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In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
PIJ honchos are legitimate targets and all those international laws you pretend to care about accept that civilian casualties are legitimate commensurate with the value of the target. Sucks that kids were also killed. I'd rather Hamas arrest the PIJ leaders :rolleyes: or Israel could target them away from civilians but since PIJ (and Hamas) decide to hide in civilian areas, the options are limited.

But considering you have repeatedly justified attacks specifically targeting what your own rights groups call civilians, you know you're full of shit.

And PIJ has fired at least 300 more war crime terror rockets today. They could legitimately retaliate by trying to knock off high level IDF officers or take their rage out on IDF soldiers but instead they choose to target civilians. That is why Canada considers your heroes to be terrorists and why even your rights groups say the rockets are completely unjustifiable.

It's just another aspect of your obsessive racism like when you keep justifying targeting Jews around the world and Jewish children because your racist hate for Israel. One day you'll wake up and realize how wrong your conspiracy theories about Jewish control and blaming Jews are.
This round of violence was started by Israel, the occupying power. You are like the Putin defenders claiming Ukraine was the aggressor.

Israel chose to assassinate Palestinians, Palestinians responded and now Israel has killed another 27 people.

You claim you are for peace but defend every Israeli aggression.
Land theft
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
This round of violence was started by Israel, the occupying power. ...
As you said...
International law says if they are militants they are legit targets.
International law says a strike targeting high ranking members of a terror group are completely justified even if some civilians get killed.
international law says killing civilians because of their religion is never justified, even if you claim some other people of the same religion are militants.
International law says 800+ indiscriminate rockets fired towards civilian populations are never justified.
Not that you care about international law unless you can use it to attack Israel's existence.

Similarly, it is never justified targeting a bunch of kids because of a conflict halfway around the world but you call it free speech.

You are simply for eliminating Jews from the region by any means.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
This is how decent humans responded to the increasing violence instigated by Israel.
Yet how do you respond when Jews are killed by Palestinian militants? If they're in the West bank you pretend they are actually combatants and if the attack is in Israel you either make up conspiracy theories or avoid discussing it.

You really are the most transparent of frauds.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Seems to better describe someone who enjoys the targeted killing of a woman and her kids simply because they were Jewish.
The only person who seems to enjoy killing on these threads is you and your 'sucks that kids were killed'.

According to the reports, one of these sisters was volunteering for national service.
Maia was 20 and volunteering for national service in a high school, while younger sister Rina was 15.
According to your terms, that makes her a target and this killing no worse than the attacks on Gaza.

The family were more foreign zionists, more settler colonialists there to take Palestinian land.
The family relocated to Israel in 2014.

This is what you are supporting.
More killing.
More civilian deaths.
More colonization.
More apartheid.

Join the call to end the apartheid occupation, settler colonialism and ongoing violence.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
As you said...

International law says a strike targeting high ranking members of a terror group are completely justified even if some civilians get killed.
international law says killing civilians because of their religion is never justified, even if you claim some other people of the same religion are militants.
International law says 800+ indiscriminate rockets fired towards civilian populations are never justified.
Not that you care about international law unless you can use it to attack Israel's existence.

Similarly, it is never justified targeting a bunch of kids because of a conflict halfway around the world but you call it free speech.

You are simply for eliminating Jews from the region by any means.
No, there are no international laws saying you are allowed to kill people you call 'terrorists'.
The latest strikes have mostly killed civilians, which you note is illegal.
At best you're just supporting disproportionate attacks, also illegal and a war crime.
The occupation is illegal.
Apartheid is illegal.
The blockade is illegal.

You are supporting state terrorism, war crimes, attacks on civilians, apartheid and an illegal occupation.

We need to end apartheid.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yet how do you respond when Jews are killed by Palestinian militants? If they're in the West bank you pretend they are actually combatants and if the attack is in Israel you either make up conspiracy theories or avoid discussing it.

You really are the most transparent of frauds.
'sucks they were killed'.

That's your response, why do you think I need to do better?

You have no answer but more death, more kids being killed, more settler colonialism.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The Nakba Narrative: A History of Deception
“The Nakba” is repeatedly invoked in media, academic literature, politics, and popular culture surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Its appearance is so ubiquitous at this point that it seems like it has always been part of…

“The Nakba” is repeatedly invoked in media, academic literature, politics, and popular culture surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Its appearance is so ubiquitous at this point that it seems like it has always been part of the general lexicon.

However, this is not the case.

Here, we’ll look at the significance of the term “Nakba,” the history of the term from 1948 until the present, how this Arabic term gained popularity around the world, and the adoption of the term by some to refer to anti-Jewish persecution by the Arab and Muslim worlds.

The Nakba: Israel’s Founding as a Catastrophe
In Arabic, the term “al-Nakba” means “the catastrophe.” In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the catastrophe that the “Nakba” is referring to is the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 and the disintegration of Palestinian Arab society.

For those who adopt this narrative, the Zionist movement and Israel are solely responsible for the displacement of Palestinian Arabs between 1947 and 1949 while the Arabs, themselves, are the exclusive victims of the conflict.

By failing to take into account the Palestinian and Arab refusal to accept a two-state solution in 1947 and the subsequent military attempt to destroy the Jewish state, the Nakba narrative advances the claim of perpetual Palestinian victimhood and serves as a historical basis for the Palestinian right of return.

The Nakba Narrative: From 1948 to 1998
The term “al-Nakba” first entered the political lexicon of the Arab world in the late 1930s as a reference to the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the modern Middle East in 1920.

The term first became associated with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in August 1948 (as the Israeli War of Independence still raged on) when Constantine Zurayk, a Syrian academic and diplomat based in Beirut, published a slim volume entitled Maana al-Nakba (The Meaning of the Catastrophe).

In this work, Zurayk blamed Arab leaders for the Nakba (due to their military failures and urging of Arab civilians to flee until after the fighting) rather than an alleged grand premeditated Zionist plan to displace the local Arab population (which later became a standard component of the Nakba narrative).

As well, Zurayk’s Pan-Arab ideology meant that he did not consider the Nakba to be an exclusive Palestinian catastrophe but one that primarily affected the larger Arab world.

In the 1950s, some Palestinian writers such as Aref al-Aref began using the term “Nakba” in their writings while others preferred to use different terms. In a 1956 work, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, used the term “al-Karitha” (meaning catastrophe/disaster) since “al-Nakba” had a connotation of the fate of Palestinian Arab society in 1948 being self-inflicted.

In the decades following Constantine Zurayk’s introduction of “al-Nakba” to the Palestinian political lexicon, the term evolved to refer to a narrative that focused exclusively on the Palestinian Arabs (instead of the greater Arab nation) and gradually began to ascribe all blame for the dissolution of Palestinian Arab society to Israeli actions.

In the 1980s, the Nakba narrative gained a significant boon with the appearance of the “new historians,” a group of up-and-coming Israeli scholars who challenged the traditional Zionist account of the events of 1948 and adopted the portrayal of the Israelis as violent aggressors and the Palestinian Arabs as forlorn victims.

However, in 2008, Benny Morris, considered to be the “dean” of the “new historians,” decried the fact that his work was being used to prop up the Nakba narrative. In a letter to the Irish Times, Morris claimed that the events of 1948 were much more nuanced and complex than the simplistic interpretation put forward by this narrative.

Even with the advantage gained by the emergence of the “new historians” in the 1980s, the Nakba narrative would not possess the prominence it does today were it not for Yasser Arafat’s declaration of Nakba Day in 1998.

The Nakba Narrative Post-1998: From the Sidelines to Center Stage
In 1998, as Israel was celebrating its 50th independence day, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat declared May 15 (the day after Israel’s independence) to be “Nakba Day.”

As part of his announcement, Arafat declared that the ultimate goal was the return of millions of Palestinian refugees and their descendants to Israel and the establishment of an “independent Palestinian state on our land.”

According to observers, there are a number of reasons that Arafat chose to officially establish May 15 as Nakba Day in 1998:

  • The fear among older Palestinians that, 50 years later, the memory of the events of 1948 would be lost among the younger generations.
  • A desire to provide a counter-narrative to that being put forward by Israel on its 50th birthday.
  • 1998 marked five years since the Oslo Accords, when Israel and the Palestinian Authority were supposed to begin final status negotiations. By declaring Nakba Day and emphasizing the right of return for Palestinian refugees, Arafat was siding with hardliners in the Palestinian national movement and indicating his refusal to budge on the issue of the refugees (effectively torpedoing the negotiations before they even began).
The first Nakba Day was marked by violence as four Palestinians were killed and 71 were injured in clashes that Israel claims were encouraged by the Palestinian Authority.

Since then, some Nakba Days have passed peacefully while others have been violent and deadly.

Whether a Nakba Day is relatively peaceful or violent usually depends on the political atmosphere prevailing at the time. For instance, the Nakba Days of 1999 and 2000 were relatively peaceful but the Nakba Day of 2001, the first to take place during the Second Intifada, was marked by the deaths of four Palestinians and one Israeli.

Since the establishment of Nakba Day in 1998, the Nakba narrative has gained greater prominence in both the Israeli and Palestinian discourses as well as on the international stage.

In 2001, the Arab youth organization Baladna was founded in Israel. It promotes a worldview steeped in this narrative and promotes the Palestinian right of return.

Similarly, in 2002, the highly-politicized Israeli NGO Zochrot (Remembering) was founded. Zochrot aims to “raise public awareness of the Palestinian Nakba” and promotes the Palestinian right of return. In 2014, Zochrot released “iNakba,” a smartphone application that provides users with a map and photos of Palestinian Arab villages that were depopulated in 1948.

In 2007, Israeli Minister of Education, Yuli Tamir of the Labor Party, allowed for a textbook that featured aspects of the Nakba narrative to be included in the curriculum for Arab-Israeli elementary students. This led to a vociferous debate within the Knesset.

Then, in 2011, the Knesset passed an amendment to the Budget Principles Law. Nicknamed the “Nakba Law,” this amendment allows the government to reduce funding to any organization commemorating Israel’s independence as a “day of mourning.”

One of the first major instances of the Nakba narrative being accepted on the international stage occurred in 2007, when UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon conveyed his empathy to PA president Mahmoud Abbas on the occasion of “Nakba Day.”

Since then, other instances of the Nakba narrative appearing on the international stage include:

  • The Canadian Museum for Human Rights considered hosting a special exhibit on the Nakba in 2021.
  • The introduction of the congressional bill H. Res. 1123, “Recognizing the Nakba and Palestinian Refugees’ Rights,” in mid-2022 by Representative Rashida Tlaib.
  • The streaming of the movie “Farha” on Netflix in late 2022. The film is heavily steeped in the Nakba narrative (including a 15-minute scene purporting to depict an Israeli massacre) and has been criticized for not being historically accurate.
  • The United Nations General Assembly’s decision to host an event in May 2023 to commemorate “the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Nakba.”
Since 1998, the acceptance of this narrative has also spread within Western academic institutions as well as the global media.

This trend is easily observable through a search of both library catalogs and newspaper archives.

A search of the WorldCat catalog of library materials shows that before 1998, there were only three English-language books that had the term “Nakba” in their title. Since 1998, that number has ballooned to over 100.

Similarly, a search of The New York Times archives shows that between 1948 and 1997, the term “Nakba” only appeared once in an article. Since 1998, it has appeared over 200 times in a wide variety of pieces.

Clearly, Yasser Arafat’s declaration of “Nakba Day” in 1998 has had a far-reaching effect, not only solidifying the Nakba narrative within the Palestinian Authority but also legitimizing it and institutionalizing it on the international stage.

The Jewish Nakba: A Disregarded Catastrophe
In recent years, both Israeli and global Jewish leaders have begun to commemorate what is termed the “Jewish Nakba.”

The “Jewish Nakba” refers to the persecution and displacement of 850,000 Jews from their homes in the Middle East and North Africa. It also memorializes the Jewish areas in the Land of Israel that were depopulated by Arab forces in 1948.

The term “Jewish Nakba” is meant to rectify the historical record by disproving the narrative that Palestinian Arabs were the sole victims of the events of 1948 as well as to convey the complexity of the situation that arose with Israel’s independence (as opposed to the simplicity of the Nakba narrative).

However, some oppose the use of the term “Jewish Nakba” as it legitimizes the use of the term “Nakba” and also seems to equate the persecution of Jews living in far-flung Arab and Muslim lands with the consequences of Arab rejectionism and the subsequent invasion of the nascent Jewish state.

Nevertheless, the fact that some feel the need to rectify the historical record by resorting to the terminology of the Palestinian narrative proves how successful and influential the Palestinian propaganda machine has become in the Western world over the past 25 years.

The Nakba Narrative: A History of Deception | Honest Reporting


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

why are you quoting hamas linked quds news network?

The Quds News Network (Arabic: شبكة قدس الإخبارية) (QNN, see Quds) is a Palestinian news agency. It is associated with Hamas,

and why are quoting the BDS which is an anti-jewish hate group?

Trudeau blasts BDS movement as anti-Semitic | The Times of Israel


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
why are you quoting hamas linked quds news network?

The Quds News Network (Arabic: شبكة قدس الإخبارية) (QNN, see Quds) is a Palestinian news agency. It is associated with Hamas,

and why are quoting the BDS which is an anti-jewish hate group?

Trudeau blasts BDS movement as anti-Semitic | The Times of Israel
You also say Amnesty is 'terrorist propaganda' and saying 'free Palestine' is antisemitic.
Why should anyone care what you think?

You back apartheid.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Let’s be honest Canada-man…you are an anti Palestinian bigot.

franky when caught quoting anti-semitic and hamas linked sources like quds news network resort to slander gaslighting

here are his terror supporting and anti-semitic posts everytime he slander i will bring up his anti-semitic posts.

quoting the Palestinian Centre for Human Right who are linked to the PLPF terrorist organization

quoting btselem an anti-semitic website who was caught hiring holocaust deniers

franky again quoting from btselem who hires holocaust deniers using the anti-semitic term "Jewish Supremacy

racist towards me saying blacks cannot defend israel ignoeing the fact that over 180,000 black people reside in israel which includes 25,000
black americans. quoting jewish voice for peace that supports terrorism and was busted citing neo nazi and white supremacists websites

claiming that black persons cannot support Israel that have over 180,000 black people living there

justifying terrorists attacks against israeli and jewish civilians

supports the anti-jewish vandalizing of a business owned by a Jewish man and making excuses for it

promoting the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the region.

apologist for hamas the terror group

defending the PLFP terror group

refuses to condemn anti-jewish hate crimes commited by anti-jewish gangs

refuses to condemn the anti-semitic attacks on jewish shoppers at a supermaket in Thornhill, Ontario Canada.

franky continues to sink deeper and deeper into anti-jewish terrorism. franky defends a mapping project in Massacheusets
anti-jewish activists create a list of jewish organzations for anti-semitic purposes

more anti-black racism

supports and defend anti-semitic actions at the University of Wisconsin

franky butturt at the definition of anti-semitism because he is one

franky defends a terrorist that was killed in a shootout with the IDF

defends hamas claiming that it is islamophobic to call hamas terrrorists

defending an anti-semitic terror supporting rally

defending a terrorist attack against a security guard(security guards are civilians)

still refuses to condemn hamas

post anti-black racism to deflect rom his support for terrorists and anti-jewish hate crimes

justified the murder of a security guard

franky resorts to slander defending the Fatah organization who admitted that they are a terrorist organization

continue to lie and slander

still lying and slander

still defending hamas

franky saying the intafada(terrorism and against israelis and jews) is resistance

defending a voilent anti-semitic organization "Within our lifetime"

defending hamas again

defending Rabab Abdulhadi, a San Francisco State University associate professor with a history of expressing support for terrorist groups

defending PFLP Terrorist organization

defending the Fatah organization that recently called for terrorist attacks against Israel

Franky defending the terrorists that were killed after shooting at the IDF

Franky defending an anti-jewish hate crime vandalism

citing an anti-semitic, terrorist supporter Sana Saeed

defending terrorist organzation calling themselves the lions den

refusing to condemn anti-jewish hate crimes in New York

Justifying the murder of civilians

franky supports the right of palestinians to commit terrorism against jews and israelis

justifying the killing of Israeli Civilians

franky's continued justification for terrorist attacks

promoting a youtube channel that promotes holocaust denialism, anti-semitic claims of jewish control, the khazaria myth, and terror apologism

franky used an anti-semitic term "Jewish Supremacy" which is used by white supremacists, neo nazis and other anti-jewish types to demonize jews

refusing to condemn an antisemitic grafiti on a Barcelona synagogue

which means he defend hate crime vandalism of synagogues

still refusing to condemn anti-jewish hate crimes in Barcelona and instead post content from CJPME An anti-jewish organization whose members
defaced products in a Jewish Store and claim jews are more loyal to Israel than Canada

evidence of CJPME inciting anti-jewish hate

franky defending terrorists in gaza launching rockets at civilians which are terrorism and war crimes

franky refuse to coondment anti-jewish hate crimes in an Australian University and instead linke to a hamas linked website

Franky refuse to condemn Hezbollah thugs who blasted a Hezebollah song at a Jewish School and instead resort to gaslighting

franky says terrorist supporters targetting jewish children with terrorist music is free speech

franky posting an image promoting terrorism and ethnic cleansing of Jews

franky links to hamas linked to quds news network twitter account and the anti-jewish BDS twitter account



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
franky when caught quoting anti-semitic and hamas linked sources like quds news network resort to slander gaslighting
All those links are bullshit, you admitted it.

canadaman admits every accusation he makes against me is slander he can't back up by refusing to answer a challenge.

canada-man says if you accuse someone of terrorism that means you can kill them.

canada-man supports death squads.

canada-man refuses to acknowledge that Palestinians are humans.

canada-man confirms he supports apartheid.

Canadaman refuses to call out Israel for using snipers to kill 60 civilian children.

Canada Man defends killing an American civilian for protesting for human rights in Gaza.

Canada Man calls supporting the two state solution 'antisemitic'.

Canada Man falsely accuses me of gaslighting.
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