Discreet Dolls

Racism or sexual assault

May 4, 2005
Esco! said:

Mods please close this crappy thread

Re: this Thread.

Can't we all just ... get along?

Sheik, Goober, Daniel, whoever's a mod: please close this thread before an L.A.-style riot breaks out.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

booboobear said:
Give it up . Why don't you have some self respect and admit what you said .
After telling us your life history about how you played basketball and there were girls like this blah blah , who cares what you did, you said this was most likely the case with this girl. Some people like you are impossible to make a point with because when their flawed statements are pointed out they always come back with " I didn't say that " . Take a stand and stop changing what you say .
..I didn't say I played basketball. Never did...and since I actually HAVE a life, (unlike you), I don't need to make things up. Find it, cut and paste it, and I will give you $1,000. This is yet further edvidence that you have comprehension problems....in addition to probably being bigoted.

Second, what I said was given two different possible scnearios, one stuck ME as more likely to be the case. That isn't the same as "was most likely the case". Here...I'll explain it...read slowly...

"Event A) has a 1% chance of occurance. Event B) has a 3% chance of occurance. Event B) is MUCH more likely to occur than Event A)...however, there is still a 97% chance it won't."

See how that works? Of course not...

I provided my last thoughts and comments to you (at least until you actually start to amuse me again, right now you are just annoying) in another thread, but I'll repeat them here for you...

*hump, hump, hump, whine, hump hump*

Sit, Bubu, Sit!

It's OK little bear! You're just as good as anybody else, I promise!

..and with that I am going to go check on my son, then go lay next to my wife in our bed. Hell, I might just give her a gentle jab in the ribs to see if she wants to have a quickie, just because I know that is something you can't do.

Perhaps if you were to let go of your obsession about what *I* think, feel, assume and believe, you might find time for a life of your own.

Until, then, good luck barginning with strippers and pleading with store clerks...


New member
Aug 20, 2003
MLAM said:
..I didn't say I played basketball. Never did...and since I actually HAVE a life, (unlike you), I don't need to make things up
Second, what I said was given two different possible scnearios, one stuck ME as more likely to be the case. That isn't the same as "was most likely the case". Here...I'll explain it...read slowly...


You are right I you said football ( see how easy it is to admit you are wrong ) . But whether she was a basketball groupie or football the main point is the same. I really think you should start to examine you attitude about never admitting what you say or mean. First of all what does " stuck me as more likely mean . Is this english ? Well lets go on, I think it means is that you thought it more likely but to you this is not the same as " was the most likely "
So in other words you believe things that aren't necessarily true.
I think it's obvious to everyone on the board that will say anything to avoid admitting you are wrong. I also wouldn't brag about your married life with a kid and getting dances , I only bring it up because you do , I really don't care what you do. BOOOOOOOOO


Sep 9, 2001
"And your point is?"

My point is how people generalize and jump to conclusions. Just because a bunch of black kids were fingered in something does not mean the motives for them being fingered are racism. They were stupid stupid and very inhumane to use a woman like a piece of meat and pass her around. But notice how cops are fingered of being racist and not the black kids using a white girl as a piece of meat. Bottom line you don't know if someone does something because they are racist unless they tell you.

"We all know racists come in all shapes, colours and sizes. What exactly is your point in this discussion?"

Again trying to make the point that when someone does action A. Action A does not necessarily mean its racist. View the clips. Can you tell whether those people did it our of racism?

"Is it a battle to see who can find the most racist filecabi clip?"

No, but its an example that one can accuse black people of being racist whenever they abuse or hurt white people.

"BTW..I've seen 90% of the clips on that site. No need to show me reruns."

Explain to me how can communicate those clips as examples without refering to them. This should be interesting.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Hmmm...interesting choice of words...

Marco said:
My point is how people generalize and jump to conclusions.

They were stupid stupid and very inhumane to use a woman like a piece of meat and pass her around.

...the black kids using a white girl as a piece of meat.
Now here is the reality:

TWO kids...boys...one 17 and one 15...were charged sexual assault.

The 12 other males were charged with "criminal harassment". I'm not sure what "criminal harassment" entails, but I suspect that an awful lot that happens every day in every high school would qualify.

The last two kids...the two females...were charged with ""threatening bodily harm".

That is all from yesterday's Globe and Mail.

So...how did we get to "the black kids use a woman like a piece of meat and pass her around”?

Perhaps some generalizations and jumping to conclusions?

I will say it again - the more I learn about this story, the more it seems like BULLSHIT to me.

Two guys over the course of...3 years?...may have committed sexual assault. Hmmm...

The two girls...sounds to me like the GFs of the guys...threaten the girl. Because their BFs raped her? Doesn't make sense to me...possible...but also possible because the boys claimed / bragged (as boys will do) that the sex was consensual. And girls being girls...they didn't much care for it, so they went to the female in question to let her know.

Hmmm...if it were rape...would the boys be bragging about it? If it were rape...would it take YEARS to report?

Here is where the charges of racism come in - why is it that so many people were so ready to believe the absolute worse...the IRRATIONAL (how do 16 people rape a person and then it be a secret for YEARS?? Teenagers can't keep what they had for dinner a secret...but this could be covered up for YEARS??) without even caring what the actual truth is?

Since I have seen this sort of thing before (see previous posts and links regarding the case in Georgia), my current belief is the following, until I see more facts that dissuade me:

- The sex between the girl and the two charged with sexual assault was consensual.

- When the friends of the two guys started really saying nasty things about the girl and spreading rumors (and probably treating her badly, calling her names, etc.), the girl decided to "undo" what was done by calling it a rape instead.

- when the two GF heard that the girl had sex with their BFs, they tell her to keep to herself.

Now if the most serious charges are proven to be the case (the sexual assault charges), then that is indeed a tragedy. My position would be that those boys should be punished to the greatest extent of the law. I have little patience for fucking criminals...and rape is WRONG. Throw the fuckers under the bus.

Having said that, I wonder how many other times in Canadian history have teenagers been arrested for saying nasty things and making empty threats? How did the number get to be SIXTEEN kids? Did the police just simply arrest every person the girl named?

Why is it that so many of the parents in the school...who are closer than any of us...are siding with those that were arrested? Why are so many kids saying that the girl is making the story up?

Why does the word of one girl carry so much more weight than the sentiments of so many others?

Well, given the already discussed reality...all the accused are Black, the accuser is white - and the history of how the justice system treats minorities - it is no surprise that calls of racism have come out.

And when many in the public react they way many on this board have...well...should minorities assume that the police force and the justice system has no bigots in it like those who post here?
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Active member
Aug 23, 2001
MLAM said:
Hmmm...if it were rape...would the boys be bragging about it? If it were rape...would it take YEARS to report?
I know I said I'd stop posting in this thread but I feel I have to say something here:

To answer your question... YES on both counts. It is not uncommon to have the abusers to brag about the act in a sexual assault. Especially if the assaulters feel they didn't do anything really wrong (the famous "she was asking for it") and also if it involved a group.

Also it is more often that rapes are not reported right away and many take a very long time before the victim has the courage to come forth. And many rapes ARE NEVER REPORTED AT ALL. A rape is very trumatic on a victim.

Listen I bet some degree racism was involved in the arrest in those kids. But keep the argument on that and not trying to question the behavior of a rape victim! So far the arguments I've heard questioning the actions of the rape victim have been very weak.



Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I guess...

Don said:
I know I said I'd stop posting in this thread but I feel I have to say something here:

To answer your question... YES on both counts. It is not uncommon to have the abusers to brag about the act in a sexual assault. Especially if the assaulters feel they didn't do anything really wrong (the famous "she was asking for it") and also if it involved a group.

Also it is more often that rapes are not reported right away and many take a very long time before the victim has the courage to come forth. And many rapes ARE NEVER REPORTED AT ALL. A rape is very trumatic on a victim.

Listen I bet some degree racism was involved in the arrest in those kids. But keep the argument on that and not trying to question the behavior of a rape victim! So far the arguments I've heard questioning the actions of the rape victim have been very weak.

...I'm just not convinced she is a "victim"...at least not yet.

If more evidence is presented, I can be dissuaded. But right now the scenario I presented is the one that makes the most sense to me - that it was consensual sex followed by very bad (but typical for teenagers) behavior...
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Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
MarcoExplain to me how can communicate those clips as examples without refering to them. This should be interesting.[/QUOTE said:
I would respond if what you said made more sense.
Please rewrite and I will glady respond.

Your points, after being written down, echo my sentiments exactly. You should've stated that instead of just pointing to some clips.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
MLAM said:
...I'm just no convinced she is a "victim"...at least not yet.

If more edvidence is presented, I can be dissuaded. But right now the scenario I presented is the one that makes the most sense to me - that it was consentual sex followed by very bad (but typical for teenagers) behavior...
ok, I can agree with that. I'm not fully convinced of anything either. I just didn't agree with some of the agruments made against the alleged victim.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Don said:
ok, I can agree with that. I'm not fully convinced of anything either. I just didn't agree with some of the agruments made against the alleged victim.

Well I don't know how anyone can say it was consentual sex since we don't have any evidence only hearsay . The real point of my post however was why do some black people always cry racism when someone black is charged . Why don't they just say my son or daughter is not guilty period.
Some black people cry racism regardless of the evidence .


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
MLAM said:
...I'm just not convinced she is a "victim"...at least not yet.

If more evidence is presented, I can be dissuaded. But right now the scenario I presented is the one that makes the most sense to me - that it was consensual sex followed by very bad (but typical for teenagers) behavior...
thats what court is for.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
booboobear said:
Well I don't know how anyone can say it was consentual sex since we don't have any evidence only hearsay . The real point of my post however was why do some black people always cry racism when someone black is charged . Why don't they just say my son or daughter is not guilty period.
Some black people cry racism regardless of the evidence .
And my original answer was you were generalizing because of the media coverage. If you don't want to hear about blacks crying racism, then eiminate racism.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Interesting perspective...thanks for sharing it...

Cindy said:
Wow! I see things are still very hot on the board as usual.

Just my peace.

Cindy Spence
...a few thoughts in response.

As a Black woman with a mixed race child I would not want my child to see such words, but living in the times that we are I know it will be impossible to avoid.

Let's all hope your child would not see them here. Insofar as their general sentiment - I have seen things on this board that while not so in your face, were equally as offensive and NOT such obvious sarcasm / humor. For example, on this board there are comments alluding to Ben Johnson being a thief and having 16 illegitmate children, with the implication being that well, he is Jamacian (also pointed out in this series of posts) so obviously this is the case, right (as one redneck bigot nudges the other and smiles...because its just a joke, right?). Would you be as offended by that - the smearing of a REAL Black person with a known lie, versus this comment clearly in jest about a person who likely fit the description given? (Ok, perhaps not "inbred")

I think we all need to wait and see. I don't want to say that she is telling the truth because I don't have the facts, but I just can't see why she would make up such a BIG lie. I am on her side for the time being. I think we all need to wait and see. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but if they were not involved in some way their names would not be called.

But see, the problem with that is the bigots on this board opted not to "wait and see". They convicted all of those who were eventually charged of rape in their minds before A) Charges were filed, or B) learning that only two were actually accused or charged with rape. It was far too easy, IMHO, for many to leap to the bandwagon and say "those Black boys treated that girl like a peice of meat". You also toss around the term "victim" without yet knowing if a victim does indeed exist. How do you know those accused are guilty?

Now, I do not doubt that SOMETHING has taken place. I have already posted what I believe if the most likely scneario, but I am not at all married to that conclusion...if / when I learn more actual facts my personal analysis is subject to change. But, "being involved in some way" is not the same as being guilty of a crime, nor does it necessarily warrant being treated as anything other than poorly behaving teenager. I DO NOT understand why any of those kids other than the two actually charged with sexual assault needed to be arrested act school with there parents present...were the police afraid they were going to run off to Mexico?

Insofar as why the lie (if indeed that is the case), I guess if you have seen it before, it is not so hard to believe. In your world white people don't falsely accuse Black people of actions? In the world I live in it has been happening for hundreds of years...including cases similar to this one (again I reference the Georgia case, along with the Kobe Byrant case, Susan Smith and Charles Stuart).

Yes there is Racism. It is alive and well in our lovely City, but what if the girl was black what would the cry be?

Are you saying if all the accused had been white, and all the officers and persons involved in the justice system Black, in a city where Blacks held the majority of the population? Oh the same thing I am sure. I have no doubt that their are cries of racism, many times valid, in Johannesburg everyday by the white minority.

1 mother said "to be poor is a crime" well what did she expect her future to be when she was making babies at the age of 15yrs. old. What she should be doing is helping her son to break the cycle. Teach him not to become a teenage Father. If she is poor tell him about OSAP go to University or College get a career or a trade and make a difference.

Do you know that she was 15? Do you know that she hasn't done these things? I am STUNNED to hear such judgements from a Black woman who makes her living in the sex trade. I'd think you'd be pretty sick of people judging you, and hence would be slow to judge others. Or do you think people aren't judging you as a single (I assume unmarried) Black mother? On the real - the designer clothes you put on your kids back will not make the stigma go away if some chose to put it there...especially if they learn how that little boy's mama can afford to buy those clothes. Don't be so quick to judge others who have elected to not make the same choice...alll of them...that you have to make financial gains.

Racism will never go away. So teach your kids to be all they can be. The only way to win is to rise above all negativity. Each Black person who makes it can teach another one how to help themself and others and stop condoning BS.

Tru dat...everyday. But again, until I know what it is that has been done FOR A FACT...I am not condoning, I am simply speaking against the bigoted judgements of others.
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Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Cindy said:
I know that not all involved were charged with rape. I don`t know about you, but I know 2 of the Mothers in this case and yes I know 1 who had her child at age 15. 1 of the mothers I speak to on a regular basis. She sometimes ask me why I only have 1 child as opposed to her having 4. Well I am sure some people will agree with me that it is better to have 1 child who you can give everything instead of having 4 who you can`t give anything. So I know where my comments are coming from.

You say that "I am STUNNED to hear such judgements from a Black woman who makes her living in the sex trade. I`d think you`d be pretty sick of people judging you, and hence would be slow to judge others." Are you saying that women in the sex trade have no Morals? What happens between Clients and the women in the business stays between them. I am sure that just because a man pays for time with a woman in this industry does not make him a bad father. Especially when he puts aside some money for his children`s education before he calls up an escort. What do you think escorts ply their trade at home. They work and go home just like you do take care of their families. Do you go home and tell your wife and kids what you are doing on https://terb.cc? Do you teach your kids to do the same? I am now assuming that you are a client. Do you tell your wife/girlfriend to go call a male escort? NO, so what we all do here does not stop us from being good parents to our children. All the Doctors and Laywers on this board do you judge them when you go into their offices, no, why? because you don`t know that they do this. So does my friends and family judge me? no, why? because they Don`t know Cindy Spence. As Cindy Spence is never allowed in my house. When I get home the loving, caring mother comes out. Sorry to Bust your bubble, but the Cindy Spence side of me is quite different from the Mother that I am. As for your information, no I am not a single (unmarried) Black mother? Yes I am married/separated soon to be divorced. I strongly believe in getting married before getting pregnant even if the marriage ends up in divorce. I have a BIG problem with teenagers having babies while their parents accept it and make them feel like it is ok.

No I don`t buy my child Designer clothes. As long as she is clean and she looks good I find other things more important like (her education helping with her homework, Piano lessons, swimming, skating, or what ever other activities she may be interested in). Yes I think if the tables were turned and the accused were white charged with assaulting Black girl people would cry racism too.
...I didn`t say *I* was judging you...I was pointing out that many would. I never said you weren`t a good parent - I was asking how you could assume those mothers from the school were not,, given that many would assume you are not. You orginal post SEEMED to imply that "I am such a great mom, so I can cast stones". My point was simply to illustrate that it didn`t matter if you were a good mom or not, there are people who would cast stones if they knew all there was to know about you, so you should be relectant to do that same (make judgements in a vacuum of actual knowledge). If you know a couple of the mothers actually involved in the case, then it would seems you posses more knowledge about the situation than most however, so that gives you some moral authority to comment. The VAST majority of those in this thread who have leaped to judge do not posess such knowledge...not that this stopped them from making asses of themselves.

BTW...as has been documented here many times...some escorts do in fact ply their trade at home. I`ve even seen posts from guys who said there were children in the next room. I`m glad to hear that you have more dignity than that, but not every escort does.

No, I am not a client. Not judging (well, not harshly judging) those who partake, but I do not. Strip Clubs are my vice because they are what my wife can live with, and I value my relationship with her far more than a romp in the sack.

The other things you say sound reasonable and level headed. I have no problem with you feeling like the girls versions of events are more likely to be true than the accused. I did have a problem with what sounded like prejudiced judgements and assumptions you were making, but it turns out they weren`t at all - you have actual knowledge.

I would still say in summary that you should not be so quick to assume that "such a BIG lie" could not be told. I provided examples...


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Cindy said:
I got into a very heated argument with a friend about this situation. My friend think the Victim in this case is lying. I think we all need to wait and see. I don't want to say that she is telling the truth because I don't have the facts, but I just can't see why she would make up such a BIG lie.
Yes there is Racism. It is alive and well in our lovely City, but what if the girl was black what would the cry be? Racism will never go away. So teach your kids to be all they can be. The only way to win is to rise above all negativity. Each Black person who makes it can teach another one how to help themself and others and stop condoning BS.

Just my peace.
Cindy Spence

You make a lot of good points , I can't diasagree with any of them . Yes racism exists and I hate it but as long as people are intolerant of someone different it will exist . Racism of a type even exists within a race like the East Indians . I have never made any judgeement on this case I just don't have any facts , there are a lot of people making comments but these are not facts . You make a good point about kids of 15 or 16 hving babies and this applies to whites and blacks or should I say everyone . The point of the thread is not whether the accused are guility or the girl is lying it's why do some people have to cry racism BEFORE the facts are known.


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
The way I look at it is even the word "tolerance" helps breed ignorance and racism.
How so you ask. If you don't like something but because someone you like likes it, you will most likely "tolerate" it showing your "tolerance" towards those kinds of things.

Tolerance just means you don't like it but you can overlook it. I'd rather be indifferent.

I'm indifferent to all races. Meaning not one race is more important or less important. To me it's all the same and I'm not going to make a fuss about it. What do I think of black people? I'm indifferent. They could be white, asian or whatever. I'm indifferent to the race or color of an individual.

Let's preach a one-race. THE HUMAN RACE.
Thanks y'all
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