Racism or sexual assault


Feb 23, 2005
Esco! said:
I really hates threads like this but i'll respond by saying that every country and every race has gone through suffering. Maybe some more than others but I'm not exactly keeping score.
you aren't keepign score? So why did you give us a number..umm..say 5 years and 6million? Remember you are the one who wanted to compare body counts. What kind of hypocracy are you trying to display?? lol. Also, if you hate threads like these dont feed and fuel them with the questions like the one that announced your arrival on this very thread!

Israal helped finance apartheid in S.A???? Who's your source on that one????
(BTW how do you finance apartheid???? :confused: )
When the rest of the world turned their back on South Africa's racist government they found an ally in Israel. So said various newspaper articles from way back when as well as CBS' 60minutes(I saw that episode) and I am sure many other sources! Put short, Israel engaged in business(trade) with that aparthied government.

But if Ben Stiller fits the description of a suspect the cops are looking for he may very well be "tackled"
Especially if they feel weapons may be involved.
Eddie didnt fit any 'description'. 911 got a call that a strange black man was jogging around the neighbourhood. After they manhandled him they still didnt recognise who he was.


Feb 23, 2005
rogerstaubach said:
Hey Don, ease up on franky man. He's had a difficult time adjusting from constantly being "hit on" by beautiful top-model type women in Europe to err, well you know having to consistently pay for female companionship here in Canada.

His adjustment from " The Casanova of Europe" to the "Just a John" of Canada has been problematic to say the least.
you think I have to pay for it? If you only knew half the story. Go back to eating your burger in your car andthen crying racism because the cop wants to get details from you.

Do you think everyman who is on this board HAS to pay for it? if you believe that I have the London Bridge for sale. I am sure you would love to buy it. You think those big hollywood actors on Ms Fleiss' clientele list HAD to pay for it...like say...Charlie Sheen? Some people just enjoy the thrill, the adventure and convenience. Maybe YOU have to pay for it, but I certainly dont.

Geeez, like I said, stick to stuffing your face full of beef in your car outside a club.

here is a heads up for you. Cops will harass ANYONE who is sitting outside a club in their car. It wasnt because you were black Roger!


Feb 23, 2005
Don said:
So I guess you didn't see the scene when the they went into the 'big city' (Atlanta) and they were stuck in traffic and the local people kept coming up to them and calling them "backwards", "idiots", "rednecks" and so on. And they sat there wondering why until they looked up at the top of their car and saw the conferderate flag on the roof and groaned.
So what? They were still the HEROS of the film. That is a fact that cannot be changed!

Did they just groan? Or did they go and take that flag right the hell off like the good men they are? Maybe they just groaned and said something racist in their minds like alot of undercover racists do. Who knows? :D



Feb 23, 2005
Don said:
I CAN"T BELIEVE I'm arguing over this!!! Why can't you get this???? Most likely because you are too blinded be emotion to think clearly!!

A) Birth of a Nation came out in 19-fucking-15. At at time in the US where women could not vote and blacks did not have any basic rights. 100 years ago many wacky idea were still around. Every developed country has issues with oppressing someone else. When India was firmly in the grasp of the Brits and Japan had annexed Korea and was in the process of banning Korean language and culture.

b) WHy do you keep bringing up speilberg? WHo cares? He's one dude. I don't know if he like the movie or not. So you have some issue with him. So what if he is respected by some people? So is Richard Wagner (propbably more so than speilberg) and he was a known and outspoken anti-semite. Can you name someone else than speilberg? Did you even watch passion of the christ? (probably not since you had no clue what movie I was referring to). As I mentioned, some dude who had the status of being the Pope liked that movie. I'd be bold and say he's more influential than speilberg.

I didn't watch passion of the christ nor did I watch birth of a nation.

You didnt watch the Passion so why are you commenting on it???????? I saw Birth of a Nation out of curiosity. You didnt see it.

The Passion is based on ACTUAL events according to the Bible. Birth of a Nation is a fantasy film. You cannot compare the two.

WOuld you compare Star Wars to Schindler's List??????

That makes absolutely no sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speilberg wasnt the only person who thought the film was great. The majority of critics thought so and the film was one of the biggest box office hits in those days according to A&E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You ok with that now?

If these boys turn out to be guilty and they end up making a film documenting this event and its the truth and it becomes a big hit what will you say then? Will it be a racist film??????? Think on these things!

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
Gawd said:
Say what you will, but it's truth, Black people are more sensitive and reactionary than any other minority race, why? Cuz they've been persecuted more often than others, and it's difficult for them to try to negotiate or think clearly before speaking because of that.
I've had enough of these kinds of excuses. Maybe they (young black men who have taken on the American gangsta culture) are just more prone to performing criminal acts and use history to mask it as an excuse for their behaviour.

rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
franky66 said:
WOuld you compare Star Wars to Schindler's List??????

That makes absolutely no sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How the hell did this thread get to this point in 106 posts?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
franky66 said:
The Passion is based on ACTUAL events according to the Bible.
gee didn't know you took the bible literally. you should go to Kansas where they are trying to replace teaching evolution with intelligent design. Sounds like that is your kind of place since they seem to take the bible literally there also.

sorry, couldn't help myself there. It was too easy. This is the last post now here. Promise.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Don said:
gee didn't know you took the bible literally. you should go to Kansas where they are trying to replace teaching evolution with intelligent design. Sounds like that is your kind of place since they seem to take the bible literally there also.

sorry, couldn't help myself there. It was too easy. This is the last post now here. Promise.


Why do you feel it is necessary to belittle someone who believes in God?

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
rama putri said:
I've had enough of these kinds of excuses. Maybe they (young black men who have taken on the American gangsta culture) are just more prone to performing criminal acts and use history to mask it as an excuse for their behaviour.
You've had enough?

There is no excuse for this type of behaviour. There is no more "The man is holding me back" That shit ended decades ago.

We are still talking about the same thing?

How did we get to Star Wars and God?


I should be banned.
Sep 3, 2005
I can't comment on this specific story because I have not followed it closely.

I believe that if the groups of people that cry racism would spend 1/2 of the amount of time, effort and money (that they spend crying) on education of their children and the people close to their community, it would be the first stepping stone in reducing racism.

I am not Jewish, but I believe the Jewish community handles racism far better than other groups. When someone paints swastikas on one of their buildings they don't sit around crying. They rally the community and go back to historic teachings.
They often talk about the holocaust, and why shouldn't they, it is an important thing to reflect on.

Bottom line is:
If you don't teach people the wrongs that have happened in history, then they will repeat themselves.
Education and not brainwashing will go along way in solving this issue.
my 2 pennies if it makes any sense ;)


I should be banned.
Sep 3, 2005
Back Burner said:
Since you didn't follow the story, let me help you and others out A-ROD.

"ONE" of the mothers claimed racism and all news channels perpetuated it by running with it almost every night. So now some people in this thread, including yourself have made it into blacks crying racism when one person does it.
Then tell me Back Burner, why aren't the other mothers coming forward and saying "We don't believe it is a race thing"

Are we not to assume that perhaps they agree and have silently elected her to be their spokesperson.

That is what I mean about education... the other mothers should step forward and let their views be heard. This would go a long way in eductaing their children.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
A-ROD said:
Then tell me Back Burner, why aren't the other mothers coming forward and saying "We don't believe it is a race thing"

Are we not to assume that perhaps they agree and have silently elected her to be their spokesperson.

That is what I mean about education... the other mothers should step forward and let their views be heard. This would go a long way in eductaing their children.
So what you are saying is you think this is an issue of raceism? And that there is truth in these words?

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
A-ROD said:
Then tell me Back Burner, why aren't the other mothers coming forward and saying "We don't believe it is a race thing"

Are we not to assume that perhaps they agree and have silently elected her to be their spokesperson.
Actually I think what he's saying, is that all blacks think alike unless another black person says something different, and they have to say it on TV.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
franky66 said:
you aren't keepign score? So why did you give us a number..umm..say 5 years and 6million?
Because thats general knowledge, everyone knows that number

franky66 said:
Remember you are the one who wanted to compare body counts.
Dude you need to relax and take a valium, I'm not comparing body counts, someone posted that blacks had suffered the most in history to which I replied if they had lost 6 million in 5 years like the Jews had. Someone else replied by saying that millions of soldiers from Russia and the Allies had lost even more and I think thats a good answer

franky66 said:
Eddie didnt fit any 'description'. 911 got a call that a strange black man was jogging around the neighbourhood. After they manhandled him they still didnt recognise who he was.
Oh woopy doo shit, he got manhandled a little bit.
I'm white and got pushed into a wall coming out of a MP one night by undercover cops who were staking out the joint. One was holding my adams apple while the other got right right into my face. You take your licks and move on.

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
Esco! said:
You take your licks and move on.
You got licked at a massage parlour? Was it bare back? Who did it and where?Details man, details.:p

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Esco! said:
Oh woopy doo shit, he got manhandled a little bit.
I'm white and got pushed into a wall coming out of a MP one night by undercover cops who were staking out the joint. One was holding my adams apple while the other got right right into my face. You take your licks and move on.
So if a police officer assaults you, you take your licks and move on?:confused:

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
Back Burner said:
So if a police officer assaults you, you take your licks and move on?:confused:

Damn right you do, if you don't move on they get mad and beat you even worse. These guys have power trips, and can hide behind the law. Unless of course you are luck enough to have someone close buy with a video camera you're fucked.

The un-written rule is, if a cop bets you and you walk away, he was just playing with you. Get away from there fast and try to forget it ever happened.

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Judas H said:
Damn right you do, if you don't move on they get mad and beat you even worse. These guys have power trips, and can hide behind the law. Unless of course you are luck enough to have someone close buy with a video camera you're fucked.

The un-written rule is, if a cop bets you and you walk away, he was just playing with you. Get away from there fast and try to forget it ever happened.
Huh? Are we living in the 60's? The biggest weapon a cop has against you is your own ignorance of the law.

Esco, that would be a great opportunity to drop the race card.;)
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