Racism or sexual assault


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Gawd said:
Blacks are very sensitive to these kinds of situations because they are usually the victims of these kinds of situations.

Had the accused students been Chinese, Indian, etc. chances are no backlash would've occurred, but not cuz they're aren't victims, but because they just aren't as over-reactive as Black people are.

Say what you will, but it's truth, Black people are more sensitive and reactionary than any other minority race, why? Cuz they've been persecuted more often than others, and it's difficult for them to try to negotiate or think clearly before speaking because of that.
Wa wa wa wa wa

16 people accused of rape is 16 suspects period

White, black yellow or green

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Two suspects were arrested and charged with sexual assault, forcible confinement a week before the rest of the suspects were rounded up. Who knows they may have ratted on their partners in action. That combined with girls testimony, teachers testimony and video surveillance would be more than enough evidence to bring about charges. The fact that the kids are black is irrelevant, they are accused of a pretty serious crime. Maybe their folks should be more worried about hiring a good lawyer or punishing their kids instead of criticizing the police.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
To keep a secret for 18 months is nothing. Some people keep the secret of abuse for years or to their grave.

I think we should step back and let the law sort this out. We don't know the facts or evidence but certainly there was enough to warrant arrests. Anyways, I don't want to get into speculation.

The story could be a little more grey than we think.... maybe she was okay with it in the beginning but things got out of control. Who knows.

For anyone who's been in high school I'm sure you can remember at least one person who was picked on for their whole 4 or 5 years. So is it really that shocking?

As for race. I can think of the law coming down on a group of white suburban boys who sexually assaulted a handicapped girl in the states. Race is not the issue here. The nature of the crime is what is at the centre. I for one am glad that the law is taking sexual assualt seriously.

These boys were not arrested for being black they were arrested for being potential sex criminals.

As for blaming the parents of the boys or girls I think that's unfair. I know of one woman who has kept the secret of being raped from her parents for over 10 years and counting. She has loving parents who are really good people and her home life is stable but this was something she chose to deal with through her family doctor and counselling.

As someone with sisters and a mother I'm glad these guys were arrested. I have little tolerance for bullies/rapists.

Hate to say it but if these guys are found to be guilty they are going to get a taste of their own medicine in prison.


Jan 31, 2005
Fabulous said:
Where are the girls parents for "over a year"? what type of household did she grow up in? that she could not tell her family or friends about being abused for such a long time. That is a suspect issue to me. Her parents should be investigated by the children's aid, and charged by the police for neglect, if all this bullying in fact occured, same goes for the school.
People who are abused tend to blame themselves for a long time and are too ashamed to let anyone in their family know about it. If you don't know that, what planet do you live on? You certainly should never be allowed to have kids, and if you do, you should be charged by the police for neglect for not having figured this out. (?! I am just turning your ridiculous statement around to show you how silly it is.)

EVEN IF there is some problem in this girls family that resulted in a lack of openness and such, how does that justify her rape? EVEN IF her parents should have listened better, EVEN IF the CAS should be called in, she deserves equal protection under the law. If she was raped, then no matter her own family situation, her rapists need to spend some time in jail.

Unfortunately these kids are going to get away with it, since what nobody has mentioned yet is that even if they are convicted, they are youths.. they will go to some reform school, a year or two maybe, and then get their records cleared.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Wow I didn't think things like racism existed here in Canada.... well at least that is what I learned when watching Bowling for Columbine <sarcasm>


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Fabulous said:
how do you think the Jewish community would react if 16 Jewish kids were arrested at school?
With 256 Lawyers :p

Seriously - why would anyone question why this went on for a year? Its very plausible and believable. White is the new black in some schools and itspayback time. My daughter was branded and targeted systematically for daring to date outside her race once. Even the boy she dated shunned her to save his own reputation.

The schools preach zero tolerance but the truth is they practice more tolerance than ever before. With three strikes per kid and a blind eye to any allegations of collaberation by treating it like paranoia -- it can take a school kids entire career to gather enough evidence to make the school act for them.

What does the kid who cant gather the evidence get? Doubts and gainsays by the very authorities she turns to. "Oh Malvernia didnt mean to call you a fatass white bitch, she was just having a bad day, and besides Jomel saw her at the exact moment you described and he heard her say she likes you very much".

The kid who does gather the evidence? Branded as a trouble maker who hates the world. "Well of course everyone heard Farajah say she wants to kill you, and yes they all laughed and chanted your name and threw paper at you. Noone can deny it. But you and I know she didn't mean it and so did the others, thats why they laughed at it. It was so ridiculous. So what are you going to do, Suzy? Get mad at the world?"

All in all the schools treat bullying like a hot potato because to deal affirmitavely without pressing real criminal charges against the bully is to put the school in a position of liability. To charge the bully criminally and succeed raises the school's violence statistics, and in turn brands the school -- ranks it higher as a place of violence.

I followed procedure for my daughter from May through to September at her old school and the end result was an organized anti-bullying seminar for the group involved. In short the bullies got a pizza party in June and handfuls of "good behavior" brochures and my daughter got branded and shunned further.


Aug 27, 2005
My 2 cents

the thing that kills me about this whole case is not about the girl or the 16 accused or the police, its the parents. I watched the news and listened to the news on the radio and all I heard over and over and over again is this:

1.) one woman preached that she knows where her son is at 10pm at night and that he goes to school. (WTF I dont know any parent who knows what their children are doing 24/7 unless they are sitting in their classes too). The statements were just plain stupid. She does not know what her child is doing when she is not there. The alligations were stated that they did happen during the school hours and were on Video.
2.) They are screaming that this is racism. Im tired of anyone using this race card when the victim and the defendents are of opposite race. When its black on black then what will be their next excuse?
3.) they think the release restrictions are too much! Well I guess they are really trying to say is "oh my God, I have to actually be a parent and take care of my kid!" They can't go to school. Ok so now what? Maybe these parents need to smarten up and have their kids do their schoolwork at home (home school or arranging to enroll in a program where these children can do the work at home but be registered in another school, if that is an option).
They cant use the internet or cell phones? Well woopie, thats called being grounded which these kids should be. They obviously are not saints and this should be a wake up call to these parents. They are innocent till proven guiltly but PLEASE, they obviously are not doing something right to be caught up in this. And they are on house arrest. another woopie, now the parents have to now actually take care of them, keeping an eye on them. if that was my kid, I better see my reflection in the floor when I get home from work. The parents have to wake up and become parents and not just a place where their children eat and sleep. Its just obvious these parents got a wake up call to be more involved with their kids lives
4.) the reaction of the other students were quite typical. All they said was 'Oh my god, now whats going to happen to our basketball team", "basketball is all I have", "the police didn't have to come to the school like they did to arrest them, it was embarrasing", and on and on. The youth are so fucked up and parents don't really want to do the right thing that it is a formula for disaster. I can just see how the victim is feeling, now every black person and every white person who is friends with these 16 people now hate this girl and will probably will make her life a living hell. That is why the school officials and teacher have had many meetings in regards to what they will be doing about this. They are now going to have to protect this girl from anyone bothering her. Now she mine as well hire a bodyguard, she will need one 24/7.

Bottom line, parents who dont want to parent and youth who have no/poor direction. Overall, more damn losers in this world we oneday will have to rely on to take care of us when we are old. GOD HELP US


Aug 27, 2005
Fabulous said:
Where are the girls parents for "over a year"? what type of household did she grow up in? that she could not tell her family or friends about being abused for such a long time. That is a suspect issue to me. Her parents should be investigated by the children's aid, and charged by the police for neglect, if all this bullying in fact occured, same goes for the school.

Since so many of you have children, than you know - you know when your kid is having problems at school or with their friends. Conscious parents know when something is off. I know I do and if I have an incling of suspicion that something is not right, I investigate, by speaking with my kids, their teachers and friends.

If you are a victim of sexual abuse and bullying and you don't come forward, well you are asking for it some more. IMO the girl is lying.
If you have ever been a victim of bullying, you would understand why her parents, friends and peers may not have known. I have been bullied and it went on for a few years. The more you wanted to fight back the more it got worse the next time around. You are stuck. If you go to the police, teacher or another else, the bullying gets worse because now you got them in trouble. The girl is brave and should be shown more respect for her courage. Telling on a bully is hard but telling on 16 is WOW, a death wish. Her life will never be the same. Bullies are ticking time bombs. The one person who harrassed me when I was a teen to this day is in and out of jail. they are a lost cause who need help. they have to want to stop and they have to have parents who should have given them an asswooping long time ago.

Stop pointing the finger at the victim, she did what most of you could never do.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
I believe in the presumption of innocence, however this impossible without iron-clad publication bans. In reality, hysteria generated by the media means most people are tried in the media and there is no such thing as a fair trial.

I don't put any stock in what parents of the accused are saying. Parents are not supposed to be level-headed or unbiased at a time like this. Everybody wants to believe that their little angel is a good boy or girl, and most people would lie to protect their own flesh and blood.

My suspicion in this case is not over race, but the fact that the alleged abuse was not reported for 18 months, and so it's conveniently impossible to prove or disprove with imperical physical evidence.

Now that the rhetoric is being thrown around in public, the evidence must follow. The alleged surveilence tapes showing some of the activities must be played to the public. A video camera has no racial bias, it records what's in front of it without mercy.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
booboobear said:
:( Has it come to this that just about every time a black person is accused of a crime they cry racism
Booboonear and Boygonewild, who are "they"?

You guys are falling into the media trap of running with a story and now it's "blacks" playing the race card. I've heard one parent claim racism and I've seen every Canadian television station run with it.

I'm black and I don't believe race has anything to do with it, but I'm not 100% sure.

But here's what I do believe. If you've ever been on a sports team in H.S or University/College you know some of this stuff goes on. Meaning, a girl or a few going from teammate to teammate. I honestly think it may have started that way with a couple of guys, then others took advantage of her. I don't think all 15 guys are guilty of the same crime.

And no, it doesn't make it right.


Aug 27, 2005
Back Burner said:
Booboonear and Boygonewild, who are "they"?

You guys are falling into the media trap of running with a story and now it's "blacks" playing the race card. I've heard one parent claim racism and I've seen every Canadian television station run with it.

I'm black and I don't believe race has anything to do with it, but I'm not 100% sure.

"they" are the parents and students bitching that this event is a racially motivated one. If it was one or more. The damn parents need a serious wakeup call. I don't care if your black, anyone in this world knows you have to stop playing the race card sometimes. When its a white victim with a black alleged offender, theres one black person screaming "racisim".
tired of it


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Well of course....

boyGONEwild said:
" When its a white victim with a black alleged offender, theres one black person screaming "racisim".
tired of it
..because nothing ever is. :rolleyes:


Feb 23, 2005
boyGONEwild said:
"they" are the parents and students bitching that this event is a racially motivated one. If it was one or more. The damn parents need a serious wakeup call. I don't care if your black, anyone in this world knows you have to stop playing the race card sometimes. When its a white victim with a black alleged offender, theres one black person screaming "racisim".
tired of it
So if one person says racism you get tired of it? Welcome to the real world. Nothing is perfect. You will have one or few of every type of people.


Feb 23, 2005
Back Burner said:
Booboonear and Boygonewild, who are "they"?

You guys are falling into the media trap of running with a story and now it's "blacks" playing the race card. I've heard one parent claim racism and I've seen every Canadian television station run with it.
You will soon come to realise, if you havent already, that one black person represents the whole community(as they-the media-call it) in the eyes of some. However, this only seems to be the case in negative situations.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
frankcastle said:
Hate to say it but if these guys are found to be guilty they are going to get a taste of their own medicine in prison.
I agree with everything you said till this.

Nothing is going to happen to these kids other than at worst, a slap on the wrist.

That's our young offenders act folks.

These guys could have killed that girl (which they may do now) and all they would have gotten was a couple years in a jeuvenile institute, and their records cleaned off when they hit 18.

Blame Canada's overly cry baby socialist utopia judicial system.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Back Burner said:
Booboonear and Boygonewild, who are "they"?

You guys are falling into the media trap of running with a story and now it's "blacks" playing the race card. I've heard one parent claim racism and I've seen every Canadian television station run with it.

I'm black and I don't believe race has anything to do with it, but I'm not 100% sure.

But here's what I do believe. If you've ever been on a sports team in H.S or University/College you know some of this stuff goes on. Meaning, a girl or a few going from teammate to teammate. I honestly think it may have started that way with a couple of guys, then others took advantage of her. I don't think all 15 guys are guilty of the same crime.

And no, it doesn't make it right.
Smartest thing I've heard all day.
But keep in mind BB some blacks do use the racecard way too much

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Esco! said:
And can you name an historic event in which 6 million blacks were killed in just 5 years???
Ok, I have avoided this issue till now.

25 million Russians died in WW2 fighting on their feet. That's 4 times as many Jews. And you don't see endless movies and TV mini series being made about that fact.

Stop crying already.

But as far as black genocides are concerned, Africa is rife with them. Rwanda comes to mind as a recent event where about a million people were killed in about a year.

Does this count in your eyes?
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