Cop gets 20-day sentence for sex with girl, 15


Jul 2, 2011

A Kingston Police officer who had sex with a 15-year-old girl last summer at a friend’s home has been sentenced to 20 days of jail on weekends and probation for 18 months.
Curtis Borel, 39, a father of four who was married to another police officer at the time, was scheduled to begin a three-day trial Wednesday on a charge of sexual interference and two December violations of his bail conditions.
However, after discussions with his lawyer, Clyde Smith, the suspended constable – a 10-year veteran of the local police service – opted to instead plead guilty to a single charge of touching a person under 16 for a sexual purpose.
Assistant Crown attorney Mike Lunski subsequently withdrew the breach charges, which involved Borel’s consumption of alcohol and events that the judge was told were related to his apprehension and hospitalization in December under the Mental Health Act.
Lunski, a Hastings County Crown attorney was brought in from Belleville, Ont., to prosecute the case because his office does not routinely deal with Kingston Police and Borel was unknown to him.
In addition to jail and probation, Judge D. Kent Kirkland ordered that Borel be included on the sex offender information registry for 10 years. But he declined to make a supplemental order requested by Lunski that would have barred Borel from working or volunteering in any position of trust or authority over young people during that time.
In explaining his decision, the judge said he accepted the characterization of Borel’s crime, agreed on by both lawyers -- that it was opportunistic rather than predatory.
Kirkland heard that the 15-year-old victim and another 17-year-old girl had been staying at the home of Borel’s friend for two days when Borel stopped by to visit.
The constable didn't know the girls, according to the Crown, and there was no suggestion in court that he was aware the victim was a runaway or that her family had reported her missing to police.
Lunski said Borel and his friend went on a booze run, buying beer and coolers, which they drank with the girls.
Kirkland was told there was also marijuana, but Borel didn’t partake.
At one point, Lunski said, one of the girls, noting the way Borel carried himself, asked him directly if he was a cop. He didn’t answer the question, the judge was told, responding instead by repeating her own question and asking: “Are you a cop?”
Kirkland was told that together with the drinking there was dancing and eventually Borel took the 15-year-old by the hand and led her upstairs, where they had what the teen later claimed to police was consensual sex.
Under the law, however, persons under 16 years of age can’t consent to sexual relations with adults.
Lunski said Borel, when confronted with the allegation in October, told his police interviewers that he’d never asked the girl’s age and simply assumed she was old enough to drink.
After having sex, Borel and the teen later returned downstairs and Borel left the house.
He returned the following morning to speak to his friend, however, and the two teens were still there, looking out a window to see Borel drive up in a Kingston Police cruiser, court heard.
Kirkland was told that the 15-year-old later told a number of people about her sexual encounter with Borel, referring to him as "Officer Curtis."
But Lunski said she made no complaint to police.
On July 19, 2011, after the teen and a friend had been brought to police headquarters on an unrelated matter, the victim’s friend suddenly announced “they should be investigating Officer Curtis.”
It wasn’t until October that the 15-year-old agreed to give a statement. Borel was interviewed Oct. 19 and “admitted to some aspects” of the sexual encounter.
Lunski disclosed that later that same day Borel attempted suicide with an overdose of prescription medication, and two months later he suffered a mental breakdown and had to be hospitalized.
Smith said his client has since been found mentally fit and his doctors believe his difficulties were brought on by the shock of being charged.
Lunski urged Kirkland to jail Borel for between 45 and 60 days. He observed that while the cop’s behaviour wasn’t “strictly speaking a breach of trust” since he didn’t use his position as a police officer to secure the teen’s sexual favours, “it is clear that Mr. Borel breached the trust of the community by engaging in the activities he did.”
Smith argued for no more than a 14-day sentence.
Before last summer, Smith said, his client had an established career as a police officer, “he was married to another police officer, with four young children – that’s all gone.”
Smith said Borel has been living in the Toronto area without his family since last fall and is trying to start over in a new career unrelated to law enforcement.
He’s also “going to have to re-establish a new relationship with his kids,” Smith told the judge.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Feel sorry for the cop.


Apr 14, 2011
wow... cops get away with everything ... POS deserves to be in jail for at least a year or 2


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Feel sorry for the cop.
I don't feel sorry for him at all. Everything that happened to him (losing his family, career, going to jail) is a result of his own stupid, impulsive behaviour. IMO, he got off easy.


Apr 14, 2011
oh come on guys ... girls at that age can sure look a hell of a lot older than they are. I don't think for a minute he knew she was under 16, he says he assumed she was of age to drink. I tend to believe him. He had a freakin breakdown when he realized what had happened. Poor guy, maybe an affair would have resulted in loss of his marriage, but not jail time ffs.

I feel bad for the guy, I'm betting half (or more) of you guys have wiped the sweat off your brow when you found out someone you ALMOST fucked was underage.
he's a cop... he should know better... there's no excuse...he has kids... he is married...he goes over to a friends house, and they drink with two teenage girls? wtf? ... cmon no excuse... he shoulda gone to a hooker


New member
Feb 19, 2011
oh come on guys ... girls at that age can sure look a hell of a lot older than they are. I don't think for a minute he knew she was under 16, he says he assumed she was of age to drink. I tend to believe him. He had a freakin breakdown when he realized what had happened. Poor guy, maybe an affair would have resulted in loss of his marriage, but not jail time ffs.

I feel bad for the guy, I'm betting half (or more) of you guys have wiped the sweat off your brow when you found out someone you ALMOST fucked was underage.
And getting away with it makes it ok to seduce an underage girl, willingly or not. Sorry jessica, you are so wrong and so was he.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
oh come on guys ... girls at that age can sure look a hell of a lot older than they are. I don't think for a minute he knew she was under 16, he says he assumed she was of age to drink. I tend to believe him. He had a freakin breakdown when he realized what had happened. Poor guy, maybe an affair would have resulted in loss of his marriage, but not jail time ffs.

I feel bad for the guy, I'm betting half (or more) of you guys have wiped the sweat off your brow when you found out someone you ALMOST fucked was underage.
maybe some look older, but please.. a trained cop can tell the difference between the speech patterns or body language of a 15 yr old as opposed to someone 18, or 19...seems to me he didnt care.he probably had a breakdown cause he got caught..........the sentence he got was way too short..

Cobra Enorme

Pussy tamer
Aug 13, 2009
up until a few years ago, the age of consent was 14 and this would have been a non issue.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Guy made 1 mistake and his life is now ruined. Judge made findings that crime was "opportunistic and not predatory". Victim told police later that sex was consensual. Cop testified that she appeared old enough to drink. He's now lost his career and his family and attempted suicide.

What the fuck do you people want from him?!


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Guy made 1 mistake and his life is now ruined. Judge made findings that crime was "opportunistic and not predatory". Victim told police later that sex was consensual. Cop testified that she appeared old enough to drink. He's now lost his career and his family and attempted suicide.

What the fuck do you people want from him?!
what do i want from him?............he,s married with 4 kids, had a career............more impulse control, thats what most rational adults would want from him...


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Sorry lynch mob, I'm with Oagre on this.

In my parts the very most he could have gotten for what he was convicted of was a year. The Judge agreed to the plea and sentence recommendation (non-lawyers may think that Judges just automatically do this, let me assure you that this isn't true) the crime was "opportunistic and not predatory". The victim insisted that it was consensual and if she had been a year older it would have been entirely legal. The thread title makes this out to be something that it was not.

A ten year career has been flushed down the drain.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Not if the person was in a position of authority.
Which would possibly have been an issue at trial, however, he was not on duty, and was not in uniform. In fact although it appears she guessed he was a police constable he never stated he was.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
oh come on guys ... girls at that age can sure look a hell of a lot older than they are. I don't think for a minute he knew she was under 16, he says he assumed she was of age to drink. I tend to believe him. He had a freakin breakdown when he realized what had happened. Poor guy, maybe an affair would have resulted in loss of his marriage, but not jail time ffs.

I feel bad for the guy, I'm betting half (or more) of you guys have wiped the sweat off your brow when you found out someone you ALMOST fucked was underage.
I went to a bar to watch a band many years ago. I met a girl between sets and she asked if I wanted a beer. Up to the bar we go, she orders us a round and we sit there and chat for a bit. I got the next round and we watched the last set together. She was a really pretty girl, slim and tall with rather large breasts. Not to mention she was really quick-witted, was sharp as a tack and our conversation just flowed. She asked what I was doing after the show, I said just going back to my place. She asked if I wanted to smoke a joint and I said sure so off we go back to my parents place. Lucky for me they were away. When we got there she noticed we had a pool in the back yard and said great, we can go skinny dipping.

So we smoked a joint, had a couple beers peeled off our clothes and jumped in the pool. All I can say is it was one of the best nights I've ever had. I'd never been with such an experienced girl before, she was simply amazing. We had sex in the pool and then in every room and on every piece of furniture. I gave her a ride home the next day, we kissed again before she got out. That's when I asked her how old she was. She looked at me with a sheepish grin and said "your going to kill me, I'll be 16 in a few months". I was just shy of 21 at the time.

The cop shouldn't have screwed around on his wife, but he did and he paid for it dearly. However I agree with MJL, he didn't use his position of authority to influence the girl and I believe him when he said he didn't know how old she was. Happened to me, actually twice but I'll save the second tale for another day.
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