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Mr. Trudeau Going Full Adolph


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Stop crying and try to think clearly through your tears. They were guards at a death camp. There was no evidence any of those particular guards did anything other than guard. I know your emotional so try to sleep it off.

Bullshit. We executed thousands of Nazi's, and it wasn't just on the battlefield. It WAS us. We justified it by not reprimanding any of the soldiers who did it. It was celebrated.

You are living in a fantasy land in which we acted heroically like mythological figures. Sorry kiddo, but that's not how reality works.
Sources, buddy?

Let's see what you claim is evidence.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
1) You literally did say that. Why are you lying? We are not talking about those killed by accident while surrendering, we're talking about executions. Stop trying to distract from the point because you have nothing of substance to add.

LMAO! A 50-person massacre isn't enough evidence for you? "A few soldiers got murdery" LOL! What a euphemism. This shit happened all the time. How do you think Nazi POW's were treated? Also, by definition a war-criminal must be tried and convicted. There was no trial. If anything, executing them summarily like that was the war crime.

If you see a guy's dick covered in blood and cum over a dead woman's body, pretty safe bet what happened. If you see Nazi guards at a death camp, where's the evidence they're the one's giving the orders and herding the people into the camps? Dudes could just be on guard duty like any soldier would be. Bad analogy, but not surprising given how emotional you are.

It did NOT happen rarely. It happened A LOT. And it happened with the consent and knowledge of the higher ups. We basically green lighted it. Denial of this is a denial of reality. I did not state or imply it was systematic, that's just you reading into things in your highly hysterical state of mind.
Sources, buddy?

Tarentino movies are not evidence.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece

Sid Seixeiro nails it...There's no was the PMO didn't know this man was going to be honoured. No way!!

Mr. Trudeau needs to give a full explanation before media questioning. He doesn't have Gerald Butts to blame for this one.

He's embarrassed Canadians in front of the world. Zelenski must be fuming.

Mr.Trudeau should do the right thing and resign. Being the narcissist he is you know he won't.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I already provided a source and you provided none
I provided a lot. I provided a wiki article indicating that there were 8,000,000 Nazis in Germany in 1945 and the Allies gave up even trying to de-indoctrinate them because the task was too difficult. I cut and pasted it.

You came up with a single anecdote about 50 concentration camp guards being killed. How about the other 7,999,950 Nazis in Germany. Did they get killed too?

Did they get prosecuted for war crimes?.....

The answer is "no", isn't it?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
That's right. Trudeau's behaviour over the last month, has been nothing short of shocking, embarrassing and unprofessional.

You're hating on the True because he took on your buddy, Modi and you can't handle that.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I don't need to give you all the examples of every execution in WW2. That example was sufficient. None of the soldiers involved in that massacre were punished for it and this stuff happened all the time.
It was literally like a scene from Inglorious Basterds. They left nobody alive in that camp. And literally the whole movie is "a few soldiers going nuts" so it's exactly the same.
So that's 50. Tell us about the others. Get more sources.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Justin Trudeau's Nazi Hot Take Flexibility: Taibbi

MONDAY, SEP 25, 2023 - 07:00 PM
Authored by Matt Taibbi via Racket News,

Let me get this straight:

A year and a half ago, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau denounced a Jewish member of parliament named Melissa Lantsman for standing with “people who wave swastikas.” Lantsman had criticized Trudeau for fanning “the flames of an unjustified national emergency” in response to the “Freedom Convoy” trucker protests. The “swastikas” Trudeau referenced were, as even Snopes conceded, virtually all “pictured on signs as a way of mocking and protesting government restrictions,” comme ça:

By saying Lantsman stood with “people who wave swastikas,” in other words, Trudeau really meant she was standing with “people who called me a Nazi.” He declined to apologize, which of course is his prerogative.

This week, both Trudeau and House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota are under fire after Rota invited, and Trudeau applauded, a 98-year-old former soldier from the 14th Waffen-SS Grenadier Division named Yaroslav Hunka to attend an address by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. Rota praised Hunka as a “Canadian hero” from his time fighting the Soviets in World War II when, not that it matters, they were allies to the United States and Canada. Leaving the elderly Hunka out of this for the moment, these politicians could easily have turned up the man’s blogs about joining Hitler’s army, making the applause scene at least approach the max on the cringe scale:

Amid the subsequent outcry, Trudeau squeaked out a handful of sentences that collectively gave off least a faint aroma of apology, though he personally didn’t apologize for anything, and invoked “mistakes were made” phrasing:

It’s extremely upsetting that this happened. The Speaker has acknowledged his mistake and has apologized… This is something that is deeply embarrassing to the Parliament of Canada and by extension to all Canadians… I think particularly of Jewish MPs and all members of the Jewish community, celebrating, um, commemorating Yom Kippur today.
If he’d stopped there, it would have been a merely gross performance. He didn’t, jumping straight from “Yom Kippur today” to:

I think it’s going to be really important that all of us push back against Russian propaganda, Russian disinformation, and continue our steadfast and unequivocal support for Ukraine, as we did last week with announcing further measures to stand with Ukraine in Russia’s illegal war against it.
To recap: Trudeau in a clear act of official disinformation smeared thousands of Canadian protesters as Nazis last year with context-twisting descriptions of a few decidedly un-representative photos.Now, after the Speaker of the House of Commons invited an ex-Nazi to parliament in a planned political act that had to be somewhat representative of the thinking of Trudeau’s Liberal government, the Prime Minister is complaining about “Russian disinformation,” as if that were to blame for this optics Hindenburg. As the CBC put it:

Trudeau warned that this event may fuel Russian propaganda. Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed the Ukraine conflict is about rooting out Nazis.
Dude, Vladimir Putin didn’t invite a Nazi to parliament, your government did. Do Davosketeers like Trudeau have anything inside, like shame or their own thoughts, or are they just manicured readers of talking points? Sheesh. It’s almost funny, how repugnant these people are.
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
After reviewing the facts…. This is not the hill I am willing to die on. Conservatives. Have at’er. This was an incredibly bone headed move by the speaker of the house… and the PM himself.

Have fun calling him a Nazi sympathizer and supporter… and all the other stuff. Enjoy your time in the sun. Enjoying being right about this one. Know that old Poker is backing you up on this one.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
What does giving up on de-indoctrinization have to do with anything? Your argument is that because we didn't slaughter all the Nazi's they weren't executed? By that logic the Salem Witch trials didn't matter because we didn't hang all the witches
Not quite. Witches don’t exist. They were women we burned alive. Not witches. That distinction…. is important. But your point is recognized. Carry on.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
How about first you get one to prove me wrong like you said you were going to?
Yeah we did prove you wrong, via logic and facts, you just don't care to understand.

No, you made the retarded claim, it is up to YOU to actually establish the evidence. You don't get how that works do you. I suppose maybe there is some study out there which knowing you, you would dismiss for being biased or fake news or some other foolishness, but why the fuck should either of us go through the effort to debunk and claim that you have yet to provide any sort of backing for. Also the effort to hunt down such a study would just take too much effort and might fail, I've done that for other topics, something I've read, just couldn't find the thing on line to back it up.

Your Claim, your bullshit, your monkey your circus.

The fact that the only evidence you provided was 1 isolated case of people who were clearly war criminals is very telling. You know you got nothing.

What I do know is that your claim has never been substantiated in the way to many to mention books I've read on the subject, and I assume our Ape Law fellow also has the same experience.
Now, you tell me, how am I to display that sort of evidence. You want I should go to the library and PDF dozens of books showing nothing, only to have you not read it.

It's time to stop! OK, where are your parents, who are your parents. I am going to call child protective services. It's time to stop!


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
What does giving up on de-indoctrinization have to do with anything? Your argument is that because we didn't slaughter all the Nazi's they weren't executed? By that logic the Salem Witch trials didn't matter because we didn't hang all the witches
Wow, you just don't understand the claims being made do you.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
That's right. Trudeau's behaviour over the last month, has been nothing short of shocking, embarrassing and unprofessional.

“Not us, not JT, it was all of us, it was the speaker, let’s make this about the cons and politicizing it”.
Scuze me? He’s the head of state..

There is not a shred, of personal responsibility/accountability. Never has been, for all kinds of things. He defines hypocrisy, is fast to throw big words around labelling others as racist, xenophobes, misogynist and more. The party reeks of ineptitude, weakness, sanctimonious holier than though, virtue seeking and exemplifying, (like many leftist these days), but only when it suits. do what I say, not as I do.

Loved the last comment about throwing people under the bus. Calling a spade a spade. One reason amongst many his train is barreling right at them.
Last edited:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
“Not us, not JT, it was all of us, it was the speaker, let’s make this about the cons and politicizing it”.
Scuze me? He’s the head of state..

There is not a shred, of personal responsibility/accountability. Never has been, for all kinds of things. He defines hypocrisy, is fast to throw big words around labelling others as racist, xenophobes, misogynist and more. The party reeks of ineptitude, weakness, sanctimonious holier than though, virtue seeking and exemplifying, (like many leftist these days), but only when it suits. do what I say, not as I do.

Loved the last comment about throwing people under the bus. Calling a spade a spade. One reason amongst many his train is barreling right at them.
Typical that people are still trying to blame JT for something that was clearly not his responsiblity.
While they also forget that the cons hosted a dinner with actual neo Nazis AfD last year.



Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
How about first you get one to prove me wrong like you said you were going to?
I did.

You're like the knight in the Monty Python movie who keeps claiming he isn't hurt as the other guy chops off his arms and legs. Give it up.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
What does giving up on de-indoctrinization have to do with anything? Your argument is that because we didn't slaughter all the Nazi's they weren't executed? By that logic the Salem Witch trials didn't matter because we didn't hang all the witches
Yus. My argument is indeed "because we didn't slaughter all the Nazis, they weren't executed'...... because they were still alive, dude. They went back to their jobs when they were released from PoW camps or they simply kept the teaching and civil service jobs they never lost, probably signing documents that said that they officially repudiated being a Nazi.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
You didn't. Show me where you posted any link proving me wrong.

You're like the kid who says he did his homework but can't show it to the teacher because his dog ate it.
Like doc says, this has become tedious.

You're like the 5 year old kid who keeps shouting "I know you are, but what am I!"


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Speaking for myself and doc, neither one of us is going to respond to you any more. There's no point.
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