Cop gets 20-day sentence for sex with girl, 15


Aug 27, 2013
100 years from now we will look back on age of consent law like now we do on Muslim rule of no touching hand of married women. Everyone grows up at different rate, how can you set one arbitary date expect everyone to follow?
the arbitrary date is good. If it isn't working for you its time for a shrink to help with your pedophile tendencies. wtf is with some of you? is there a correlation between dudes that have to pay for it and being a pedo?


Aug 27, 2013
oh come on guys ... girls at that age can sure look a hell of a lot older than they are. I don't think for a minute he knew she was under 16, he says he assumed she was of age to drink. I tend to believe him. He had a freakin breakdown when he realized what had happened. Poor guy, maybe an affair would have resulted in loss of his marriage, but not jail time ffs.

I feel bad for the guy, I'm betting half (or more) of you guys have wiped the sweat off your brow when you found out someone you ALMOST fucked was underage.
you are a disgusting person. feel bad for the chicks parents...she is already on her way to posting ads here. so lost cause.


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
That's 20 days more than he would get here in British Columbia. He'd be put on probation as a first time offender out here.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Your postings are in the wrong order - you actually answered your own question:

Yes - now you got it !!! Consensual sex with all 15 year old males by hot women be they cops, judges, school teachers, babysitters, pizza delivery women, etc, etc is okay !

Finally, you understand that the sex of the victim is different and refrain from using them interchangeably in your points. This is good ... this is progress ! .
No, I don't get that. You try shoving that BS down my throat but it does not fly. The sex of the MINOR does not matter in my opinion. You are hypocritical and just further assist and enable sexual predoritors with your thinking and fucked up logic.

Carry on.....

BTW: I'm not pissed he was a cop - I'm suggesting that if he wasn't a cop, he'd probably rotting in jail by now.

As should the so called hot female teachers. Thanks!


Jun 6, 2009
I never mentioned a conspiracy. They have a good thing going right now. They all make loads of extra cash over the old system of Toronto police force where the police played all three roles right at the side of the road. They were fair and for the most part impartial. Now it is a money grab due to backlogs.
You didn't use the word, but you implied there's tacit agreement between the three parties not the kill the golden goose, rock the boat or however you wan to describe it. How does the bench makes extra cash from this agreement?


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
good thing your opinion means shit to most sane people.
Sane people? You mean ALL those who follow the law regarding sex with minors. Ya okay bud! No problem. I will continue to think that FUCKING A CHILD is wrong. That includes teens both male and female at ages of 15/16.

I have no problem sleeping at night with that opinion. Thanks


Jan 31, 2005
The reason for these laws is that a lot of abusers groom their victims. Fifteen year olds can be manipulated by an adult over time, especially one in a position of authority. Thus consent is not a defense since the consent could be the result of grooming.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
100 years from now we will look back on age of consent law like now we do on Muslim rule of no touching hand of married women. Everyone grows up at different rate, how can you set one arbitrary date expect everyone to follow?
You're correct. OTOH, there is immense value in a "bright line" rule. The alternative is that every sleazebag who hits on a 13 year old girl will have his lawyer cross examine her as to her previous sexual experience and "maturity" and claim that she was sexually precocious. No one in their right mind wants that.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
with respect.... a 21 year old with some street smarts, should discern that she was nowhere near his age...sorry.............i know you brought up this story, but man, i dont buy that you actually thought she was your age or even older..
With respect.... You were not there, you did not see her, hang out with her, talk to her or have sex with her.

Two words for you. Traci Lords.
Yeah, she sure fooled a lot of people. Come to think of it, the girl I met that night looked a lot like Traci.

the arbitrary date is good. If it isn't working for you its time for a shrink to help with your pedophile tendencies. wtf is with some of you? is there a correlation between dudes that have to pay for it and being a pedo?
Pedophile tendencies, seriously? I think you need to read the definition of a pedophile.

As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia (USA spelling) or paedophilia (British spelling) is a psychiatric disorder in persons 16 years of age or older typically characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest toward prepubescent children (generally age 11 years or younger, though specific diagnostic criteria for the disorder extends the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13).

Not what we're talking about here. :rolleyes:

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Guy made 1 mistake and his life is now ruined. Judge made findings that crime was "opportunistic and not predatory". Victim told police later that sex was consensual. Cop testified that she appeared old enough to drink. He's now lost his career and his family and attempted suicide.

What the fuck do you people want from him?!
I somewhat agree with you, but then where do you draw the line?? You gotta draw it somewhere, right?!

Just for reference, pro-golfer Michelle Wie looked about 25 when she was 14 years old. And you can bet she was probably banging plenty of guys at that age.

I sympathize with the cop a little bit.



New member
Jul 14, 2009
100 years from now we will look back on age of consent law like now we do on Muslim rule of no touching hand of married women. Everyone grows up at different rate, how can you set one arbitary date expect everyone to follow?
according to one modern Russian writer named Victor Pelevin (described as Russia’s answer to Thomas Pynchon and Kurt Vonnegut), in 20 or so years from now sex and pornography with persons under 46 will be prohibited due to age of consent laws, and according to the narrative it would be planned to increase it up to 48 due to a lobby of aging porn stars and feminists.

That's how Russia perceives the West today.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
No, I don't get that. You try shoving that BS down my throat but it does not fly.
The last thing I would think of shoving down your throat is bullshit !

The sex of the MINOR does not matter in my opinion.
Are you or have you ever been a 15 year old male ? I have yet to see any case in which the 15 year old involved with a teacher - ratted on the teacher. I don't argue the frailties of a 15 year old girl because I don't know them. I do know a 15-18 year old male so having someone suggest that we throw out facts just so that we can follow a social trend to lump males and females as identical is -if I may be delicate - naive. Ditto to accept carte blanche religious moral based code that extends to the dictation of sexual behaviour in adults - yes - I will question parts of it.

You are hypocritical and just further assist and enable sexual predoritors with your thinking and fucked up logic.
How am I a hypocrite ? I have been consistent in my stance that 15 -18 year old males are not the child fodder of sex perverts - they are sexually mature beings that have in many cultures including western until Victorian times capable of marriage. I am a male - I know. Unless you are suggesting women washrooms, women's fashions and every other cultural recognition of a different sexual psyche is hypocritical - I think you are off base.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
If you are 39 fucking someone twenty years younger, checking their age is not much to ask.
That's the funny thing with alcohol. It makes you less inhibited, often leading to situations that can get you into trouble. Had the two of them not been drinking, I bet nothing would have happened. I'm not saying they use alcohol as an excuse, but it is likely the reason behind their poor judgement.

Like a friend once told me, "I'd never drive drunk when I'm sober".
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