SP and friendship


Jun 12, 2012
I have read all the posts on here but a bit confused... i keep reading about you being a friend yet you have problems with things that only a more then a friend would have. Either way boyfriend feelings or friend feelings It does not seem like this girl would want to change her ways anyway. So either like her for how she is or move on.

Now on her saying she would fuck anybody for $200 etc. and to tell it to the world , to me that is a little fucked up lol but we are not the same so once again either you like her for her or you don't.
Yes I do have feelings that go beyond just being friend. It's hard not to have that when you're having sex with them AND spending lots of time with them.

I just wished she could wake up from her dream and smell the coffee. Live a life that has a purpose and goals instead she just basks in the grandeur making quick money with her body.


Jun 12, 2012
I believe the connection between that quote and your situation with a SP who gets you to buy her dinner, drinks etc, in exchange for an illusion of friendship would be obvious no?

I don't know the exact specifics of your situation, it could very well be a genuine friendship, but it does sound a bit like she's taking you for a ride, metaphorically speaking
Saw the movie many years ago, and I have to agree that it was a good film. Love the part when the GF says to Miller "You are home!".

I have to admit that early in our relationship she use to take advantage of me by ordering close to $100 worth of drinks even before dinner but all that has disappeared. I no longer feel the need to impress her and she no longer even tries to abuse my generosity. If anything I sometimes feel guilty that I will spend close to 2 hours in bed with her playing, fucking, and snuggling but pay her only for an hour. Paying for the sex part remains an unease part of the relationship and we don't talk about it.

BTW, excellent synopsis of the movie.


Active member
Jul 12, 2012
You're right about this. Thanks for your perspective.
Just be careful my man...we will often do dumb things for pussy. The drunk sob story is a scary thing...be sure she isn't pulling your heart strings as $$ manipulation. It's possible she is a "sweetie" and needs a good friend like you for a boost to her self-esteem and, if that is the case, be her friend but, accept the choices she has made and the choices she will make. That's what friends do.
If you want more than that, man up and take on the chase but, be ready for the possibility that you are a "client with benefits". For us, a friend with benefits is a friend we fuck. For an sp, a client with benefits is a fuck they be-friend, for whatever reason but, in the end, is a fuck. An sp friend once explained this to me.

Be careful...we may be men but, we hurt and we cry...we are still human.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Sounds like she's playing you. You say you have feelings for her but are they reciprocated? If she did, she wouldn't need to be "really drunk" in order to tell you personal things about her. IMO I think you should get clear fast and find a girl you can start a real relationship with.


New member
May 7, 2013
Sometimes its pretty hard not to fall for a sp. Somewhat in a similar situation but you gotta draw the line somewhere for your own good and hers


Active member
May 25, 2002
Sometimes its pretty hard not to fall for a sp. Somewhat in a similar situation but you gotta draw the line somewhere for your own good and hers
I try to be friends with SPs and MPAs that I see by being a good client arrive at appointed time not late or early, showered and shaved (got some laughs from one as I was freshly shaved at 11:00 pm), have donation ready and do my best to mind my manners


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
Maybe its a reality check , her way of saying this is who and what I am and this is how I feel about it and as my friend I would appreciate you not judging me . Its possible she appreciates your friendship and trusts it enough to be totally honest with you . Dont make a dilemma out of it just continue to be her good friend and focus on the things you do like about her . Since when is it ok to try and change our friends anyway ?

Also I think it was very resourceful of her to barter her services with her mechanic , I use this type of payment quite often in my non sex related business and Im quite sure my friends are not bugged by it or jealous about it . Shes a business women be proud to have a lady friend who is independant and resourceful . Dont try to change her , better yet work on yourself cuz thats the only thing you can actually control . >>>>> Misty
I agree with you. I have barter my contracting services with a few sp and always felt like a good deal. There is no difference between these garters and any other ones that I do.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
I just wished she could wake up from her dream and smell the coffee. Live a life that has a purpose and goals instead she just basks in the grandeur making quick money with her body.
That's a value judgment. Personally, it makes sense. But it's not your call.

One of the toughest things to do is to watch someone you care about make "bad decisions". Of course you would rather see her put her (undoubtedly extensive) talents to a more stable, socially acceptable, dare I say, "marry-able" future. At a minimum, you simply don't want to see her get hurt, or achieve less than what you think is her full potential.

An even harder thing to do is to understand that not everyone shares your value systems, no matter how "common" or "common sense" you might think they are. For example, you might know that toothpaste goes on sale every month. So, you'll just buy 3 or 4 tubes every time they go on sale because you know that you'll need them eventually. She might not care even if she knew that sales happen regularly. She is quite content to pay full retail whenever she needs it.

We are products of our environment. Our life views are formed by our life experiences. In other words, she may see the world through a totally different lens. You may grow to accept it, but you might never understand it. You sound like you're crossing into the "us" zone. Until she demonstrates (with action, not words) that she is making a commitment to you, it's just you and her, not "us".

Her entire life horizon may consist of the short term. She may be able to talk about the long term in the abstract (dreams and hopes). But, she doesn't really grasp the concept. She may be completely unwilling to take concrete steps to realize those dreams and hopes.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this:

1. Don't worry about catching feelings. It happens.

2. If you care about her, just be a good friend.

3. Don't make her problems your own. She is responsible for her own life.


Jun 12, 2012

An even harder thing to do is to understand that not everyone shares your value systems, no matter how "common" or "common sense" you might think they are. For example, you might know that toothpaste goes on sale every month. So, you'll just buy 3 or 4 tubes every time they go on sale because you know that you'll need them eventually. She might not care even if she knew that sales happen regularly. She is quite content to pay full retail whenever she needs it.


I guess what I'm trying to say is this:

1. Don't worry about catching feelings. It happens.

2. If you care about her, just be a good friend.

3. Don't make her problems your own. She is responsible for her own life.
Excellent advice. Appreciate the time and the thought that went into distilling this.

Your toothpaste example demonstrates the difference between her and me on so many levels. It actually made me laugh.


Jun 12, 2012
Thank you everyone for your advice and insight. I have left out some relevant details in the interest of maintaining privacy, so I'm afraid the big picture is a little more complicated.

I'm going to see if I can take a break from the relationship. I don't quite know how to maneuver this without dissing her but I think a break is good thing.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Excellent advice. Appreciate the time and the thought that went into distilling this.

Your toothpaste example demonstrates the difference between her and me on so many levels. It actually made me laugh.

Glad you got a laugh! I've also seen it to be true on many levels, with different people.

Good luck my friend. It's not easy but any relationship can work as long as both of you want it to work. If you ever find yourself being the only one paddling, pull out.


Active member
Jan 5, 2010
She's bragging the way she would brag in front of friends who are also SP's, but just because you know about that part of her life doesn't mean you understand it. She should save that talk for her girlfriends, if you ask me, it doesn't sound that classy, though I'm sure she would say she's just being honest.


New member
Oct 30, 2001
After spending time out with her, have sex with her and don't leave money and see what her response is. If she demands the money, pay her. Maybe you will be pleasantly surprised.


Aug 20, 2012
If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

This sounds like it's working for both of you on the surface but a little f'd up below the surface. You are getting a genuine friendship, plenty of her free time and some good sex for a bargain price. She is getting a genuine friend who listens (and allows her to brag / demonstrate false bravado), some good company in her off hours and at least some money for what is probably the most affectionate sex she receives on any given day.

If the psychic cost of this is starting to wear you down then time to split....I believe a better approach would be an honest conversation before that point though about what you both want.


Jun 12, 2012
After spending time out with her, have sex with her and don't leave money and see what her response is. If she demands the money, pay her. Maybe you will be pleasantly surprised.
I have no doubt she'd be upset although she wouldn't actually say it in my face. No sense in going there. There is undoubtedly a trade happening here, but honestly I have never ever fucked a woman before where there weren't some strings attached. May be not an immediate one but a woman instinctively knows that a man is getting more out of sex than the woman is. I don't like it but I've come to accept this as our mammalian legacy. Yes, it would be great to fuck a young beautiful woman and not owe "something" in return but that's just pure fantasy.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
I suspect a break up conversation might go something like this;

You - I think we should break things off as I`m having trouble separating our friendship and my feelings for you.

Her - OK Bob

You - My name is Frank.
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