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Cop gets 20-day sentence for sex with girl, 15


New member
Jul 14, 2009
100 years ago 15 and 16 year olds get married and start families
no need to go that far. The age of consent in Canada was raised from 14 to 16 in May 2008.

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
You didn't use the word, but you implied there's tacit agreement between the three parties not the kill the golden goose, rock the boat or however you wan to describe it. How does the bench makes extra cash from this agreement?
Due to backlog the system need to hire more judges, this will eventually lead to having more supervisors to look over them.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I never mentioned a conspiracy. They have a good thing going right now. They all make loads of extra cash over the old system of Toronto police force where the police played all three roles right at the side of the road. They were fair and for the most part impartial. Now it is a money grab due to backlogs.
Did these 3 roles include the executioner?

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
Did these 3 roles include the executioner?
I dealt with many roadside cops in my younger days. They would go back to cruiser and see if you were on their radar or if you were charged before. Then they would usually come back and ask you a few more questions and let you off with a warning or a small fine. They were respected more now than the paper pushers we have now.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
So I'm guessing he'll have to register as a sex-offender as well.

No more trips to the US for him


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
The last thing I would think of shoving down your throat is bullshit !

Are you or have you ever been a 15 year old male ? I have yet to see any case in which the 15 year old involved with a teacher - ratted on the teacher. I don't argue the frailties of a 15 year old girl because I don't know them. I do know a 15-18 year old male so having someone suggest that we throw out facts just so that we can follow a social trend to lump males and females as identical is -if I may be delicate - naive. Ditto to accept carte blanche religious moral based code that extends to the dictation of sexual behaviour in adults - yes - I will question parts of it.

How am I a hypocrite ? I have been consistent in my stance that 15 -18 year old males are not the child fodder of sex perverts - they are sexually mature beings that have in many cultures including western until Victorian times capable of marriage. I am a male - I know. Unless you are suggesting women washrooms, women's fashions and every other cultural recognition of a different sexual psyche is hypocritical - I think you are off base.

You have been told about stories from TERB members where were young boys and were introduced to sex by an older women. There have been new articles. You dismiss them. Those are real life examples that you choose not to look at or ignore.They have shared their stories here and have agreed that it is indeed wrong and was harmful to them. Those are facts that you throw out.

You agree that 15 year old girls should be protected from the same thing and that the sex of the minor counts. That is how you are a hypocrite. My opinion is that it doesn't 15 is 15. Period. That is my opinion.

my education level kept me out of jail. yours?
Ya, mine did. But clearly yours did not keep you from being banned. Thanks

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Right in the articles
Getting listed as a sex-offender is the worst part. 20 days in jail is a cakewalk compared to that.

He wont be let into the US, and many airflights have connections that run through the US, so his travel will be limited. Also years from now people will just see he's a sex-offender, and might not even believe his story she looked older and sex was concensual.

Basically his life is fucked.

If I were him I would assume a new identity and move to BC


New member
Jan 19, 2006
^ I've posted several times about the teen from Nova Scotia and the murders he committed one Easter a number of years ago - and what the "High Crime" of one of those he murdered had been.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
100 years ago 15 and 16 year olds get married and start families
Yes, to each other, or to someone close in age. But not to a 39 year old.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
this thread is making me want to leave this board..smh
I'm getting that feeling as well. Too many here see this as acceptable. I wonder if they would think the same way if it were their 15 year old daughter drinking and having sex with a 39 year old off-duty police officer.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I'm getting that feeling as well. Too many here see this as acceptable. I wonder if they would think the same way if it were their 15 year old daughter drinking and having sex with a 39 year old off-duty police officer.
This wasn't your good student daughter sitting in your living room. This is your runaway daughter who is sexually very promiscuous, looks older than she is, and is in repeated trouble with the law.

Someone how I don't think even on TERB most people really want a daughter is is a "Little Loleta" and this girl very much seems to have been such.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
This wasn't your good student daughter sitting in your living room. This is your runaway daughter who is sexually very active and in repeated trouble with the law.
Hearsay, and irrelevant. Would you be okay with your 15 year old daughter drinking and having sex with a 39 year old off-duty police officer? I thought not.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Hearsay, and irrelevant.
Not at all.

I've always been troubled by the Strict Liability aspect of "Statutory Rape" to me there seems precious little justice in a set of case facts where the girl is say a month shy of her 16th birthday, the guy she is having a sexual encounter with is say a month past his 22st birthday. She told him and testifies to the same at trial as do five of the most trustworthy of witnesses that she told him she was 17, and had a extremely realistic fake ID as to the same and everyone the police can find assume she's at least 20. The girl is perfectly willing to say she has a reputation longer than your arm, and absolutely none of this matters because she was younger than 16 and he was more than five years older than she.

And all of the above assumes a Canadian type progressive "Statutory Rape" law this can really get bad when 18 is 18 and you can actually charge both 17 year-olds in a consensual relationship with "Statutory Rape."


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Not at all.

I've always been troubled by the Strict Liability aspect of "Statutory Rape" to me there seems precious little justice in a set of case facts where the girl is say a month shy of her 16th birthday, the guy she is having a sexual encounter with is say a month past his 22st birthday. She told him and testifies to the same at trial as do five of the most trustworthy of witnesses that she told him she was 17, and had a extremely realistic fake ID as to the same and everyone the police can find assume she's at least 20. The girl is perfectly willing to say she has a reputation longer than your arm, and absolutely none of this matters because she was younger than 16 and he was more than five years older than she.

And all of the above assumes a Canadian type progressive "Statutory Rape" law this can really get bad when 18 is 18 and you can actually charge both 17 year-olds in a consensual relationship with "Statutory Rape."
That's not at all what happened here. Would you feel the same way if it were your 15 year old daughter drinking and having sex with a 39 year old off-duty cop? I thought not.

Where in the article did it say she was a runaway, all it stated was "she was staying at the officer's friend's house". Where did it say she was "very sexually promiscuous"? And even it it were true, does that mean that it is acceptable for a 39 year old to have sex with her?
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