The issue imo is about how gender roles have indeed changed for women, but many women refuse to acknowledge that it means men get to change theirs as well.
Before the 1970's(and even then) men paid for things because they had the economic power. Women couldn't get bank loans, credit cards, seperate accounts, etc because it was assumed they didn't have the economic capability to pay the bills. And in a marriage a man was fully and legally responsible for any debt incurred by his spouse. Hence the rules about men having a say over a wife's credit.
As well a man's ability to pay for dates etc was a measure women used to determine(especially before no fault divorce) his ability to be a good provider in the future. Along with their chosen profession. It was very important to the courting stages.
Starting in the 80's ecomomic opportunity for a woman to go at it alone opened up. They had the legal ability to be independent. I agree with all of this. It should happen.
But what hasn't changed with that is the other side. Before men were placed under societal pressure to conform as well to a "marriage norm". Terms like "grow up, be mature" and even a Psychological term called Peter Pan syndrome were used to societally apply pressure to take a wife so she would have that economic protection and opportunity via him. And yes we did hear from our mothers, our friends wife's and more.
But now men have reached a point where they are now pushing back. If women have the capability to go it alone then men have the right to no longer choose to engage in marriage. And to "renegotiate " the terms of courtship vis a vis who pays, who asks, and more.
As well the primary places courtship started have now been banned more or less. The workplace, colleges and many public places now have very stringent rules on any romantic approachment. Younger Men quite simply don't feel comfortable approaching women in public anymore. Between legal and social consequences. I will add, my younger male relatives say in many cases women are quite mean and rude.
I won't even get into the dating apps.
What many women haven't realized is the "rights" are also RESPONSIBILITIES. I agree, have a mortgage, a CC, a loan. But they are also responsible for it. And men no longer are. Same with dating. Women(and you have to admit this) still believe men must approach first, plan things, court her, pay for everything. And if they don't, they aren't a man. This is a holdover from the pre feminist days that was a equalizer and is now being questioned. Quite simply men are expected to take all the risk, for really less and less reward. Women need to begin to also treat men as equals. And that Means taking on the DATING RISKS as well.