News leek........The prep has been identified
Suspect Aru Gala has a light green complection,frisée hair and is considered parmed and dangerous.
I yam tired of these puns, hope they get squashed.
Doughn't start with me or I'll pumpernickel! :director:
Of coarse it is! But once you forage in the pun field you can never leaf.
No whey! This thread hasn't been milked dry yet. There's almost been enough dung flung to fertilize a new crop of corn though.Hay! If you really want, just fade away grazefully and it's all clover.
Asparagus the threats. We're a peasful bunch!Doughn't start with me or I'll pumpernickel! :director:
Asparagus peas gross!Asparagus the threats. We're a peasful bunch!
Awesome pun for this board!The guy who stole the lettuce called Mirage, he was looking for a good spinner.
No whey! This thread hasn't been milked dry yet. There's almost been enough dung flung to fertilize a new crop of corn though.
What do you say to the guacamole spread on MissCroft's tits?
Avocado crush on you!
If we both agree to be chervil you'll get clover it.I don't appreciate the manure in which you are speaking to me.
If we both agree to be chervil you'll get clover it.
I know this is a growiner,but if I hadn't flung dung, weed wouldn't have had a pot of fun.Fine! I'm dung but remember that it was you who started with the spreading shit.