Racism or sexual assault


Nov 11, 2005
I find it funny that you all ignore this from the story Fabulous posted:

When a white woman took the microphone and claimed that her 14-year-old son had been offered sexual favours from the young victim, the gym went wild.

Face it people. This girl was a major high school sports groupie. It's so obvious that she put out to alot of the top black athletes at the school. She wanted to get into that "Hip hop crowd". That they all belong to. Of course when some of those boys bragged to other male friends about how easy she was for them, some of those tried to get in on the action. jump on the bandwagon or ride into her on the backs of the athletes she serviced.

Those black girls that roughed her up must've found out what we was doing with "their men" and decided to put her in place.

Come on guys. Since she went to a white boy and offered it so freely why not the black popular athletes as well? You guys should all know that in every high school these days, there's alot of white girls that want a piece of that hip hop action/status etc.. Go to any club downtown and what do you see? White girls hooking up with the ugliest brothas just because they flaunt that gansta shit, and flash bling bling. Everyone there that's not black is trying their best to ACT BLACK. (dancing, acting talking dressing etc.) Cause deep down they know that's where all the action is these days.

Case in point. I was in a club some time ago and hip hop was playing as usual. About 3-4 white boys are standing there bobbing their heads watching the brothas tear it up on the dance floor. White/black /asian girls are dancing along with them as well. The white boys are standing their like chumps and I overhear one say to the one beside him: I hate this fuc*** music.

So I step up to him and asked: "We'll if you hate it why are you here then? Why bother coming here to begin with?"

The idiot couldn't give me an answer, but I already knew it anyway. He was there because he knows deep down that the white girls today are flocking to the music he hates, and if he expects to get any white *ussy these days he has to confirm (be like the brothas) and get down with the hip hop program.

Face it. It's cooler to be black nowdays then white. This white highschool girl knew it and knew what she had to do to "join" that clique.

The same way those white boys in the clubs have to learn to get into hip hop if they want a shot nowdays at their women.

Whether they like it or not. :rolleyes:


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
If your focus in life...

booboobear said:
A moron ? childish childish . Oh by the way since you are pointing out the obvious difference between English people and english speaking people don't forget your sentence structure , I think you forgot " you " between are and now.
Also please check your spelling Mr . genius .
..is sentence structure and spelling on a message board, then it is an empty life you must lead.

Don't you have some sales clerks to proposition? You now, the whole "would you have sex with me if I pay you enough money" thing?


Sep 9, 2001
Well the race card works. That's why they always pull it.

Notice how nobody dares use the race card the other way. That 16 racist black kids were racist and raped a girl because she was white. That's most likely what really happened.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Marco said:
Well the race card works. That's why they always pull it.

Notice how nobody dares use the race card the other way. That 16 racist black kids were racist and raped a girl because she was white. That's most likely what really happened.
Oh, you're so racist :D


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
What scares me...

Marco said:
Well the race card works. That's why they always pull it.

Notice how nobody dares use the race card the other way. That 16 racist black kids were racist and raped a girl because she was white. That's most likely what really happened.
...though it doesn't surprise me...is that you probably actually believe this.

16 people...two of which are girls...all raped a single girl...and took 3 years to do so.



New member
Nov 25, 2003

the extreme views and personal conflict in this thread are becoming very wrong and hateful.

Nothing is resolved in this thread.

Please bring euthanasia to this thread and consider adding a "Social Issues" or "Local Toronto" room to the already great mix of options.

We have a court of law.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
TheNiteHwk said:
Yes after I saw the news yesterday with the comments one of the mothers of the accused was complaining I thought the next news we will hear is that Dudley Laws or some other race card player lawyer is going to be all on top of this.

I know the whole innocent till proven guilty thing... but at the same time I am thinking... the police must have some amount of evidence to back this up. I don't think the police are going to go out and arrest 16 black kids just because they are black and the victim is white. That is just not going to happen. With all the scrutiny they (cops) are under right now... that would be impossible for them to get away with for one thing.
they have school surveillance tape, let them scream racism now ;)


New member
Apr 29, 2002
franky66 said:
what are you talking about? Are you privy to the nitty gritty details of this case? How many times did she say no? Did she do so for each alleged attacker? Remember this wasnt a gangbang so how many of the alleged attackers did she say no to? How do you know she even said no? Is it possible that she liked and gave it up freely to a few of the alleged attackers and didnt give it to a few of the others who were just piggy back riding off the success of the previous guys? Considering that is it possible that only 5 or so are guilty and not all the alleged? How do we know she was scorned and isnt exacting her 'revenge' on them.

As far as I am concerned we all dont know the half about this case so we should keep quiet until ALL the sordid details come out before we convict or acquit.

Let us wait and see. Time will tell and as time goes by the TRUTH will come out.

What was that about how many sides to a story there are?

according to this story 1 v.s. 14-16, great odds, im sure she agreed to that sorta situation...or maybe she's just so fucking off her rocker she thought, HEY, i'm going to accuse 14-16 guys&gals of rape, threats and taunts...w/e the case, w/e the colour, the guys/girls who did it, are about as stupid as the same fucktards who went in to a funeral ceremony and shot up the church...
how much more stupid can people get?
these groups should be sent off to an island and left there for dead, i wouldn't miss them, neither would the rest of society.
bunch of lowlifes, get an education/job, do something productive.

oh wait, as i just posted above, there's a school surveillance tape ;)

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
It's seems like all issues dealing with race on TERB always get out of hand.

So I'll sum up my thoughts again on the original topic.

- Do I think this case has anything to do with race, I don't.
- "One" black mother said it was racist because the one white basketball player on the team was not charged, and released.
- I also don't believe that all 16 players are guilty of the same crime if any.
- It was noted that "one" player may have sexually assaulted her.
- Many of you have fallen into the media hype of this race thing. You take one quote from a hysterical mother and now all blacks think this is about race.
Enough of this black vs white thing.

And if this happened in the US, there would have been a big cover up. (That was for PapaSmurf) :p


Feb 23, 2005
CuteCob said:
according to this story 1 v.s. 14-16, great odds, im sure she agreed to that sorta situation...or maybe she's just so fucking off her rocker she thought, HEY, i'm going to accuse 14-16 guys&gals of rape, threats and taunts...w/e the case, w/e the colour, the guys/girls who did it, are about as stupid as the same fucktards who went in to a funeral ceremony and shot up the church...
how much more stupid can people get?
these groups should be sent off to an island and left there for dead, i wouldn't miss them, neither would the rest of society.
bunch of lowlifes, get an education/job, do something productive.

oh wait, as i just posted above, there's a school surveillance tape ;)
so you are telling me they ganged up on her? I thought it was a taking turns issue over an extended period of time. I didnt know it was a gang bang rape. Thanks for the heads up.

By the way, sure they should ship off those lowlifes you described. However, why stop there?

How about shipping off the child molestors and the grown men who ave sex with 5 year olds as well as so called mothers that kill their children and then blame the convenient scapegoat (with their very own race card in hand)


Feb 23, 2005
Marco said:
Why not study the situation a little more and then tell us. I heard the guy say "I cant go back to jail".........What did you hear? I can bet it was......"Take that, white beatch?" Sounds like a man who would beat even MLK jr in order to avoid going back to Jail.

You are so sad. Here is one for you:

Read it Marco

What that latest story fails to point out to you, Marco, is that the kid was murdered because he dared to date a white girl. THAT is racist

PS: Could you please address the fact that the alleged victim was offering sexual favours left right and centre.

Marco, see if Don can get you a copy of Birth of a Nation. Maybe you, he and Cobby can round up some pop corn and juice and enjoy.

Ooops, I digress..................


Feb 23, 2005
Marco and Cob

the point is, this being a racist situation isnt as far fetched as you two would like to think. By that I mean, the way it was handled. I for one am not passing judgement either way but you two sure seem to be doing so.

do you remember Tawana Bradley in the USA and how no one believed her and how they discredited her? The grand jury deemed her ordeal a hoax. She alleged she was smeared with faeces and raped and right off the bat no one believed her and I believe no one was arrested and charged and made to stand trial. Right off the bat, she was 'lying'

How about Stephen Lawrence's (in the UK) ordeal and death? No one was arrested and charged until noise was made and in the end his killers got away and taunted everyone using the fact that they did. You see, while he was being beaten to death by 4 or 5 youths(he too was dating a white girl_ his friend ran and to get police help. What was the response of the policewoman he found? She ran him away like a pesky dog that she didnt have time for him and Stephen ended up dying a very brutal death.

Sometimes it is the truth. Not everyone is treated the same for one reason or another. The stats prove that.
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