Depends on his service history. There would need to be some type of evidence that he may have been complicit in a war crime.So now, that everybody knows who this SS scumbag is, shouldn't he be arrested and tried for war crimes?
I'll take #2. geez I'd do Mel Joly, she's frickin hot.Wow…if it was a conservative supporter give Justin a scar in the forehead.It would be all over the mainstream media and he will milk it for all the political mileage and then blame on the white conservatives and then have him or her charged.
Mostly likely maybe the someone in the personal family members founds out something and then took out the anger on physical alterations like a flying pots aim at Justin Trudeau head and he forgot to duck fast enough! Hmm seems highly suspected timing of the wife at the same time seeking separation and maybe divorce ???
Possible Scenario #1 : Maybe the long time NDA agreement( paid in millions ) in Vancouver when he was a teacher sign with a former student ( female minor ) finallly revealed??
Possible Scenario #2: Maybe love affair with a member of caucus or coworkers??
Possible Scenario #3 : Maybe he not straight and confused to his wife Sophia he into other form of sexual deviance and he like to visit Terb??
Possible Scenario #4: He beginining to admire Commmunist and facism and love Chairmen Xi or he admire Hitler?
Possible Scenario #5 : He slipped on a bannna peel?
Possible Scenario#6 :The door accident open hits forehead? Forgot to look where he going while he admiring his colour sock getting ready to go to India G10 summiit early this week. Too self conceited about his colour sock. Realize he surround by other leader who just look down on Trudeau because Trudeau is intellectually underweight!
PS. Take your pick!
I'm more interested in finding out who pushed his name to the speaker.The amazing thing to me isn't that the government didn't do their research, but that the dude in question didn't pull someone aside and say, hey broski, this is probably a bad idea.
Not only for the government but for him. What better way to carve a swastica on your forehead than to put yourself in the public eye in a world of fact checking.
Why?.....This is where we start playing the curb your enthusiasm music right?
House Speaker apologizes after MPs honour man who fought with Nazi unit
After Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech, the invited 98-year-old guest received a standing ovation in the House of
I think you have to be my age and a WW2 buff who dated a Ukrainian woman decades ago and knew the background of many of those old guys to get the red flag right away.The amazing thing to me isn't that the government didn't do their research, but that the dude in question didn't pull someone aside and say, hey broski, this is probably a bad idea.
Not only for the government but for him. What better way to carve a swastica on your forehead than to put yourself in the public eye in a world of fact checking.
As I wrote a couple of times further up, the Galician SS was cleared as a unit by the Canadian government decades ago because the Ukrainian-Canadian community contained thousands of these guys after WW2. They fled Europe and emigrated to Canada and made up a large and influential part of the U-C community.Depends on his service history. There would need to be some type of evidence that he may have been complicit in a war crime.
There are these things called books and some contain documentation of fact about history.Show me proof , news paper article otherwise it a lame excuse! It same type of excuse the SS Nazis leaders like generals etc, used like I am just following order until they found guilty.
PS. So by the way how come the parliament speaker issue a apology letters???? If the parliament did nothing wrong??? See post #25 above by mitchell76 . Admit you wrong mandrill you lost this argument ! The more you try to justify it, the more you sticking your own foot in your mouth!
As I have posted repeatedly "Although the Waffen-SS as a whole was declared to be a criminal organization at the Nuremburg trials, the Galician Division has not specifically been found guilty of any war crimes by any war tribunal or commission."Depends on his service history. There would need to be some type of evidence that he may have been complicit in a war crime.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center disagrees with you and something tells me they know a little more about this situation than you do.....As I have posted repeatedly "Although the Waffen-SS as a whole was declared to be a criminal organization at the Nuremburg trials, the Galician Division has not specifically been found guilty of any war crimes by any war tribunal or commission."
Since he served in that Division I don't believe he would have been complicit in a war crime.
Agree.The amazing thing to me isn't that the government didn't do their research, but that the dude in question didn't pull someone aside and say, hey broski, this is probably a bad idea.
Not only for the government but for him. What better way to carve a swastica on your forehead than to put yourself in the public eye in a world of fact checking.
We didn't execute every Nazi. There were literally 100's of thousands of low level Nazi party members or Waffen SS soldiers who weren't prosecuted or punished. Every village postmaster or mayor would have been a nazi party member.Well not every nazi was a war criminal either then. Didn't stop us from executing them
Given that the event was momentous and meant to showcase Zelensky, the gaffe was pretty small.This isn't the first time JT and the dimwits that advise him have gaffed:
...but like everything he somehow gets a pass and/or blames someone else..."we can all do better" after all.