No need for sarcasm. That was my point from the beginning.Sweetheart, thanks for enlightening me, but wasn't born yesterday.
Congratulations, you just made our (collective) point.
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No need for sarcasm. That was my point from the beginning.Sweetheart, thanks for enlightening me, but wasn't born yesterday.
Congratulations, you just made our (collective) point.
Perfect. :thumb:Women evaluate:
A man's look - handsome cool rugged pretty ugly....
His economic situation rich poor in between
His education training
His level of interestingness sense of humor conversation
His sophistication or crudeness
His hygene
His record with women ...player dog.. good guy stand up guy character
His feelings towards them ... what does he want... roll in the hay or more serious
His attitude to kids... good father.. has kids... accept her kids...
His attitude towards his mother.. the way he treats her is the way he will treat them
His genetic material... healthy.. race ...
Yes his height... goes back to feeling protected from wild animals or bad men.
It is a thing. It is one of many things.
In the 1950's it was and I'm sure in Southeast Asia is borderline gigantic, but no it's a little below. All the hormones and crap in food on one hand and conversely, healthier diets from a young age on the other lead to taller people.not sure how this thread got hijacked into a discussion about height being a factor. lol but i am bored so i'll bite again.
essentially the initial meeting there has to be at least some physical attraction and because you don't know one another it is obviously entirely superficial. come on guys, let's be honest here, how many of us have our own height preferences and have broken up or not been interested in someone due to their height. i am sure the reverse applies as well.
what keeps it going beyond date #3 or so are factors like personality, sense of humour, attitudes on life, etc...
having said this, i don't think 5'8" is all that short for a guy. isn't this average?
Hey - I'm 5'8, fit, and fine with that.No need for sarcasm. That was my point from the beginning.some people are so height sensitive.
Yes, good point and one that's been overlooked.essentially at the initial meeting there has to be at least some physical attraction
what keeps it going beyond date #3 or so are factors like personality, sense of humour, attitudes on life, etc...
Good point. And by the same token, guys should pay attention to her mother's attitude toward her father. Does it show respect or contempt? Because children learn what they live.Women evaluate:
His attitude towards his mother.. the way he treats her is the way he will treat them
It is a thing. It is one of many things.
His spelling. :eyebrows:Women evaluate:
A man's look - handsome cool rugged pretty ugly....
His economic situation rich poor in between
His education training
His level of interestingness sense of humor conversation
His sophistication or crudeness
His hygene
His record with women ...player dog.. good guy stand up guy character
His feelings towards them ... what does he want... roll in the hay or more serious
His attitude to kids... good father.. has kids... accept her kids...
His attitude towards his mother.. the way he treats her is the way he will treat them
His genetic material... healthy.. race ...
Yes his height... goes back to feeling protected from wild animals or bad men.
It is a thing. It is one of many things.
Just read your posts here and replace "Short" with another adjective....There are all kinds of men on the internet with all kinds of neurosis, and I when one posts somewhere with a large membership, like reddit, those that share their opinion come crawling out of the woodwork. There are entire websites that prey on the insecurities of men and tell them how right they are, because you don't want to hear that it isn't your height that's holding you back. It absolutely isn't. Just read your posts here and replace "Short" with another adjective, then imagine it's coming from a woman and ask yourself if you'd be attracted to someone that's so insecure about themselves.
You're the one living the fantasy. There are a ton of short guys out there that are happily involved in relationships. You're making up excuses.
10 short guys get rejected while their only tall friend gets a handful of women, so they all decide it's because they're short. That's not proof of anything.
I guarantee you that your problem isn't height, it's your personality and/or how you approach women, but until you get over your insecurity, you'll never be able to move on. Seriously, for every short guys blaming it on being short, you'll find a woman that's dated a short guy and a short guy that's in a relationship. If some short guys have no problems being successful, your problem can't be shortness.
Handicapped is a bit of a special case because any woman knows that getting involved with a handicapped guy means extra work on her part. The simple things in life are made much harder and take a lot more time. You can't tell me short, bald or chubby carries those same stigma.Just read your posts here and replace "Short" with another adjective....
Here's something to try- Replace short with handicapped. If it's all about whether you've got game, then being handicapped should not be a handicap. Rent a wheelchair for a month or two and use it whenever you want to meet chicks. If your success rate does not suffer, then we will all bow before you for not just talking the talk, but walking the walk (pardon the pun), and showing us that it really is all about personality and social skills, which is something that's under our control. If your success rate does suffer, then you would have to acknowledge that a lack of physical height/mobility/etc... does affect your chances for success.
By the way, would you look at a woman who couldn't walk the same way as you would look at one who could?
I'm all for the 'easy sex' element as well - and lately that has been my primary motivation - though I still seek SPs to satisfy certain interests not easily satisfied with regular women (i.e. greek, etc).I'm single and have money to spend.
In a study looking at attributes that both men and women look for in a casual lay and an actual mate, men and women both rated looks high for the former, but for women looks dropped noticeably for a mate, whereas it remained very high for men whether looking for just a lay or a mate.I'll see your two cents and add my three cents in agreement.
I believe women in general are just as shallow (if not more) as men in selecting lovers/ mates and that is - they base their selection on physical appearance. I believe that it is a primal female urge to select a mate that offers the best protection and muscular attributes of a good hunter. You can be charming, witty and a sensitive guy at the bar but if you are short and fat - you are not getting the hot girl. You will get a girl who has also missed out on her prime picks.
Part of the illusion of hope for short fat guys is the result of Hollywood spinning out countless films in which the hot chick realizes that the jock is bad and the nerd is a better catch but that is because they cater to the money nerds pay to see these type of movies. I also suggest that feminists who fight the advertising of beautiful women are hoping to change the grading system so the tall attractive guy will now look at her.
I'd believe a study like that. Men typically do care about a woman's looks.In a study looking at attributes that both men and women look for in a casual lay and an actual mate, men and women both rated looks high for the former, but for women looks dropped noticeably for a mate, whereas it remained very high for men whether looking for just a lay or a mate.
I'm sorry, but who is more shallow?
For the record I've had civilian men say some pretty nasty things to me about my physical attributes over the years!YUPPER.... they are more shallow...... just be observant of couples in a shopping mall/ bar / nightclub. You will see WAY more average guys with a FAT mate than an average girl with a SHORT guy. ALSO agree that the " personality " " charm " of a SHORT Guy WILL win over the girl . Pure fantasy. You can read on countless chat board about these ' NICE " guys being FRIENDZONED due to height. MAYBE if he is crazy funny like Jim Carry or Russel Peters he will get dates . REALISTICALLY how many of any persons are that charming & funny. Extreem few.....that is why we go pay to hear these funny guys.
Please stop lumping us all together, as you're starting to come across like the very thing you're protesting!
Please stop.In a study looking at attributes that both men and women look for in a casual lay and an actual mate, men and women both rated looks high for the former, but for women looks dropped noticeably for a mate, whereas it remained very high for men whether looking for just a lay or a mate.
I'm sorry, but who is more shallow?
The study looked at more than just looks as there were many criteria involved, but that was what the prof pointed out to us about it and therefore what I remember more readily.I'd believe a study like that. Men typically do care about a woman's looks.
However, I'd also believe any study which showed women care more about a man's money and job status. And also how tall he is. So many women I know who snub their nose at guys shorter than them and make less money than them. And some of these woman aren't even short to begin with, so right off the bat they are limiting themselves to men 6 ft and taller as they might be 5"10 or 5"11. Not every guy is tall.
When we joke around and I ask why height is so important, the general response is that they feel weird and embarrassed needing to look down at the guy.
So depending on the criteria it goes both ways.
Make up your mind.The study looked at more than just looks as there were many criteria involved, but that was what the prof pointed out to us about it and therefore what I remember more readily.
I know that after having been taken for money by some not so great guys in my life I now concern myself more with what a man makes or has achieved and do prefer a guy to be taller than me, but his height isn't a deal breaker for me. I don't feel this makes me shallow, but by your logic I am.
As for the rest, the truth of the matter is that with more earning power now women are being more selective in a mate. Gone are the days of our mothers. My adoptive mom lived on a farm and had few suiters, so took the first seemingly decent one that came along. Little did she know he was a short tempered, verbally abusive man. My biological mom stayed with a man who drank too much and cheated on her for various reasons, two of which was the belief that my baby half brother needed a male influence in his life and that two paychecks were better than one.