In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
Why are you afraid to admit you want to force Palestinians into something they hate?

The only possible solution is both sides negotiating a deal they both can live with and people not directly involved can help by pressuring both sides. Sadly your schoolyard mentality is all about =using violence to achieve peace.
It’s already happened grandpa. Wake up. Israel has already unilaterally imposed a one state deal on Palestinians that they hate….one structured on Apartheid.
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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
More racist incitement. You keep saying you support equal rights but condemn Jews visiting their holiest site.

The actual facts is a couple dozen Jews peacefully visited as coordinated with the Muslim WAQF and a couple of them held an Israeli flag in their hands. Even if they are ultra-nationalists assholes, you're matching their racism by openly saying Jews should be banned from certain places.
Sure. Your anti Palestinian bigotry knows no bounds

“According to decades-long international agreements, known as the status quo, Al-Aqsa Mosque is an Islamic site where unsolicited visits, prayers and rituals by non-Muslims are forbidden.

Israeli groups, in coordination with Israeli authorities, have long violated the delicate arrangement and facilitated daily raids of the site, performing prayers and religious rituals without permission from Palestinians or Jordan, which is the custodian of Islamic and Christian sites in Jerusalem.

Israeli forces meanwhile restrict who can enter Al-Aqsa Mosque and when they can go inside, in what Palestinians say is a violation of the longstanding agreements allowing Muslim prayer at the site.”


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Of course you keep pretending there is no such thing.

Terrorism? Yes or no?

Terrorism? Yes or no?

Can't wait to see the excuses.
If it was terrorism it should be investigated.
Take it to the ICC.

Meanwhile, you went back two weeks to find what is happening daily to Palestinians.
So far in 2023, IOF attacks killed 99 Palestinians, including 51 civilians; 16 of them were children and 1 woman, and the rest were members of the Palestinian armed groups, including 2 children, 7 killed by settlers, and one died in Israeli prisons. Meanwhile, 456 Palestinians, including 60 children, 3 women and 11 journalists, were injured.

There is terrorism happening from both sides, but way more from the occupying, apartheid rulers. Palestinians are the victims of more terrorism along with apartheid.
If you were really concerned about terrorism you'd be calling out Israel, who commit far more acts of 'terrorism'.

More racist incitement. You keep saying you support equal rights but condemn Jews visiting their holiest site.

The actual facts is a couple dozen Jews peacefully visited as coordinated with the Muslim WAQF and a couple of them held an Israeli flag in their hands. Even if they are ultra-nationalists assholes, you're matching their racism by openly saying Jews should be banned from certain places.
You lie when you say you support the two state solution.
There is no other way to say you can't support the two state solution if you are also arguing that armed racists and terrorists have a right to go wherever they want in what you say should be Palestine.
It says you don't think treaties like the Status Quo are worth anything.
All you support is colonialism and violence.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Of course you keep pretending there is no such thing.

Terrorism? Yes or no?

Terrorism? Yes or no?

Can't wait to see the excuses.
Why do you keep trying to claim that only Palestinian terrorism counts?
Why do you refuse to call out Israel if you are against terrorism?

Israeli state backed terrorism is daily, yet you had to go back 2 weeks while this shit is happening every day?

"Kherbat Al-Deir has been subject to almost daily settler attacks for more than a month,"

If you're against terrorism, call out all of the settler attacks.
All of them.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Anti-Zionism and Anti-israel sentiments always leads to anti-jewish hate crimes
on U.S colleges

Barcelona cut ties with Tel Aviv due the pressure from anti-Israel groups

synagogues are being vandalized in that City

Jewish groups in the Spanish province of Catalunya have forthrightly condemned local political leaders, among them the mayor of Barcelona, for their silence in the wake of the vandalism of a second synagogue in less than a fortnight.

A joint statement from the Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain (FCJE) and the Jewish Community in Barcelona (CIB) noted the lack of solidarity from Ada Colau, the Mayor of Barcelona, as well as Pere Aragonès, the president of the Catalan government, and Alba Vergès, the vice-president of the Catalan parliament. None of the three leaders “have expressed any condemnation against these attacks, nor have they sent us their solidarity,” the statement declared.

A synagogue in the Catalan capital run by the Chabad movement was defaced with pro-Palestinian graffiti on Wednesday. The slogan “Because you kill in Palestine” was sprayed in large black letters on the sidewalk at the entrance to the synagogue.

Earlier this month, Barcelona’s historic Maimonides Synagogue was vandalized with the slogans “Free Palestine from the River to the Sea” and “Solidarity with the Palestinian People” painted in large red letters on the synagogue’s outer wall. The burst of anti-Zionist agitation in the city quickly followed Colau’s announcement in February that Barcelona was suspending ties with Israel in protest at what she termed its “apartheid” policies. In a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, she said that the suspension would remain in place “until the Israeli authorities put an end to the system of violations of the Palestinian people and fully comply with the obligations imposed on them by international law and the various United Nations resolutions.”

“Attacking places of prayer for Jews in Barcelona is a clear case of antisemitism,” the statement issued following Wednesday’s incident asserted. Both Jewish groups stated their “deep concern about the growing antisemitism we detect in Catalunya.”

The Israeli Embassy in Madrid also condemned the vandalism. In a statement, the embassy said that it “joins the indignation of the Jewish community at the worrying proliferation of antisemitic acts of vandalism in Barcelona.”

Catalan Leaders Condemned for Lack of Solidarity After Second Synagogue in Barcelona Vandalized With ‘Free Palestine’ -


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
ADL says 'free Palestine' is a hate crime.

But if you're really worried about hate crimes....

Franky once again refusing to condemn anti-jewish hate crimes and instead site an anti-jewish organization CJPME

whose members go in Jewish own stores and vandalize their producs

and board members claim that jews are more Loyal to Israel than Canada a classic antisemitic trope used against Jews

Franky once again proves how anti-smeitic and anti-jewish he is.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Franky once again refusing to condemn anti-jewish hate crimes and instead site an anti-jewish organization CJPME

whose members go in Jewish own stores and vandalize their producs

and board members claim that jews are more Loyal to Israel than Canada a classic antisemitic trope used against Jews

Franky once again proves how anti-smeitic and anti-jewish he is.
B'nai Brith is an Israeli propaganda operation, you don't even realize how ridiculous it is to use Israeli government attacks on other Jews as 'antisemitic'.

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
B'nai Brith is an Israeli propaganda operation, you don't even realize how ridiculous it is to use Israeli government attacks on other Jews as 'antisemitic'.

only anti-jewish types like Franky always claim that Bnai Brith is an israeli operation which is code for Jews are more loyal to Israel than Canada/U.S/Britain etc

and always find tokens like Jeffery Canton that agree with him


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
only anti-jewish types like Franky always claim that Bnai Brith is an israeli operation which is code for Jews are more loyal to Israel than Canada/U.S/Britain etc

and always find tokens like Jeffery Canton that agree with him

44% of US dems say Israel is apartheid.
25% of US Jews say Israel is apartheid.
45% living under Israeli rule say its apartheid.

B'nai Brith says they are all racists and you would likely say they all support terrorism.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

44% of US dems say Israel is apartheid.
25% of US Jews say Israel is apartheid.
45% living under Israeli rule say its apartheid.

B'nai Brith says they are all racists and you would likely say they all support terrorism.

so will you condemn the vandalism of Synagogues in Barcelona?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Not until you say you are against apartheid.

so instead of answering you resort to gaslighting and slander

promoting a youtube channel that promotes holocaust denialism, anti-semitic claims of jewish control, the khazaria myth, and terror apologism

franky used an anti-semitic term "Jewish Supremacy" which is used by white supremacists, neo nazis and other anti-jewish types to demonize jews

franky supports the right of palestinians to commit terrorism against jews and israelis

justifying the killing of Israeli Civilians

franky's continued justification for terrorist attacks



Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
so instead of answering you resort to gaslighting and slander

promoting a youtube channel that promotes holocaust denialism, anti-semitic claims of jewish control, the khazaria myth, and terror apologism

franky used an anti-semitic term "Jewish Supremacy" which is used by white supremacists, neo nazis and other anti-jewish types to demonize jews

franky supports the right of palestinians to commit terrorism against jews and israelis

justifying the killing of Israeli Civilians

franky's continued justification for terrorist attacks

Given that response, one can reasonably assume you are in favor of Apartheid. You just threw away your credibility.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
so instead of answering you resort to gaslighting and slander
Its pretty easy just to say you are against apartheid.
But you didn't, which means you must be in favour of apartheid.

Which means if you keep with the copy and paste man slander routine, you'll also get this:

canada-man confirms he supports apartheid.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Its pretty easy just to say you are against apartheid.
But you didn't, which means you must be in favour of apartheid.

Which means if you keep with the copy and paste man slander routine, you'll also get this:

canada-man confirms he supports apartheid.

Franky defending PFLP Terrorist organization

Franky defending the Fatah organization that recently called for terrorist attacks against Israel

justifying terrorists attacks against israeli and jewish civilians

refuses to condemn anti-jewish hate crimes commited by anti-jewish gangs

refuses to condemn the anti-semitic attacks on jewish shoppers at a supermaket in Thornhill, Ontario Canada.

. franky defends a mapping project in Massacheusets
anti-jewish activists create a list of jewish organzations for anti-semitic purposes
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