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Racism or sexual assault


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I, on the other hand...

ruck said:
The way I look at it is even the word "tolerance" helps breed ignorance and racism.
How so you ask. If you don't like something but because someone you like likes it, you will most likely "tolerate" it showing your "tolerance" towards those kinds of things.

Tolerance just means you don't like it but you can overlook it. I'd rather be indifferent.

I'm indifferent to all races. Meaning not one race is more important or less important. To me it's all the same and I'm not going to make a fuss about it. What do I think of black people? I'm indifferent. They could be white, asian or whatever. I'm indifferent to the race or color of an individual.

Let's preach a one-race. THE HUMAN RACE.
Thanks y'all
...have respect for people as individuals. So...if someone has unique things about them as a person, or unique things about them based on their culture (which is what we are really talking about here - "race" tends to be used as a euphamism for "culture") then I am going to do my best to respect that.

You can't treat all people the same, because we are not all the same.

One race certainly is not more importnat than another. On this we can agree. But I am certianly not in agreement that the way you treat people is with "indifference" in regards to their race / culture.

What you are saying here essentially is that you don't mind if a person, because of their background, finds a particular comment or behaviour offensive...they should just get the fuck over it, because you are "indifferent".

Many would argue that this attitude is indeed the crux of the modern day "racism" - a rejection of multi-culturalism in favor of everyone having to be like "me" (usually this arguement is followed by some form of "because this is my country and they came here").

Is that your position?


New member
Aug 20, 2003
ruck said:
The way I look at it is even the word "tolerance" helps breed ignorance and racism.
. What do I think of black people? I'm indifferent. They could be white, asian or whatever. I'm indifferent to the race or color of an individual.

Let's preach a one-race. THE HUMAN RACE.
Thanks y'all

I understand what you mean and I agree . I don't see anywhere that you imply that you don't allow people to be different but you see past the differences we are all humans .


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
MLAM said:
...have respect for people as individuals. So...if someone has unique things about them as a person, or unique things about them based on their culture (which is what we are really talking about here - "race" tends to be used as a euphamism for "culture") then I am going to do my best to respect that.

You can't treat all people the same, because we are not all the same.

One race certainly is not more importnat than another. On this we can agree. But I am certianly not in agreement that the way you treat people is with "indifference" in regards to their race / culture.

What you are saying here essentially is that you don't mind if a person, because of their background, finds a particular comment or behaviour offensive...they should just get the fuck over it, because you are "indifferent".

Many would argue that this attitude is indeed the crux of the modern day "racism" - a rejection of multi-culturalism in favor of everyone having to be like "me" (usually this arguement is followed by some form of "because this is my country and they came here").

Is that your position?
You are misreading my post. I am not condoning racism or being indifferent to racism. It's the use of the word tolerance when speaking about people of other races. Why should we treat them with tolerance? Are they doing something we wouldn't normally condone? Are they smelly but hey it's not that bad so lets tolerate it? Tolerating someone means you don't agree with that persons actions, idealogies or mannerisms. You don't like it but you're able to overlook it.

What I suggest is that people DON'T tolerate but be indifferent to the persons race. That has nothing to do with culture. An African born male who holds all the traditions of Africans can and are white. Race has nothing to do with a persons cultural upbringing. Asians are another great example. We are not all the same but are part of the same race. We all have differing cultures that in no way reflect another asian counterpart.

So in essence what I am saying is that it is great to celebrate ones culture but just be indifferent about a persons physical attributes. Because ultimately, people break down race by the physical appearance of an individual.

I didn't think my previous post was that hard to understand. I didn't think that my indifference would be taken in such a different view then what I meant. I hope I clarified my vision of a one race. The human race.

P.S. - I've been saying it since I was 10 years old. There will be racism until aliens attack and make us unify. ;)

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
booboobear said:
It is almost comical as if it just isn't possible that these black students could do wrong.
booboobear said:
The real point of my post however was why do some black people always cry racism when someone black is charged . Why don't they just say my son or daughter is not guilty period.
Some black people cry racism regardless of the evidence .

booboobear said:
You make a lot of good points , I can't diasagree with any of them . Yes racism exists and I hate it but as long as people are intolerant of someone different it will exist . Racism of a type even exists within a race like the East Indians . I have never made any judgeement on this case I just don't have any facts , there are a lot of people making comments but these are not facts . You make a good point about kids of 15 or 16 hving babies and this applies to whites and blacks or should I say everyone . The point of the thread is not whether the accused are guility or the girl is lying it's why do some people have to cry racism BEFORE the facts are known.

I see you're changing you're wording. That's good. But if you're not making any judgements, then how do you know that racism isn't an issue?

FYI, Ruck I got your original point at first glance.


pure evil
Aug 20, 2001
I understood what you were saying, ruck, and I agree with your view of the term "tolerance", but by the same token, as MLAM addressed, to not acknowledge another person's race is almost as bad as discrimination.

It seems like we need a new term here, which we are comfortable with communicating (it's not abt political correctness) which encompasses an awareness of race, yet acknowledges everyone being equal as humans.

We should view all humans [regardless of race] with equal consideration ?

I dunno ...

PS space is the place


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Back Burner said:
FYI, Ruck I got your original point at first glance.
Thank you but you didn't agree or disagree. :)

One thing I forgot to point out is that this country and many countries are in fact founded on multiculturism. You can't stop humans from emigrating. It's in our nature.

In no way am I suggesting a "melting pot" approach to this nation, or any nation for that matter. I am preaching a multi-cultural environment where race is NEVER an issue. Tolerance makes it an issue.

Ever notice when someone points out a person they say "You know, Joe, the black guy from such and such department". Why is it that he has to be characterized as "the black guy" from such and such. Why not just Joe?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

ruck said:
You are misreading my post. I am not condoning racism or being indifferent to racism. It's the use of the word tolerance when speaking about people of other races. Why should we treat them with tolerance? Are they doing something we wouldn't normally condone? Are they smelly but hey it's not that bad so lets tolerate it? Tolerating someone means you don't agree with that persons actions, idealogies or mannerisms. You don't like it but you're able to overlook it.

What I suggest is that people DON'T tolerate but be indifferent to the persons race. That has nothing to do with culture. An African born male who holds all the traditions of Africans can and are white. Race has nothing to do with a persons cultural upbringing. Asians are another great example. We are not all the same but are part of the same race. We all have differing cultures that in no way reflect another asian counterpart.

So in essence what I am saying is that it is great to celebrate ones culture but just be indifferent about a persons physical attributes. Because ultimately, people break down race by the physical appearance of an individual.

I didn't think my previous post was that hard to understand. I didn't think that my indifference would be taken in such a different view then what I meant. I hope I clarified my vision of a one race. The human race.

P.S. - I've been saying it since I was 10 years old. There will be racism until aliens attack and make us unify. ;)
So in essence what I am saying is that it is great to celebrate ones culture but just be indifferent about a persons physical attributes. Because ultimately, people break down race by the physical appearance of an individual.

We are SOOOOOO there (making the closed finger sign). I totally agree.

Of course, the reason this confusion exists is because many people use "race" and "culture" interchangeably.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Preach!!! Preach!!!

ruck said:
Thank you but you didn't agree or disagree. :)

One thing I forgot to point out is that this country and many countries are in fact founded on multiculturism. You can't stop humans from emigrating. It's in our nature.

In no way am I suggesting a "melting pot" approach to this nation, or any nation for that matter. I am preaching a multi-cultural environment where race is NEVER an issue. Tolerance makes it an issue.

Ever notice when someone points out a person they say "You know, Joe, the black guy from such and such department". Why is it that he has to be characterized as "the black guy" from such and such. Why not just Joe?
"You know, Joe, the black guy from such and such department". Why is it that he has to be characterized as "the black guy" from such and such. Why not just Joe?

I find myself wondering this ALL THE TIME...

The other thing I like to "play" is the "oh, you are Black" game. In this game, I count the days / weeks / months before some new friend points out to me that I am Black, as though I somehow didn't know. "Weel, you know MLAM, being Black..." or "Well, as a Black man, what do you think about...". I've come to accept now that no matter how well I think I know someone, or how close I think we are, in reality they STILL see themselves as "different" than me, and there assumption is that this difference defines who I am and everything I think and feel.

Any way...all that to say that I totally I agree with you...


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Marco said:
CAN believe this thread is going on, but that's one crazy assss....errr black man
Love how he says "i'm not going to waste my time trying to figure out HHH'WHAY they want to kill us"...what a fucking psycho.
Then the cigarette example, that the "brother" he saw before coming into the building. How the white man, is going to make profit by killing the black man smoking that cigarette. roflmao fucking tool.
Or when he says "nigger" and I never say that word, that's first time I ever used that word...sure buddy ;) lol

Wow if his shit ever really hits the mainstream, there are a lot of dumbos out there that will soak this shit up.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Back Burner said:
I see you're changing you're wording. That's good. But if you're not making any judgements, then how do you know that racism isn't an issue?

FYI, Ruck I got your original point at first glance.

I don't know that racism is not an issue I think or should I say I know some cops are racist . The point still IS don't cry racism until you know the facts .
I also notice some blacks posting seem to want it both ways don't treat us differently because we are the same . On the other hand they don't want to be treated the same because they have different habits culture etc ,pretty confusing.
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