The One Spa

Mr. Trudeau Going Full Adolph


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
two things there.
For some reason, people the electorate always forget there are teams. Of strategist, consultants, party members behind the figure heads.

The last true leaders as far as I’m concerned were Harper and Chrétien.

that said, when something goes south or really good. Who takes the credit but for some strange reason their heads never roll. In armies, in any organization/company? Chain of command.
All this proves are PeePee's supporters are as discerning as the MAGA crowd. They don't care if the allegation is true or if there's any evidence, they are just angry and want to vent.
JT isn't responsible and yet here we are, 9 pages later with no con really admitting this basic fact.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
If this was the Harper government, the Liberals would probably be able to prove that the SS guy is Harper's uncle or cousin. 😺

The Liberals would also whine and point fingers. It would blow over more quickly since the Libs don't have the vast army of Twitter bots and mouthpieces that the Tories have.

When did the Liberals burn cars btw?
"burning cars" is a figure of speech...Liberals probably wouldn't burn cars as that wouldn't help them save the planet from excess carbon emissions. Or maybe they would introduce a car-burning tax if it provided them with more revenue. Who knows?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
two things there.
For some reason, people the electorate always forget there are teams. Of strategist, consultants, party members behind the figure heads.

The last true leaders as far as I’m concerned were Harper and Chrétien.

that said, when something goes south or really good. Who takes the credit but for some strange reason their heads never roll. In armies, in any organization/company? Chain of command.
Remember that under the present Government we had an unprecedented lockdown for months on end, that affected all the global economies, the Global Supply Chain, Food prices, or more recently the Oil prices and supplies of energies thanks to the Russian Invasion. Both Chretien and harper could not have done anything miraculous to turn things around for Canadians at the wave of a wand. The Governments will always be blamed as we see that with all the nations around the Globe. We have a UK Conservative Government that are implementing fiscally "responsible" policies that only seem to have an effect with higher inflation, food, gas and other commodity prices than Canada. Canada's inflation rate though at 4% is at the lower end of the rung among the G20 Nations!!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
First of all, you said you were the one who was going to provide articles. But since you asked I already did. I'll post it again since you missed it

How does this prove anything?

First of all, the Dachau guards were pretty certainly guilty of war crimes. They were hands-on, close-up in Dachau. And the fact that they were summarily executed doesn't mean that Americans killed the several million other Nazi party members in Germany. I've already posted that information for you. You refuse to read it.

Let me give you an example. The Allies captured many thousands of Waffen SS soldiers in 44-45 and kept them as PoW's. Some of those Waffen SS guys were actual war criminals and some were tried and convicted. Others were just soldiers in a fancy uniform. Or they did shit that there was no proof for. So they were kept in an Allied stalag for a few months and then sent home.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Inglorious Basterds isn't too far off

Exceptions, rules, proving. Also there is a bit of a difference between the above story and the stuff Bastards were doing. A fit of rage vs as Bison from Streetfighter would say, a Tuesday.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
god bless the guys who fought for freedom...
He didn't fight for freedom, well he might have but most of his buds didn't.
People signed up before and during the war for many reasons, and more so they fought, stood their ground, advanced and died for many reason. Freedom isn't one of them.
Social pressure, joining with friends, boredom and adventure [yeah really], a place to be safe during the great depression [for those who were regular force], even King and Country, get in because they figure they would get drafted and wanted to pick their poison [and avoid being sent to the mud] but freedom. No. Loads of reasons, I've read more than a few accounts, freedom never comes up. And that covers who who signed up, never mind those who got in via selective slavery or whatever various countries called it back then.

Also it doesn't make sense. When they brought in prohibition for example, there was no mass demonstration by vets complaining that they fought for nothing, I am sure they were in favor or opposed along with the general population. Ditto for all the other attempts of the government of the time who told people how to live. People like that shit, and soldiers at least professional ones tend to be more authoritarian than most.

Except for Bob, that maternal fornicator was all about freedom.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Cos he's 100 years old and has no idea how he might be perceived outside his own ethnic community?

Yuh. There have been ongoing issues about the unit and how it is / should be perceived in Canada since the 1950's.

Folks younger than us are maybe not as aware and make mistakes.

It's getting to the point that I'm the only guy around old enough to actually have gotten drunk with Abe Lincoln and Ulysses Grant and to note their odd body odour and dirty fingernails. Kids these days have no idea!
Unless he is senile he bloody well knows working for literal Hitler doesn't come off well. Come on.

As for your last point, bah humbug, why when Family Guy did their Benjamin Disraeli bit where he looks into the camera and says "You don't even know who am I" I yelled at the TV, know who he is? I fucked his sister. Please.
I used to enjoy hanging out with George Washington, we called him George Boom Boom Washington because he used to play Air Bass going boom boom boom
I used to take my dry cleaning to Thomas Jefferson, even knew his wife Louise
Fond memories of the Adams family.
Used to eat Lasagna with James Garfield.
William H Harrison used to entertain us with songs like She Loves You, Come and Hold My Hand, Yesterday.
My doctor was Franklin Pierce, we were on good terms, I used to call him Hawkeye
So don't even go there dude. I was telling I'm so old jokes back at the Prussian consulate in Siam.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Remember that under the present Government we had an unprecedented lockdown for months on end, that affected all the global economies, the Global Supply Chain, Food prices, or more recently the Oil prices and supplies of energies thanks to the Russian Invasion. Both Chretien and harper could not have done anything miraculous to turn things around for Canadians at the wave of a wand. The Governments will always be blamed as we see that with all the nations around the Globe. We have a UK Conservative Government that are implementing fiscally "responsible" policies that only seem to have an effect with higher inflation, food, gas and other commodity prices than Canada. Canada's inflation rate though at 4% is at the lower end of the rung among the G20 Nations!!
True. All Governments can do little about such things. There is also a natural business cycle that is cyclical. and there is only so much any government can do to influence them. To some degree my position is that all of them do some good, some bad.

but there’s a difference between that and . Making bad situations worse.

2008. McGuinty trashing Ontario, Harper getting through it.

Relief measure and efforts needed/justifiable.
1) the less fortunate and working class thrown under the bus, litterally, knowingly sacrificed and a paltry, insulting $2,000/month. Thrown about Willy Nilly.

2) Nor were Covid efforts the only insane amount of eye popping debt added. Both before and during and after.

which today, is like throwing gas on inflationary fires. Much like carbon taxes for some, but not all.

And like Ontario today , is going to mean far less flexibility tomorrow, other problems.

Sunny days last forever and $$ grows in trees. Most, the majority of economist expect a recession in the next 12-18 months. What they can’t agree on, is how bad, how long.

Boomers leaving the workforce…

And who knows, what other curveballs ( maybe Russia, Maybe China, maybe the mid east and oil production OPEC)
Last edited:


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
It seemed obvious it was a fake, glad to see someone waste their time pointing it out. I mean who the hell buys real estate in Egypt of all places [yeah I am sure there are exceptions but still]

Of course this will do nothing to make buddy question his news sources, probably bleet on about how your information is fake news and believe something that quite frankly just doesn't pass the smell test.

I bet if I put up a web site claiming that Zelenski and TrueDooh had a three way with a duck, he would go full retard on it and share it as truth.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Ya we did. You just live in an alternate reality. Go ahead, prove me wrong bud
People get killed trying to surrender in all wars, also people get a bit murdery.

However he has proved that there was no "well execute Nazis even if they are no war criminals" thing. The Nazi party was huge. It would involve killing massive amounts of the population, like school teachers.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Also it's kinda hard to prove the absence of something, however do you have evidence that this actually happened. Again not some pissed off soliders going rouge but some systemic plan to kill all Nazis for being Nazis even though they were not war criminals.

I already pointed to some very highly placed Nazi people who lived to old age after the war, Mandrill pointed out that if what you said was true there was be a murder spree that would give Stalin an hard on. The later is I can assure not mentioned in any book I've read on the Nazi era or WWII.

Over and over, people who are completely out ot lunch putting down people who are actually right.

Monarchy, the time is now.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
There was no evidence presented to show which guards were guilty of anything, they weren't even given a trial, they were just slaughtered.
Some soldiers were allowed to live, others were given a trial and then executed, and others were just straight up executed style cuz we felt like it. The fact that we allowed some nazi's to live doesn't disprove my argument at all.
They were guards at a fucking death camp found at the scene. They were not killed because they were Nazis, they were killed because they were war criminals. FFS, you are just being obtuse now.

As for your second point, no, we allowed almost all of them to live. Not some.

And again, in war prisoners die, it's unfortunate but there you have it. It wasn't "us" it was a few soldiers going rogue in the stress of or the aftermath of battle. Non Nazis were also killed.

You are completely misrepresenting the reality of the situation.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
No, they weren't killed trying to surrender, don't try to whitewash it. They were killed intentionally, out of hatred and a desire for revenge. There were more Nazi soldiers executed like this than there were high-ranking officers executed after trial.

Extraordinary evidence? I just gave you evidence of a 50 person massacre. Things like this happened dime-a-dozen during and after the war. I didn't say anything about a systemic plan that is completely beside the point. There was no systemic plan to execute the high-ranking war criminal Nazi's either. Plenty of them made plea-deals and got out of a death penalty.

Fact is, murder sprees of Nazi's was common and not only tolerated, but celebrated. Now, here we are, in the age of Trudeau inviting them to Parliament.
1: That isn't what I said, I said two things, you ignored the second part. Some were killed surrendering, sometimes it's just down to randos getting murdery. It happened to non Nazis also. Like everything else you misunderstand the point I am making.

Also your 50 person massacure has been addressed. If that is all you got, that proves you wrong. We didn't execute Nazis even if they were not war criminals. A few soldiers got murdery on enemy soldiers, shit like that happens. Also they were fucking war criminals, sure there wasn't a trial, but then it was an act of passion and not something "we" did as a matter of course. I mean fuck, if you walk into a room, you see your daughour ripped open and guy above her with a dick dripping in blood and cum, and you kill the bastard, what... oh well there was no trial, so we can't know if he was guilty. What the fuck are you a Nazi?

Did it happen, yes, very rarely, but yes. You at first presented it as something that was policy when you said "We executed Nazis", much like the British executed Indians who burned Widows, which they did, universally, as policy. We pushed back on that, and yet now you claim you never said any thing about it being a systemic plan, you sure as hell implied it.
Now you are saying it was common, a Tuesday, we you present one example. Kinda like the difference between a study and a meta study in science, a few examples... anecdotal evidence isn't.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
This was commonplace and the Allies didn't bat an eye about it. I'd say that proves a rule. How is what happened in Inglorious Basterds any different? Cuz it's more brutal and fantastical?
One example doesn't prove something is commonplace.
Again anecdotal evidence isn't.
As for the Bastards who arn't fat [yeah baby yeah] they did it to ALL captured prisoners from the start to the end, kill almost all, leave a few with carvings to send a message. Very differing from a few soldiers going nuts.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Unless he is senile he bloody well knows working for literal Hitler doesn't come off well. Come on.
Hitler would like to have a word with you!

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