Steeles Royal

Why do pooners lie about their reason for hobbying?

Jan 24, 2012
On Googling Short Guys one easily comes across data , chat boards etc supporting the claim that Short guys are at the bottom of the desirable pool in dating & how much priority women put on height. I don't think there is much argument against it as the evidence is sooooo extremely obvious & overwhelming. For those who ask for proof rather than googling yourselves.... here is one such brief article... but there is dozens more THAT BEING SAID .... I don't believe the O.P. intended this thread to fall into such specific argument ..... about ONE reason why a guy would see an escort BUT RATHER of the many reasons & also specifically why a guy would NOT SPEAK THE TRUTH about the REAL REASON why he would see on escort. My answer..... perhaps he is NOT BEING TRUTHFUL TO HIMSELF ....... or it is humiliating & embarrassing to tell an escort why he comes to enjoy her services. CHEERS :p

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
When he posted as cute-bald or Partyman1970 he was in full bloom but you can tell it's still there.
Maybe the leg extensions helped?
Cute/Bald did not want to pay the full price for a excellent surgeon. He went the cheaper route and hired a chiropractor to do the surgery and ended up with new longer legs but they were attached to his shoulders.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
In Western & Developed countries iT is NOW COOL for ladies to hold out for the Hot Hunk & dismiss all others that don't reach the minimum REQUIREMENT of 5'10"
On what sample are you basing this claim? The nightclub scene? Dating sites?

Yes, commonly accepted that in those venues, superficiality reigns. It is far different in a real-life situation, meeting someone through any means other than those which inherently involve a looks-first assessment and comparison between you and and every other guy.

I posted - three pages ago - that this city/my office/apartment building/local Starbucks/etc. is rife with women barely cresting 5'5. Just how tall does their guy need to be?

I'm 5'8 and a bit. I work in an office of 200 employees. I can count on one hand the number of girls that are substantially taller than me, if that (sans heels). The rest, not so much.

I don't completely discount your claim. But that particular 'mindset' is limited to a small number of overly superficial people. If you insist on dabbling in those arenas, you shouldn't be complaining. If not, there's a whole 'real' world out there for you. You should try it.

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
It's all about smart solutions and good balance

Well, I'm a happily married man with a pretty hot wife and a pretty hot home sex life, but still an occasional (now very occasional, but enough to know what's going on) pooner, and I like it because having a little secret is fun, no-strings casual sex with an attractive stranger is fun, and paying for casual sex is a luxury and a treat, especially if you don't really "need it" (to quote my role model Rob Ford, I get plenty to eat at home).

At this point in my life, "free" casual sex seems really depressing. I just don't want to hear myself chatting up some girl, telling all my boring funny stories to charm her pants off, listening to her stories, then watching us both try to extricate ourselves from an attachment afterward.

And a real life "affair" is even more depressing to contemplate! The expectations are clear with SPs, sometimes it's really fun and sometimes it's not as fun, but there's always an element of surprise, and it's pretty safe as far as casual sex goes....
Same principal for men who may be happily married despite no home sex life


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
On Googling Short Guys one easily comes across data , chat boards etc supporting the claim that Short guys are at the bottom of the desirable pool in dating & how much priority women put on height. I don't think there is much argument against it as the evidence is sooooo extremely obvious & overwhelming. For those who ask for proof rather than googling yourselves.... here is one such brief article... but there is dozens more THAT BEING SAID .... I don't believe the O.P. intended this thread to fall into such specific argument ..... about ONE reason why a guy would see an escort BUT RATHER of the many reasons & also specifically why a guy would NOT SPEAK THE TRUTH about the REAL REASON why he would see on escort. My answer..... perhaps he is NOT BEING TRUTHFUL TO HIMSELF ....... or it is humiliating & embarrassing to tell an escort why he comes to enjoy her services. CHEERS :p
Oh, I wouldn't worry to much. Here's a list of very desirable short men. Who would probably do well in the real world as well.

Joaquin Phoenix - 5-8"
Robert Downey Jr - 5-8"
Mark Wahlberg - 5-8"
Al Pacino - 5-6"
Daniel Craig 007 - 5-8"
Jason Statham - 5-8"
Johnny Depp - 5-8"
Jevier Bardem 5-8"
Prince 5-2"
Tom Cruise 5-7"
Sylvester Stallone - 5-6"
Tony Curtis - 5-6"
Frank Sinatra - 5-6"


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
Oh, I wouldn't worry to much. Here's a list of very desirable short men. Who would probably do well in the real world as well.

Joaquin Phoenix - 5-8"
Robert Downey Jr - 5-8"
Mark Wahlberg - 5-8"
Al Pacino - 5-6"
Daniel Craig 007 - 5-8"
Jason Statham - 5-8"
Johnny Depp - 5-8"
Jevier Bardem 5-8"
Prince 5-2"
Tom Cruise 5-7"
Sylvester Stallone - 5-6"
Tony Curtis - 5-6"
Frank Sinatra - 5-6"

These guys are rich and famous... I think that helps.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
You didn't read the end of my statement!!!!


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
I did and how well these guys would do in the "real world" if they didn't have the wealth and status they do, remains to be seen.

and some of the men you listed aren't even that short, I'm pretty sure Jason Statham and Javier Barden are taller then you listed.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
I did and how well these guys would do in the "real world" if they didn't have the wealth and status they do, remains to be seen.

and some of the men you listed aren't even that short, I'm pretty sure Jason Statham and Javier Barden are taller then you listed.
Well I guess the other side to this coin is, being vertically challenged, It didn't affect their ability to become famous.. Which speaks volumes....


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2006
I don't know why this even turned into a "height" thread to begin with. Seriously toronto's finest, give it a rest, we get it taller men have it better then shorter men in the dating world that doesn't mean short guys just should give up and not even try. This is very little if anything to do with height anyway.

Men of all heights hobby and they do it for different reasons.

The others are right, you clearly have a complex. and there is nothing more unattractive then an insecure man with a complex.

Seriously man lol just give it a rest and this is coming from a guy who is 5'7''

With everything going on in the world and all the things going in my life, my height is the last thing I'm worried about.

if a girl doesn't want to be with me because i'm not tall enough, she can go to hell. It's that simple. I don't have time to deal with shallow immature women who are 16 year olds in 30 year old women's bodies. and I don't have time to feel sorry for myself for not being 6'2'' I have a life and i have more important thing to worry about
Jan 24, 2012
^^^^ I agree & I already said this thread should get back on track about ...... why a guy would lie about real reason he hobbies


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
I don't have time to deal with shallow immature women who are 16 year olds in 30 year old women's bodies.
Amen to that.

The irony is that most of these young uber-superficial types tend to grow out of that phase by the time they reach thirty. If you're still running into these types then, you're either approaching the wrong women, or wrong age group altogether.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
On Googling Short Guys one easily comes across data , chat boards etc supporting the claim that Short guys are at the bottom of the desirable pool in dating & how much priority women put on height. I don't think there is much argument against it as the evidence is sooooo extremely obvious & overwhelming. For those who ask for proof rather than googling yourselves.... here is one such brief article... but there is dozens more THAT BEING SAID .... I don't believe the O.P. intended this thread to fall into such specific argument ..... about ONE reason why a guy would see an escort BUT RATHER of the many reasons & also specifically why a guy would NOT SPEAK THE TRUTH about the REAL REASON why he would see on escort. My answer..... perhaps he is NOT BEING TRUTHFUL TO HIMSELF ....... or it is humiliating & embarrassing to tell an escort why he comes to enjoy her services. CHEERS :p
Another guy with bullshit sources.

If you google "why don't women like short guys", you're going to find lots of anecdotal stories and evidence to support your theory. But seriously, look at the references any "scholarly" article that supports that theory cites. Girls prefer guys with lower timber, girls like men who look brooding and dark, etc etc. You assume you're competing against the whole of the male pantheon, but you aren't - you're only competing against yourself. While you're talking to a woman, it's only you she's sizing up. You either establish a rapport and she has time for you, or you don't and she thanks you for the free drink and moves on. It has nothing to do with anyone else around.

The data tells us that women prefer men that are taller than them. But the key here is "prefer". Women "prefer" billionaire bad-boys that fly their own private jets and sail their own private yachts, yet are honest, loyal and share their interests, all while managing to be romantic. Not only is that impossible (where does the "bad boy" come from in a guy that's loyal, honest and romantic?), but no woman is going to reject every guy that doesn't fit into that mold unless they have the ability to actually chase it and a shallow personality to match (like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian). If a woman has a choice between a 5' tall version of you and a 6' version of you, she probably will pick the 6' tall version. That's very true. But there isn't a 6' tall version of you. It's not like a woman is going to meet you, fall for you and then say, "Gee, you're absolutely perfect for me... But you're 3" too short. Sorry!"

Of course, that's not what anyone will argue is happening. They'll say women aren't even taking the chance to get to know them because they don't meet some predetermined set of physical data points, like height, weight or amount of hair. As someone else mentioned, if you're using an algorithm to seek out mates, like with online dating, that's probably very true. A woman who tells the website "Only show me men over 5'10" and only let their emails through" will obviously never get to know you. That's why I think dating online is bullshit. People try to decide based on arbitrary terms what will be compatible with them. Good luck with that. Personal connections can't be determined by datapoints. If anyone figured that out, they'd be the only matchmaking service around and they'd have a 100% success rate.

In the real world, if a woman is open to meeting new people, she'll give you a shot. It will probably be brief, maybe only a minute or possibly even less, but you have a window. In that window, she may notice your height, but you've got time to make up for it. If you happen to be insecure because of your height and try to overcompensate, it's very easy to turn her off. Women can smell insecurity the way dogs can smell fear. If you're insecure, it's coming out. So you need to make piece with your shortcomings. Not by compensating, not by pretending to not care, but by just accepting it (or changing it, but height isn't something you can just change). You're short. Now move on. Guys overcome worse things than shortness every day, you can too. Once you accept that being short isn't holding you back, because it isn't, you can grow as a person and as a single man looking to date. You can improve your social discourse, expand your set of interests, learn to read the subtle body language to guide things the way you want them to go.

When I was a fighter pilot, I got so much tail... I could literally walk into a bar, say I'm a fighter pilot, and walk out with a hot chick. Best pick up line ever, "You're hot. I'm a fighter pilot. Let's get out of here." It was panty remover, plain and simple. Not 100%, but fairly reliable, especially among a particular demographic. When I ceased being a fighter pilot, I was insecure. If you took 2 version of me, one that was a fighter pilot and one that wasn't, women would prefer the fighter pilot. Absolutely. I mean, Top Gun, right? Bad boy, the lifestyle, real macho, etc. Careers women find sexy, like fighter pilot, firefighter, paramedic, doctor, etc, are a preference. A sexy career and a sexy height. But not having those doesn't make you a leper. It means you just can't rely on it. For that matter, being tall isn't even a passport to pussy anyway. It's not like women are like "Oh, you're 6'2"? Your place or mine?"

You're insecure about your height. That's what holding you back - your insecurity, not the height. Yes, if you stop being insecure, there might be other things that hold you back... But you can't improve on them either until you improve on your insecurity. And as long as you remain insecure, you'll blame all failures on it. "Of course that bitch didn't like me, she dismissed me because of my height. I mean, sure, I spent half the conversation staring at her breasts and the other half staring at her friend's ass, but that doesn't matter, it's all because I'm short." While I do know the trick to getting women is to have good social skills, which includes not being insecure, I unfortunately don't have the magic secret to ending insecurity. What worked for me was cognitive therapy. Maybe it'd work for you, maybe it won't. I don't know. I do know what won't work is just blaming it on some arbitrary physical trait you can't change and giving up. As a result, it becomes the catch-all for every rejection. While it's great for the ego to be able to blame height and not your personality, it's not exactly healthy and isn't going to result in you being able to get out there and have successful forays into the dating world. Especially if you continue to let it eat away and make you even more bitter about it than you already are.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
I did and how well these guys would do in the "real world" if they didn't have the wealth and status they do, remains to be seen.

and some of the men you listed aren't even that short, I'm pretty sure Jason Statham and Javier Barden are taller then you listed.
Not to mention Statham has the bald thing going on that so many men are neurotic about (and the bald one makes me laugh, because I'm fairly bald myself and don't really give a shit).

Art Mann

May 10, 2010
Articulate insight
. . .
If you google "why don't women like short guys", you're going to find lots of anecdotal stories and evidence to support your theory. But seriously, look at the references any "scholarly" article that supports that theory cites. Girls prefer guys with lower timber, girls like men who look brooding and dark, etc etc. You assume you're competing against the whole of the male pantheon, but you aren't - you're only competing against yourself. While you're talking to a woman, it's only you she's sizing up. You either establish a rapport and she has time for you, or you don't and she thanks you for the free drink and moves on. It has nothing to do with anyone else around.

. . . While I do know the trick to getting women is to have good social skills, which includes not being insecure, I unfortunately don't have the magic secret to ending insecurity. What worked for me was cognitive therapy. Maybe it'd work for you, maybe it won't. I don't know. I do know what won't work is just blaming it on some arbitrary physical trait you can't change and giving up. . .
The entire post is bang on ... not just the parts I excerpted here.

Well stated, BlueLaser


Sep 25, 2013
never fails to amaze me that because someone finds themselves unattractive they assume every man who hobbies is equally unattractive.

+100. They don't want to feel alone. Many men I know have hot GFs or hot wives and have no troubles with women. They just love the variety.

When you are young in late hs or university and looked around you said to yourself - wouldnt it be fantastic if I could just fuck all of these beautiful girls. Then you discover this hobby and realize wow you can.


Aug 29, 2001
My attitude when I first got into this hobby: "Wait, so the pretty boy with the narrow eyes, small nose, and flat profile gets to fuck 6's and above, while I'm stuck with 3's and below? His penis and brain gets to experience untold pleasure, while I'm stuck on the sidelines? Just because of some trivial facial dimensions? That's bullshit. I'm taking ownership of my sex life". And that's why I pay. :)
I've sometimes felt like this, but really if you have some game you should always be getting 7s and 8s. Not all women are that shallow.

However, I do think of what a former SP wrote in the G&M last year or so: her clients were all either lonely or horny. It's hard to argue with that. The rest is just a reflection of what your hobbying budget can sustain and help you access.
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