Racism or sexual assault


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Back Burner said:
So if a police officer assaults you, you take your licks and move on?:confused:
Let me ask you, if 3 cops pinned you against a wall would you start fighting with them????
Its probably one of the dumbest things you can do cause they will twist things around and make it look in court like you assaulted the police.
Judges will take their word over yours anyday.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Esco! said:
Let me ask you, if 3 cops pinned you against a wall would you start fighting with them????
Its probably one of the dumbest things you can do cause they will twist things around and make it look in court like you assaulted the police.
Judges will take their word over yours anyday.
Come on, you know that's not what I meant.:rolleyes:


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
A good example of this is when that black kid got punched by a cop during Caribana.
Luckily for him there was camcorder running and it caught the cop in a lie when he claimed the kid had assaulted him first.

Had there been no camera rolling the judge probably would've taken the cops word over the kid, he then would've served time and had a record, even though he didnt assault anybody.

Now the cop is serving time - thats justice ;)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
ok back to the original idea behind this thread:

To the posters who said she was promiscuous: Just remember, it doesn't matter if she fucked the whole football team, the basketball team, the entire cleaning staff and every student: if she said NO to these 16 then it is RAPE and or Sexual assault. Even if she came up to one of them and flirted with him, pulled HIM into a classroom, got him naked, THEN said no, if he continued then IT IS RAPE! NO means NO.

Her coming forward with these charges "because she didn't like her rep at the school"....So, they are talking to other students, umm ok, yeah, they are the MOST reliable witnesses. High School kids will lie through their teeth, make up rumors and will believe everything they hear AND repeat it verbatim stating that they have first hand knowledge.

From the first I heard of this story I heard about the video system the school has. Today the police are saying they have evidence of some of the assaults on tape. Pretty conclusive don't you think?

As for the comments from posters who say they have been victimized by the police (wrongly) for x number of years....Sorry about that but as the saying goes: sometimes the good of the many, outweigh the good of the few.....I understand it would be a horrible thing to go through but keep in mind that the police, for the most part, are here to protect the general population, and if they have no need to pay attention to you, they won't. I constantly watch cops and other programs and the dumbest thing you can do is to struggle or resist a cop. If he says "get down", you get the fuck down. If he says "dance a jig" you dance the jig. Deal with the repercussions later but when an authority figure, with a gun, tells you to do something, you do it!

As for blacks being the most persecuted race on the planet. BULLSHIT. Get off your high horses and quit being a martyr. Millions of chinese, japanese, and asians were and have been persecuted as well. As for Ruwanda, sorry folks but that was blacks killing blacks.

As for the guy from up north who used to visit toronto and get hassled by the cops while wearing long hair, ripped jeans etc. Dude? did you ever think of cutting your hair, dressing a little nicer and NOT getting hassled by the cops? I bet not.....My motto? If you dress like a punk, act like a punk, then don't be surprized when you get treated like a punk.....


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

tboy said:
As for Ruwanda, sorry folks but that was blacks killing blacks.
...that made it ok I take it?

Do you have any idea as to WHY it was occuring? Any history?

Didn't think so...

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
tboy said:
As for blacks being the most persecuted race on the planet. BULLSHIT. Get off your high horses and quit being a martyr. Millions of chinese, japanese, and asians were and have been persecuted as well. As for Ruwanda, sorry folks but that was blacks killing blacks.
Well tboy you get the award for the dumbest comment in this thread.

If the Japanese kill the Chinese do they get a pass if I say "sorry folks that was Asians killing Asians."

How dumb does that sound?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field

No, it wasn't ok, but it wasn't racism black vs white.....it was black against black or more appropriately, african vs african, or even more appropriately, hutu vs tutsi....

And from my limited knowledge I think it was because when the belgians were in power, they divided the country by what your physical traits were and called the two divisions hutu and tutsi. The tutsi's were in power until the belgians left and turned over the running of the country to "hutus". Then the hutus took revenge on the tutsi's for the way they were treated.

Moral of the story? Instead of judging someone on what they personally have done or accomplished, you/they are being persecuted according to a large group. Personally I have never persecuted anyone of any race, so whenever anyone says "the white man did this to me..." I say BULLSHIT, an INDIVIDUAL or GROUP of individuals did this to your ancesters, get over it......

I'd say more than ever reverse racism is more rampant now (in Canada at least) than racism. Reverse racism is where you get the job because of your race instead of getting because of your abilities.

There was a story on 60 minutes years ago about a lamp manufacturer in Chicago (I think) where he employed ALL visible minorities and only had 2 white people. A black man applied for a job and was turned down because he wasn't qualified. he played the race card and the owner was fined $120,000.00 and had to close. Why? Because according to the statistics he should have employed 3 african americans and he only had 2. He did however have 4 hispanics, 2 chinese, 1 vietnamese and 2 blacks. SO now because of one underskilled black man, 9 people are or were, unemployed.....
May 4, 2005
Esco! said:
Because Jabba The Hut feels discriminated against
LOL. Yeah, but he did get Princess Leia in that slave outfit, which is more skin than Luke or Han seems to have seen. :p


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Well now...

tboy said:

No, it wasn't ok, but it wasn't racism black vs white.....it was black against black or more appropriately, african vs african, or even more appropriately, hutu vs tutsi....

And from my limited knowledge I think it was because when the belgians were in power, they divided the country by what your physical traits were and called the two divisions hutu and tutsi. The tutsi's were in power until the belgians left and turned over the running of the country to "hutus". Then the hutus took revenge on the tutsi's for the way they were treated.

Moral of the story? Instead of judging someone on what they personally have done or accomplished, you/they are being persecuted according to a large group. Personally I have never persecuted anyone of any race, so whenever anyone says "the white man did this to me..." I say BULLSHIT, an INDIVIDUAL or GROUP of individuals did this to your ancesters, get over it......

I'd say more than ever reverse racism is more rampant now (in Canada at least) than racism. Reverse racism is where you get the job because of your race instead of getting because of your abilities.

There was a story on 60 minutes years ago about a lamp manufacturer in Chicago (I think) where he employed ALL visible minorities and only had 2 white people. A black man applied for a job and was turned down because he wasn't qualified. he played the race card and the owner was fined $120,000.00 and had to close. Why? Because according to the statistics he should have employed 3 african americans and he only had 2. He did however have 4 hispanics, 2 chinese, 1 vietnamese and 2 blacks. SO now because of one underskilled black man, 9 people are or were, unemployed.....
"No, it wasn't ok, but it wasn't racism black vs white.....it was black against black or more appropriately, african vs african, or even more appropriately, hutu vs tutsi...."

...First...the point being bantered about wasn't "racism" it was "persecuted"...as in "have Jews been more PERSECUTED than Blacks". Without debating whether or not this has been the case...I think it pretty much rules out dismissing the "African vs. African" arguement, especially if you understand why it took place in the first place, and alos understand how the world stood by and watched it happened.

BTW...using your logic would also rule out tons of "persecution" the Jews have experienced as well, since it was heaped opon them by fellow whites and Arabs (since Jews are members of both "races"...which BTW...is an illustration of just how stupid much of the whole "race classification" thing is in the first place...).

Insofar as that "60 minutes" blurb...that sounds like exactly the sort of really stupid thing internet trash I am stunned people believe, let alone repeat, much like that Andy Rooney crap that has been going around for years even though he has denied it for just as long...it just reflects badly on the person who is saying it...it really does. (BTW...just to help you out...so you don't look like an ass again...the situation you described would be impossible...contray to bigoted white belief there ARE NOT SUCH THINGS AS HIRING QUOTAS in the U.S....unless your firm is a government contractor)


I should be banned.
Sep 3, 2005
I just heard on the radio that they caught one of the sexual assaults on tape and that two of the guys on the tape ratted out on the others.

The 2 caught on tape are probably screwed and the courts will have to decide on the wether they are telling the truth on the rest of the suspects.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field

SOrry dude, but you're wrong. I watched that piece by 60 minutes personally so I can attest to the fact that a) the report was accurate insofar as what was shown during the report and b) the company did in fact go under as per a followup episode of 60 minutes. I watch the show almost without fail. So your BS about it being internet trash is, well, just trash initself.

As for racism vs persecution. Sorry, but this thread was started and went to racism when some of the parents were playing the race card. BTW, if you didn't know, if you are persecuted because of your race, that is racism, capice?

BTW: I don't believe it is racism when those of your own race or religion persecute you. IMHO I thought judaism was a religion, not a race but that is a grey area subject to debate.

As for the world standing by and letting it happen (in reference to Ruwanda). Well, not to belittle what happened then, happens now, and will happen again, I can understand somewhat why other governments don't get involved everytime this happens. Look at the US for eg. For whatever reason they have been elected the world's police force and are called upon to step in whenever there is a massacre, invasion, etc. Well, this whole thread started because our police were being accused of racism for doing the job we hired them for. Now don't get me wrong, the US does have their own agenda in some instances but as our police force is taking flack for doing their job, they are constantly under attack for doing the job we've asked them to do.....
May 3, 2004
franky66 said:
you think I have to pay for it? If you only knew half the story. Go back to eating your burger in your car andthen crying racism because the cop wants to get details from you.

Do you think everyman who is on this board HAS to pay for it? if you believe that I have the London Bridge for sale. I am sure you would love to buy it. You think those big hollywood actors on Ms Fleiss' clientele list HAD to pay for it...like say...Charlie Sheen? Some people just enjoy the thrill, the adventure and convenience. Maybe YOU have to pay for it, but I certainly dont.

Geeez, like I said, stick to stuffing your face full of beef in your car outside a club.

here is a heads up for you. Cops will harass ANYONE who is sitting outside a club in their car. It wasnt because you were black Roger!
It's quite clear franky, that based on the intensity of your response that you consistently have to pay for female companionship in Canada. And you want us to believe that you were once the Casanova of Europe....yeah right.:p


Feb 23, 2005
rogerstaubach said:
It's quite clear franky, that based on the intensity of your response that you consistently have to pay for female companionship in Canada. And you want us to believe that you were once the Casanova of Europe....yeah right.:p
Yes you would know this without knowing me. You ask the ladies who I have seen on how I look and how I am. They know I dont have to 'pay' for anything. If you check my reviews I see mostly 'older' women(38 and up). I am in my 20s. The circles I move in prevents me from 'hooking up' with women that age.

I also run my own business all by myself which leaves me very little free time to go out. So when i do go out I mingle with people my own age and not 40 year old women.

Take a lesson in life and learn not to judge and assume what you dont know.

If you really want to make yourself look like a fool(too late to tell the truth) then please do put me to the test. I dont really have anything to prove to you but anything to shut you up once and for all would be my greatest pleasure.

BTW, last time I checked this thread wasnt about my ability to pull. It was about racism in this case and then someone asked if blacks really have been persecuted more than Jews(complete with the 6million body count stat). If me paying escorts upsets and puzzles you then send me a PM.

Judging from your personal attack it seems you are upset that YOU indeed have to pay for it. I guess this goes back to the old adage: Misery loves company.

It hot but hush! (heard that one before)


Feb 23, 2005
Esco! said:
Because thats general knowledge, everyone knows that number
still keeping score isnt it?

Dude you need to relax and take a valium, I'm not comparing body counts, someone posted that blacks had suffered the most in history to which I replied if they had lost 6 million in 5 years like the Jews had. Someone else replied by saying that millions of soldiers from Russia and the Allies had lost even more and I think thats a good answer.
lol, good try. Read the thread again.You blatantly are keeping score then you said you arent. Stop contradicting yourself.

Oh woopy doo shit, he got manhandled a little bit.
I'm white and got pushed into a wall coming out of a MP one night by undercover cops who were staking out the joint. One was holding my adams apple while the other got right right into my face. You take your licks and move on.
The fact he got mandhandled isnt the issue. Geez, cant you follow logic? The issue was why he was even approached in the first place. Did the cops acost you because you were white, green or yellow? The cops received a tip that a a strange black man was jogging in an area he supposedly shouldnt have been. Much to their chagrin he belonged to the 'community'. You on the other hand were coming out of an MP. Do you live there? Who knows why they did that to you. You still havent told us.


Feb 23, 2005
rama putri said:
How the hell did this thread get to this point in 106 posts?
you obviously had a problem with logic since your conception. Its rather too late for you.

rama putri said:
I've had enough of these kinds of excuses. Maybe they (young black men who have taken on the American gangsta culture) are just more prone to performing criminal acts and use history to mask it as an excuse for their behaviour.
You are truly devoid of logic. The man made a statement based on how people react and you bring up nonsense like this? Please tell us who in this case cried racism. Was it one of the boy's mother or was it a gangsta?

Try learning to follow logic and stop constantly telling us all how you feel about black men and how much crime you think they commit.
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