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Women with extremely high standards


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Reread what I said, if the man didn't pay the first date, there would not be a second, you would never get the opportunity to kick ME to the curb, because the second I was expected to pay for dates I would have left lmao

I'm glad you found a partner that works for you, again, that is where we differ, I have no problem with you and your SO going dutch, that is both of your choices. I'm just amused at how some men are bitter that other men still WANT to provide for the women they are dating. Why are you upset that my partner likes to pay for our dates? How does this affect your life at all lol

You do know if 20-40% of women are single, equal proportions of men will also be single??? It is so weird that it is assumed women even want to be in relationships or that this is a requirement for us to be happy. I was happily single for years, and now I am happily not single, and if things end, I'll go back to being happily single! Such is life, but if neither of the estimated 20-40% of MEN AND WOMEN that are single are willing to conform to the other sexes requirements so as to not be single, then they are clearly making the choice that dating is not worth it to them and they are happier single.
Lol... If she doesn't offer to pay half on the first date(which I will take gladly) red flag.
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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
It was the "maintaining a relationship is impossible because women have ongoing needs" that told me he wanted to put in zero effort but get maximum return. Now imagine what he must say when the woman stops meeting his sexual needs because he won't meet her emotional ones. Imagine his reaction to a woman being like "I MET YOUR NEEDS LAST WEEK WHY ARE YOU HAVING NEEDS AGAIN"!!!! It's giving the client who books a 6hr appointment and is surprised when I expect to be fed.
I see it differently. If I get into a relationship with someone presenting specific attributes or behavior and that shit slides and they are not living up to the agreement. If their needs are always increasing then the terms are not fair. Not to say this is not negotiable but compensation for such an upgrade is required.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
The issue imo is about how gender roles have indeed changed for women, but many women refuse to acknowledge that it means men get to change theirs as well.

Before the 1970's(and even then) men paid for things because they had the economic power. Women couldn't get bank loans, credit cards, seperate accounts, etc because it was assumed they didn't have the economic capability to pay the bills. And in a marriage a man was fully and legally responsible for any debt incurred by his spouse. Hence the rules about men having a say over a wife's credit.

As well a man's ability to pay for dates etc was a measure women used to determine(especially before no fault divorce) his ability to be a good provider in the future. Along with their chosen profession. It was very important to the courting stages.

Starting in the 80's ecomomic opportunity for a woman to go at it alone opened up. They had the legal ability to be independent. I agree with all of this. It should happen.

But what hasn't changed with that is the other side. Before men were placed under societal pressure to conform as well to a "marriage norm". Terms like "grow up, be mature" and even a Psychological term called Peter Pan syndrome were used to societally apply pressure to take a wife so she would have that economic protection and opportunity via him. And yes we did hear from our mothers, our friends wife's and more.

But now men have reached a point where they are now pushing back. If women have the capability to go it alone then men have the right to no longer choose to engage in marriage. And to "renegotiate " the terms of courtship vis a vis who pays, who asks, and more.

As well the primary places courtship started have now been banned more or less. The workplace, colleges and many public places now have very stringent rules on any romantic approachment. Younger Men quite simply don't feel comfortable approaching women in public anymore. Between legal and social consequences. I will add, my younger male relatives say in many cases women are quite mean and rude.

I won't even get into the dating apps.

What many women haven't realized is the "rights" are also RESPONSIBILITIES. I agree, have a mortgage, a CC, a loan. But they are also responsible for it. And men no longer are. Same with dating. Women(and you have to admit this) still believe men must approach first, plan things, court her, pay for everything. And if they don't, they aren't a man. This is a holdover from the pre feminist days that was a equalizer and is now being questioned. Quite simply men are expected to take all the risk, for really less and less reward. Women need to begin to also treat men as equals. And that Means taking on the DATING RISKS as well.
I'm all about being taken care of staying at home and the little woman slaving at work. Then reality hits....


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
This is a ridiculous question, expecting a meal on longer appointments with a provider is industry standard, I will expect the same in other areas that I work in, the same being whatever industry standard is. You're also missing the part where it is a known requirement of booking me for 3hrs or longer as it is clearly on my website. If a client takes issue with this, they can book someone else with different requirements. I'm not sure how it is entitlement expecting the things that were required in the agreement that was made, but cool story bro.

I swear yall make arguments just to listen to yourselves without thinking through what you're saying lmao.
I see it as contract stipulations. Gents always read the fine print in all your endeavors


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
All I'm going to say is you need to read the research on who provides most of the domestic and emotional work in relationships as well as the research on who benefits the most from heterosexual domestic relationships, then come back and talk to me about equality.

My partner pays for all of our dates, and if he didnt i wouldnt date him, he had to make the decision whether that was worth it to him, but honestly it was never a discussion, he has never once even hesitated to pull out his wallet when the bill arrives. If on the first date there had been an issue there just wouldn't have been a second one. Women arent forcing men to pay for anything men who do so are choosing to, knowing that it increases their odds with that woman. But I know plenty of women who don't have these requirements, maybe the men who encounter this a lot are trying to date outside of their tax bracket, and if thats not the case, then maybe they are looking in the wrong places 💁🏽‍♀️
I hate using this term but some men are simps. They are thirsty as fuck and will lick the anus of a woman that fulfill their need for validation and to avoid being lonely. Men except for the gays are biologically driven to want women. Women know this and use it to their advantage. Why wouldn't they? I would. I like it when I get things paid for by my girlfriends

I would call it almost an addiction.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Of course, I didn't say ALL or intend to imply since I said stuff like a bunch. But I particularly come from a culture with high domestic abuse rates. My parents are still together, but when my dad tried to give me shit for not being married I told him if he wanted me to get married maybe he should have been a better husband. We have a good relationship, but he was, and still is but to a lesser extent, a shit husband. There was a recent study in South West Europe about how much house work men do, and how many are away they don't do enough, portuguese men really had the audacity to say they did less than 20% with many saying they do nothing, the audacity bring that 80% knew they weren't doing enough. Like they can't even claim ignorance due to us still having a very prevalent traditional culture. So for me, if a man doesn't bring what I want to the table, a long term relationship just doesn't appeal to me.

Equilibrium will come, it has to if enough people are unhappy with being single, one group or the other, will make concessions. But given that 8/10 victims of intimate partner violence are women, I really don't think it's us who needs to change all that much. But time will tell which group decides their stance was worth changing to not be single.

But I agree no one deserves a partner and you can so everything right and just not have the luck of finding your person. But I definitely feel more for those people than the incels.
Hey I'm willing to clean the toilet if shes willing go climb on the roof and fix it. Fat chance. That was the traditional gender role in my house. Im curious if the study includes home maintenance and other more laborious activities. As described before Mom ain't going on the roof, physically interceding an attacker to prevent injuring the family. Many duties that men do, do not involving housework. If dad was growing veggies in the garden mom was canning. Sometimes one has to do more than the other. Sometimes harder work or longer.

I don't feel bad for people. Everyone is the captain of their own destiny, some just choose not to steer and pick a direction. The sea or life chooses for them. There are going to be people at the bottom. There always have and always will. A woman can always find a guy. It may not be the guy she wants but she has the option to pick and choose. Bottom men don't have this option. Around 60% or men never passed on their genetics and had children. If I remember correctly 80% of women passed on theirs.

My mom told me a story from when she was a young women about 2 men who lived togther who were not related. She thought they were gay, when in reality or possibility they were the "incels" of the 1950s and part of the 60% who were never attractive to women and never made the cut. These men have always been around. Were not referred to as incels but that's a shaming word.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
There are plenty decenting voices for Muhammad Ali,
There are very few dissenting voices re:Ali.

Of all professions, a lawyer ranks right near the top in terms of need for proper spelling and grammar.

That was clearly not a typo and if you're going the "auto-correct" route, don't you proofread?

I think that you were spelling it phonetically. Sort of like I would of....LOL


Mediterranean Paramour
Jan 20, 2020
There are very few dissenting voices re:Ali.

Of all professions, a lawyer ranks right near the top in terms of need for proper spelling and grammar.

That was clearly not a typo and if you're going the "auto-correct" route, don't you proofread?

I think that you were spelling it phonetically. Sort of like I would of....LOL
Yes because no one in the world of writing has ever accidentally used the wrong phonetic word. And no I don't proof read on terb, many of my posts have little errors that show that, not worth the time lol


Mediterranean Paramour
Jan 20, 2020
Any whooooo going to go practice my new lap dance moves on my bf while yall complain online about women having standards you can't meet 🥰



Jun 17, 2023
The problem is that we are holding up broken people as role models. Note that I used the non-gendered term ‘people’ because it applies to both genders. Narcissism has been elevated to a virtue. We have people who genuinely believe that the rest of the world owes them servitude. The advent of the misandric ‘Queen’ culture is how this manifests in females while the ”Self proclaimed Alpha” is the male counter part. Both are a personality disorder.

With regard to the topic at hand, there is a small subset of women to whom the misandric mind set appeals. The chance to use their sexuality to control others affords them a sense of power. That sense of power is the key to understanding this; it’s what motivates them. Just like the sense of power the self proclaimed alphas get from intimidating people. If this sounds familiar to you, it should; these are both forms of the bully mentality.

To understand how this works in society at large you have to understand that people fall into three broad groups. A small group are actual alphas (both male and female). They won’t tell you that they are an alpha because they don’t think of themselves as alphas; they simply think about arranging the world the way they want it to be, and then they make it happen. A small group, the narcissists, tell themselves they are alphas, and may even believe it, simply for the feelings of empowerment it gives them. This group includes your ‘Queens’ and self proclaimed alphas. The vast majority of people don’t think of themselves as alphas and aren’t alphas.

Self proclaimed alpha males can usually get away with their behaviour for periods of time. The vast majority of people, when confronted with a low intensity bully won’t get in their way. They will continue this behaviour until they come into conflict with an actual alpha (the extreme edge of the alpha spectrum is a psychopath). The self proclaimed alpha will always loose this confrontation because the actual alpha will not be intimidated.

Self proclaimed alphas generally attract omega females. Alphas are at the top of the human social hierarchy, omegas are at the very bottom, and, everyone else forms a spectrum between the two. Omega females have low self esteem and are attracted to the projection of power because of the perception that it will offer protection. Omega females are also attracted to actual alphas, but actual alphas reject them due to the limited value they bring to the relationship. In essence, you have narcissistic men attracting women with low self esteem/IQ and using them for sex. This is why trailer parks and inner cities are overrun with human trash.

Similarly, self proclaimed ‘Queens’ attract omega males. This is what drives the phenomena the OP was talking about. Narcissistic women attract low self esteem/IQ men and use them for money. The women derive a sense of power from it as well as financial gain. It’s especially easy for younger women to do this because as men grow older, (and have more money), their standards for physical beauty in a woman drop; I.e. a woman who wouldn’t catch the eye of a guy her own age is going to turn the head of a guy 20 years her senior.


There was a star danced, and under that was I born
Feb 18, 2023
Insula Avallonis
All kinds of useless men walk about calling themselves Alpha or high value men. It is embarrassing really. Anyone that says shit like that is just confessing how pathetic they are. Whatever happened to keeping your teenage ego in check and having people judge you by you actions and character?

Vera is right. Women don’t need men like they once did. They have their own incomes and their own aspirations. Most want a man as a companion and their equal. They don’t have to frantically search for a bread winner upon leaving high school and put up with being the junior partner in relationship for the rest of their lives. Many of them are deluded in terms of the sort of man they will partner with just as they are deluded about the type of life they will lead. Men share the same delusions about how attractive they are and the lives they deserve to lead. I walk around the grocery store in my reasonably affluent neighborhood and see tons of guys with beer guts, haven’t shaved for days, stringy beards, have a rats nest for hair (maybe kept in check by a tattered baseball cap) buying jumbo bags of Doritos I think these guys have given up on life. But then I see they have wedding rings on I think they must have won the lottery or something. It also tells me that lots of women have low, low standards and don’t act like the women in the OP.
Those could be the men who had ”hot Wives” whatever they define that to be and then got them to trust them and then had children. And then he got bored. Called her ugly. He got fat. Blamed her for wanting “fancy dinners” (according to other poster here ) and yells at her and then goes to the store for cigarettes and Doritos in his sweatpants and then is angry she doesn’t care to shave her vagina for him to use his cheesy tongue on her and mad she won’t lick his unwashed balls and she has lost the energy to be ambitious and is hopeless and had dreams but has been told they are worthless and stupid and of no value etc


There was a star danced, and under that was I born
Feb 18, 2023
Insula Avallonis
It was the "maintaining a relationship is impossible because women have ongoing needs" that told me he wanted to put in zero effort but get maximum return. Now imagine what he must say when the woman stops meeting his sexual needs because he won't meet her emotional ones. Imagine his reaction to a woman being like "I MET YOUR NEEDS LAST WEEK WHY ARE YOU HAVING NEEDS AGAIN"!!!! It's giving the client who books a 6hr appointment and is surprised when I expect to be fed.
The men who do this should be blocked. It’s sad and inhumane. Do they also only provide tap water ? Pathetic. Sounds like the men who also expect you to have sex 6 times in those 6 hours and they don’t shower in between those times. Have no ambiance and no ability to carry a conversation in between


There was a star danced, and under that was I born
Feb 18, 2023
Insula Avallonis
Hey I'm willing to clean the toilet if shes willing go climb on the roof and fix it. Fat chance. That was the traditional gender role in my house. Im curious if the study includes home maintenance and other more laborious activities. As described before Mom ain't going on the roof, physically interceding an attacker to prevent injuring the family. Many duties that men do, do not involving housework. If dad was growing veggies in the garden mom was canning. Sometimes one has to do more than the other. Sometimes harder work or longer.

I don't feel bad for people. Everyone is the captain of their own destiny, some just choose not to steer and pick a direction. The sea or life chooses for them. There are going to be people at the bottom. There always have and always will. A woman can always find a guy. It may not be the guy she wants but she has the option to pick and choose. Bottom men don't have this option. Around 60% or men never passed on their genetics and had children. If I remember correctly 80% of women passed on theirs.

My mom told me a story from when she was a young women about 2 men who lived togther who were not related. She thought they were gay, when in reality or possibility they were the "incels" of the 1950s and part of the 60% who were never attractive to women and never made the cut. These men have always been around. Were not referred to as incels but that's a shaming word.
Oh please. Doubt you ever have or will. lol. Women won’t wait around and can be resourceful and call someone to fix the roof …
all that traditional list making and admin work sure comes in handy :) not sure how to respond to the story from your mom. They were either roommates or related or halfway house or gay. Sounds like she was a curtain peeker or neighbourhood watch
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There was a star danced, and under that was I born
Feb 18, 2023
Insula Avallonis
Well thats people who like to assign labels to themselves. Perhaps a need to peacock or desire to assert status. It's a guess, but to me it appears as weakness when a person needs to publicly announce something and cannot just be.

You bring up actions and character which I am a fan of. Lack of values or more importantly congruent values between partner. A disaster if not vetted in a partner. Something people do not do long enough.

Interestingly you bring up a point. These men must offer something of value to the woman for them to stay. Perhaps like women enduring the Doritos and hair, men must deal with other undesirable traits in their partner.
Maybe she doesn’t have a choice


Jul 3, 2020
There are plenty decenting voices for Muhammad Ali, greatness is subjective. Someone might be great by their measurements and not yours. As I've said elsewhere, very few things people think are facts, are actually facts.
Greatness CAN be objectively measured. To say that Usain Bolt is the greatest sprinter who ever lived, Michael Phelps is the greatest swimmer, or David Lee Roth is the greatest lead singer from Van Halen are statements of fact, not of opinion. I believe that, at the turn of the next century, Bolt will still hold the World's Records in both the 100 Meter and 200 Meters; he is that far ahead of everyone else.
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