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Racism or sexual assault


Seasoned Player
Mar 24, 2004
in da club
Esco! said:
Yo holmes, I looked up 'big bird' and 'mofo' in the Ebonics dictionary but I aint
finding it, you know what I'm saying????


For real!!
Word up, keep chillin' it
That's because "big" and "bird" are two separate words. Did we go to kindergarten??? And "MOFO" is short for "mother" "f$%#er"...well.. you probably know the rest. Those words are found in the Webster's Dictionary, try there. When you're done call mama and tell her what you did at school today...I'm sure you'll get a cookie!!! If you can't remember the #, go to any public restroom in the GTA and look on the inside of the stall with dirtiest door. You'll probably hit the jackpot!! Oh,, "never forget",, either!!!



Active member
Aug 23, 2001
franky66 said:
did it depict all JEws as animals and those who sought to kill them as the ultimate hero? Was this in a so called civilised society? Did that film garner widespread world wide acceptance especially amongst Americans and the likes of Steven Spielberg?
Don't know about Spielberg but the late Pope John Paul II liked it. So did tons of Americans. It's the 10th highest grossing moving of all time.


I didn't bother to see it so I don't really know if it was anti-semitic or not. All the hoopla was probably overrated but I can't comment. But a lot of groups very pretty critical. And Mel's dad doesn't exactly Jews on his list of favorite people (and nor did Mel himself try to distance himself from his dad's comments)

franky66 said:
There are many films depicting each and every race as killers. Bugsy and Meyer Lanksy were Jewish gangsters no? Then you have the countless black gangster movies(or should I say in the hood films) and who can forget the Italian gangster films or even the Irish/British ones such as Millers Crossing and the Krays.

What is your point? Lets put aside the Nazi propoganda films and such. If you ask anyone those films are considered trash but not so Birth of a Nation or any other pile of trash from DW Griffith.
I don't have one. I was just replying to you post. I think it is absurd that people argue over who have the most suffering in history.

franky66 said:
I am not sure which movie you are speaking of but I am sure if the point of the film was Jews are devils and must be killed then you cnanot compare it to the widely accepted Birth of a Nation
$370 million at the domestic box office and over $600 million worldwide doesn't sound like a little underground cult following.


Feb 23, 2005
Don said:
Don't know about Spielberg but the late Pope John Paul II liked it. So did tons of Americans. It's the 10th highest grossing moving of all time.


I didn't bother to see it so I don't really know if it was anti-semitic or not. All the hoopla was probably overrated but I can't comment. But a lot of groups very pretty critical. And Mel's dad doesn't exactly Jews on his list of favorite people (and nor did Mel himself try to distance himself from his dad's comments). $370 million at the domestic box office and over $600 million worldwide doesn't sound like a little underground cult following.

Oh please if you are going to use that why not use all movies that had a black man who was the murderer of white victims??? How about all the movies protraying blacks as pimps, killers, murders etc etc. I am sure you will find those films are very loved. :rolleyes:

You seem to be missing the point. Please see if you can follow this because you are going off on a tangent.

Can you show me a movie other than Birth of a Nation, that isnt depicting an actual event but rather a fictious/fantasy one, where one group are protrayed as demon eyed beasts hunting down and raping white women as the KKK(the ultimate heroes) rides in to her rescue killing the savage beasts. Birth Of a Nation does this and is hailed as a cinematic masterpiece by no less than Spielberg who only slightly disapproves of the content.

Let me make it easy for you. Which movie replacing blacks with Jews and the KKK with Nazis would ever be hailed as masterpiece by someone of Spielberg's stature. And it wasnt only speilberg.

I would love to know how the Passion of Christ compares.

I don't have one. I was just replying to you post. I think it is absurd that people argue over who have the most suffering in history.
Well, you need to address Esco on that one. He asked if blacks suffered more persecution than Jews throughout history and I gave him the short answer. If he wants to compare a occasional bouts of persecution the Jews experienced and compare it to the hundreds of years from then until this very day that blacks get persecuted then that is his folly.

Esco, you still havent answered me(surprise surprise). How much do you know about apartheid and the nation(Israel) that help finance it. Also, tell me if Ben Stiller would get tackled by cops jogging through Beverly Hills or his own neighbourhood like Eddie Murphy has been.


Feb 23, 2005
Don said:
$370 million at the domestic box office and over $600 million worldwide doesn't sound like a little underground cult following.
Here is another one for you Don. The phenomenon known as the Dukes of Hazzard. Now imagine the General Lee with swastika(sp) on the top of the car and not the confederate flag. Remember, different things mean different things to different people. The pain is the same. I dont know why that was allowed. Oh I guess blacks love to overreact as some on this thread have put it. I guess it all boils down to "if you walked a mile in my shoes". Its easy for a man to sit their and ask his wife why she is screaming so loud while giving birth. Maybe he should try experiencing giving birth. I sure as hell wouldnt want to go through any similar or even remotely close. lol

I will admit to having the toy when I was a kid while living in the West Indies. My parents didnt know that the flag meant a whole lot of pain to the persecuted black Americans(we are from different cultures you see). Once we found out, that toy car went straight into the trash. They made a movie update of the series recently produced by Ben Stiller(who starred) I believe (hmm, isnt Ben Stiller Jewish?) and directed by an East Indian.

Needless to say I didnt see it. I also, didnt let them donning that flag upset me. I just said 'fugg it'. However, I know plenty black Americans who werent happy and they have a right to feel that way. Cant blame them.

I however just ignored the movie without making a fuss. That was my perogative.


Feb 23, 2005
Let me state for the record I dont see a problem with bringing the accused in this particular case. If they are suspects they should be treated as such. If they are guilty they should be locked up.

Dont do the crime if you cant do the time. Simple


Active member
Feb 18, 2004
I am not a fan of cops but at the end of the day we have to realize that the job of a police officer is precisely to respond to accusations if or when a crime is being or has been committed and then to let the judicial system determine culpability. In this case, the police was not involved in any violence against the accusers. They simply arrested them after accusations were made and which probably involved a certain level of investigation. As a member of a visible minority and an immigrant, what bothers me about anybody crying racism before examining the situation is that it undermines the claims of people with legitimate complaints. Observe the facts, analyse them and then draw conclusions not the other way around. :(
Last edited:


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

nomos said:
I am not a fan of cops but at the end of the day we have to realize that the job of a police office is precisely to respond to accusations if or when a crime is being or has been committed and then to let the judicial system determine culpability. In this case, the police was not involved in any violence against the accusers. They simply arrested them after accusations were made and which probably involved a certain level of investigation. As a member of a visible minority and an immigrant, what bothers me about anybody crying racism before examining the situation is that it undermines the claims of people with legitimate claims. Observe the facts, analyse them and then draw conclusions not the other way around. :(

...cops always acted within the bounds of the rules of engagement you have described, then I would have no problem with them.

They don't. In fact they OFTEN don't. Hence, my complete distrust.

I am not saying cops don't have a hard job to do. Nor am I saying I don't rely on them to maintain peace and order just like everyone else in this city.

I am saying they don't get my benefit of the doubt. They just don't. And in that regard I am apparently no different than the many who post to this board who do not grant that same benefit of the doubt to people of color....


New member
Mar 11, 2002
Wow, I am not from TO but didn't think this type of pervasive, simplistic attitude was present in the great white north. (ahem) What does it mean to cry racism??? Does it mean to complain when you feel someone is making a leap in judgment and/or acting in a manner that they otherwise would not if the accused was of another race? Does it mean looking for sympathy? Does it mean understanding the depth of particular situations and finally making comments about that understanding? Or is it simply an ignorant response to, and understanding of, human behavior?

And the even bigger question is, who decides what it means to cry racism and why?

Look folks, perspectives are like A-holes, everyone's is a little bit different and everyone's is shaped by all kindsa stuff--how it looked in the beginning, how it grew, what happened to it along the way, etc.

So bottom line is this--chill, understand and accept the differences, try to make self-awareness a passtime and not just when & how you choose to, and you would be surprised at how infrequently these contoversies (such as they are) rise to the surface. People don't bitch when their is no one to listen to the bitching or when it is met with constructive, bright responses. They usually join the happy, peaceful, thinking people over time cuz it doesn't do a damn bit of good to argue without an adversary!!!

From an American who has seen this sort of back & forth blame game deteriorate into outright hostility.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
franky66 said:
You seem to be missing the point. Please see if you can follow this because you are going off on a tangent.
I CAN"T BELIEVE I'm arguing over this!!! Why can't you get this???? Most likely because you are too blinded be emotion to think clearly!!

A) Birth of a Nation came out in 19-fucking-15. At at time in the US where women could not vote and blacks did not have any basic rights. 100 years ago many wacky idea were still around. Every developed country has issues with oppressing someone else. When India was firmly in the grasp of the Brits and Japan had annexed Korea and was in the process of banning Korean language and culture.

b) WHy do you keep bringing up speilberg? WHo cares? He's one dude. I don't know if he like the movie or not. So you have some issue with him. So what if he is respected by some people? So is Richard Wagner (propbably more so than speilberg) and he was a known and outspoken anti-semite. Can you name someone else than speilberg? Did you even watch passion of the christ? (probably not since you had no clue what movie I was referring to). As I mentioned, some dude who had the status of being the Pope liked that movie. I'd be bold and say he's more influential than speilberg.

I didn't watch passion of the christ nor did I watch birth of a nation.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
franky66 said:
Here is another one for you Don. The phenomenon known as the Dukes of Hazzard. Now imagine the General Lee with swastika(sp) on the top of the car and not the confederate flag. Remember, different things mean different things to different people. The pain is the same. I dont know why that was allowed. Oh I guess blacks love to overreact as some on this thread have put it. I guess it all boils down to "if you walked a mile in my shoes". Its easy for a man to sit their and ask his wife why she is screaming so loud while giving birth. Maybe he should try experiencing giving birth. I sure as hell wouldnt want to go through any similar or even remotely close. lol

I will admit to having the toy when I was a kid while living in the West Indies. My parents didnt know that the flag meant a whole lot of pain to the persecuted black Americans(we are from different cultures you see). Once we found out, that toy car went straight into the trash. They made a movie update of the series recently produced by Ben Stiller(who starred) I believe (hmm, isnt Ben Stiller Jewish?) and directed by an East Indian.

Needless to say I didnt see it. I also, didnt let them donning that flag upset me. I just said 'fugg it'. However, I know plenty black Americans who werent happy and they have a right to feel that way. Cant blame them.

I however just ignored the movie without making a fuss. That was my perogative.
So I guess you didn't see the scene when the they went into the 'big city' (Atlanta) and they were stuck in traffic and the local people kept coming up to them and calling them "backwards", "idiots", "rednecks" and so on. And they sat there wondering why until they looked up at the top of their car and saw the conferderate flag on the roof and groaned.
May 3, 2004
Don said:
I CAN"T BELIEVE I'm arguing over this!!! Why can't you get this???? Most likely because you are too blinded be emotion to think clearly!!

A) Birth of a Nation came out in 19-fucking-15. At at time in the US where women could not vote and blacks did not have any basic rights. 100 years ago many wacky idea were still around. Every developed country has issues with oppressing someone else. When India was firmly in the grasp of the Brits and Japan had annexed Korea and was in the process of banning Korean language and culture.

b) WHy do you keep bringing up speilberg? WHo cares? He's one dude. I don't know if he like the movie or not. So you have some issue with him. So what if he is respected by some people? So is Richard Wagner (propbably more so than speilberg) and he was a known and outspoken anti-semite. Can you name someone else than speilberg? Did you even watch passion of the christ? (probably not since you had no clue what movie I was referring to). As I mentioned, some dude who had the status of being the Pope liked that movie. I'd be bold and say he's more influential than speilberg.

I didn't watch passion of the christ nor did I watch birth of a nation.
Hey Don, ease up on franky man. He's had a difficult time adjusting from constantly being "hit on" by beautiful top-model type women in Europe to err, well you know having to consistently pay for female companionship here in Canada.

His adjustment from " The Casanova of Europe" to the "Just a John" of Canada has been problematic to say the least.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
I don't care about franky. This whole thread is disturbing and annoying (and disappointing). I thought all the nasty threads were in the politics section.

I had enough of this thread. Later.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
franky66 said:
Well, you need to address Esco on that one. He asked if blacks suffered more persecution than Jews throughout history and I gave him the short answer. If he wants to compare a occasional bouts of persecution the Jews experienced and compare it to the hundreds of years from then until this very day that blacks get persecuted then that is his folly.
I really hates threads like this but i'll respond by saying that every country and every race has gone through suffering. Maybe some more than others but I'm not exactly keeping score.

franky66 said:
Esco, you still havent answered me(surprise surprise). How much do you know about apartheid and the nation(Israel) that help finance it
Israal helped finance apartheid in S.A???? Who's your source on that one????
(BTW how do you finance apartheid???? :confused: )

And I thought until the Sun city song many countries turned a blind eye towards Apartheid.

franky66 said:
Also, tell me if Ben Stiller would get tackled by cops jogging through Beverly Hills or his own neighbourhood like Eddie Murphy has been.
No person be it white or black should be "tackled" for no reason in any neighborhood.
But if Ben Stiller fits the description of a suspect the cops are looking for he may very well be "tackled"
Especially if they feel weapons may be involved.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Don said:
I don't care about franky. This whole thread is disturbing and annoying (and disappointing). I thought all the nasty threads were in the politics section.

I had enough of this thread. Later.
I hate stupid threads like this also.
It seems not a few weeks can go by or someone has to post a 'Racism' thread.

Go out, get drunk, call your favourite SP and get laid already.
This will cure your complaining and constant whining.

Hey, it works for me :D


Seasoned Player
Mar 24, 2004
in da club
Esco! said:
Israal helped finance apartheid in S.A???? Who's your source on that one????
(BTW how do you finance apartheid???? :confused: )

And I thought until the Sun city song many countries turned a blind eye towards Apartheid.
What he probably meant to say was that Isreal continued with nuclear and other arms sales with South Africa during the apartheid era. See from this link.

Moreover, even though Israel said outloud that they did not support Apartheid policies, the majority of South Afrikan jews did not support the anti-aprtheid movement. See from this link by the heading "Focused on internal Jewish Communal Issues"


Oh, and please, I am not anti-jewish but just pointing out some facts.
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