The calling Trump a felon thing is another issue that makes me sympathetic to him and suspicious of the purported values of progressives.
I went through university effectively being taught that it was basically racist fascism of any govt to disenfranchise someone due to a criminal conviction. This was akin to unpersoning someone and denying their most basic human right of expression.
but because the guy we all agree we hate is now a felon, well now our moral stance on disenfranchising felons is a little more flexible.
The more elections I see, the less I believe that progressive/liberal/left wing voters have any actual moral or ethical principles.That surely goes for “all sides”, but the left does it while calling the other side Hitler and Nazis and rooting for the banks to seize their accounts if they protest against their govt too effectively.
I think the hating old white men strategy of the Obama era Dems has really come back to bite all left wing parties in the ass. Because speaking from experience, young white men become old white men pretty quickly.