So why have you spent post after post trying to claim that some settlers throwing rocks means random attacks on other Jews are self defense?
I have never argued such a thing, that's just yet another of your straw men.
You mean the same people who don't want to be Israeli (no matter what you tell them they should do) and who support attacks on Jewish civilians inside Israel accuse Israel of having some similarities with Apartheid? Hell, Canada has some similarities with Apartheid. We don't give permanent residents the chance to vote, we publicly fund one religion's schools, and one province has all sorts of laws about what languages can be used in governance.
Doesn't change the fact that you keep demanding Israel unilaterally enact a One State peace against the will of the vast majority of Palestinians.
I have no idea what you are rambling on about here, its even less coherent than your previous straw man post.
Canada is not apartheid.
Israel is apartheid.
I'm against apartheid, it should be ended. If it ends with a two state solution that would be fine, the only problem is that's now impossible because of all the illegal, war crime, settlements.
Since Israel has already enacted the one state, apartheid, solution it will default to a one state, non-apartheid state when apartheid is ended.
And you have tweets. What's your point?
I have reports from HRW, B'tselem the UN and others saying Israel is apartheid.
Those reports are now at the ICC.
So a state sponsored propaganda video is really just too little, too late.