pretend to be oh so loveable, so virtuous, so enlightened, so, everything they are not.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
Given that the event was momentous and meant to showcase Zelensky, the gaffe was pretty small.

In a couple of days, The Sun will stop writing about it and the only persons who will even remember it are the "Fuck Trudeau!" bros who will chuckle and snicker about it endlessly when they protest vaccinations, immigrants, the carbon tax or whatever they're whining about from time to time.
So in other words...JT gets another pass to add to a very long list of things Liberals would be burning cars over if a conservative did the same thing. Gotcha.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
So in other words...JT gets another pass to add to a very long list of things Liberals would be burning cars over if a conservative did the same thing. Gotcha.
If this was the Harper government, the Liberals would probably be able to prove that the SS guy is Harper's uncle or cousin. 😺

The Liberals would also whine and point fingers. It would blow over more quickly since the Libs don't have the vast army of Twitter bots and mouthpieces that the Tories have.

When did the Liberals burn cars btw?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Ya we did. You just live in an alternate reality. Go ahead, prove me wrong bud
Are you going to produce sources?

Or just say stuff without proof?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Same cats different stripes. Agree?
Cons cats dont really pretend to be something other than cats. Is Pierre parading around, singing koombuyah, or is he an attack dog/cat. Harper?

Liberal cats pretend to be oh so loveable, so virtuous, so enlightened, so, everything they are not.
Would have agreed 100% if The Liberals did something similar after the Terrorist attack in 2014.
Here the Speaker took 100% responsibility for his decision to invite this individual during Zelenskyy's visit. He was saluted by all members of Parliament from both sides.
But now to lay the blame solely at The PMs office is the real hypocrisy!!

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Would have agreed 100% if The Liberals did something similar after the Terrorist attack in 2014.
Here the Speaker took 100% responsibility for his decision to invite this individual during Zelenskyy's visit. He was saluted by all members of Parliament from both sides.
But now to lay the blame solely at The PMs office is the real hypocrisy!!
two things there.
For some reason, people the electorate always forget there are teams. Of strategist, consultants, party members behind the figure heads.

The last true leaders as far as I’m concerned were Harper and Chrétien.

that said, when something goes south or really good. Who takes the credit but for some strange reason their heads never roll. In armies, in any organization/company? Chain of command.
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