My opinionated opinion of the garbage strike


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yoga Face said:
A billion people are starving now because of the policies of USA ,.
I have read a lot of foolish & totally incorrect statements on Terb, but this might be the winner.
Another example of the lunatic left spouting off without knowing the facts & not appreciating where they live. Has Woodpeker been tutoring you in the reckless art of blaming the wrong people?

If you can not accept the fact that sometimes unfortunate things happen & its no one particular groups fault & you must blame someone then blame China & India.

Their economies are growing & thus they have millions of people who are demanding more of everything including more food.
This caused the prices of commodities to increase & thus food prices increased.

To blame the USA is not only irresponsible, its very wrong.
The USA has done more to increase food production than most other nations combined.
They have always been a net exporter of food & are still exporting more than they import.

Did you go hungry to today to help solve the problem?

I did not think so, as its so much easier just to blame someone else.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
USA Government root of all evil in the world

JohnLarue said:

I have read a lot of foolish & totally incorrect statements on Terb, but this might be the winner.
Another example of the lunatic left spouting off without knowing the facts & not appreciating where they live. Has Woodpeker been tutoring you in the reckless art of blaming the wrong people?

If you can not accept the fact that sometimes unfortunate things happen & its no one particular groups fault & you must blame someone then blame China & India.

Their economies are growing & thus they have millions of people who are demanding more of everything including more food.
This caused the prices of commodities to increase & thus food prices increased.

To blame the USA is not only irresponsible, its very wrong.
The USA has done more to increase food production than most other nations combined.
They have always been a net exporter of food & are still exporting more than they import.

Did you go hungry to today to help solve the problem?

I did not think so, as its so much easier just to blame someone else.

Are you trying to say that American Imperialism is not behind most of the worlds problems?

It would take about $40 Billion dollars/year to feed cloth, house and provide fresh water to everyone on Earth that does not have it now. Sadly this is the amount that the world spends on arms every two weeks.


Jan 31, 2005
Mrbig1949 said:
Another nice put down of the working person. What an elitist!
Wrong. It was a put down of CUPE people. I have a lot of respect for WORKING people but in my experience CUPE people do anything they can to avoid working.

Quit with the lie that unions represent working people. Unions represent lazy people. Working people work elsewhere.

People apply to work in unionized shops because they think they won't have to work. We all know it.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
fuji said:
Wrong. It was a put down of CUPE people. I have a lot of respect for WORKING people but in my experience CUPE people do anything they can to avoid working.

Quit with the lie that unions represent working people. Unions represent lazy people. Working people work elsewhere.

People apply to work in unionized shops because they think they won't have to work. We all know it.
That's a generalization, not all CUPE workers or all unionized workers are lazy, however I must admit there are a significant number that are which gives all of them a bad name. Unions had their day years ago, they need to rethink their role in society, it's not the same as it was 30 years ago.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
JohnLarue said:

I have read a lot of foolish & totally incorrect statements on Terb, but this might be the winner.
Another example of the lunatic left spouting off without knowing the facts & not appreciating where they live. Has Woodpeker been tutoring you in the reckless art of blaming the wrong people?

I did not mean to say that a billion people are starving and it is all the USA fault. Sometimes I write too fast and I have no doubt my argument has flaws

But why cannot you accept that the imperfections of the USA, the IMF, but more importantly, the laws of capitalism, cause harm that needs to be addressed and that what you hear on "the news" is biased and too often about MJ or something else shallow?

Here are some examples of capitalistic evil :

The IMF has stipulations on loans to third world that restricts what they can grow as they insist on exportable commodities that they can pay the loan back with. I can think of two countries where the farmers formed co-ops against their own countries laws and the IMF marching orders and have successfully fed their people

United Fruit Company led a CIA backed coup of a elected democracy - which killed many thousands - or was it millions ? - of peasants - in Nicaragua because Nicaragua was going to confiscate their banana fields and give them back to the farmers (Nicaragua was willing to pay United for the fields)

The populace of "Banana republics" live in poverty so we can eat bananas

The USA pays farmers to let fields go fallow - they have even dumped wheat and milk - so the price of food remains profitable while a billion starve

Oil cartels have devastated third world countries . Their legacy is one of backing dictators - Saudi Arabia, the great ally of the USA, is just as brutal to its populace as Iraq ever was - making the elite dictators super rich and when they leave the peasants have polluted farm land and rivers and none of the money

I could continue but I have made my point.

Oh yeah, as well as China and India buying up the worlds food, the growing of corn and switch grass as bio fuel has been a large component of reduced food growth (even though it does not pollute less when you think of the energy that goes into the making of it)

True that Kuwait, with its USA backed - and completely made up - Monarchy
is doing well and their are other success stories that the world needs to thank capitalism for.

And,yes, the USA and Canada can be generous in its assistance to starving and earthquake devastated regions( but as a percentage of their GNP it is rather tiny.)

Yes capitalism has produced great wealth and freedom and I am grateful to live here but why am I loony for describing its serious flaws?
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Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Rockslinger said:
Hey Yoga, you have stop listening to the LLL 24/7. If there was no USA, Canada and G6 there would be 2 billion starving people which will be reduced to 1 billion as the other 1 billion die from starvation and malaria.
I am trying to point out some of the serious flaws of capitalism not pointing out its strenghts, which it clearly has .

I thought it was our job as citizens to criticize?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Mrbig1949 said:
Are you trying to say that American Imperialism is not behind most of the worlds problems?

It would take about $40 Billion dollars/year to feed cloth, house and provide fresh water to everyone on Earth that does not have it now. Sadly this is the amount that the world spends on arms every two weeks.
No doubt the USA democracy or Capitalism is not perfect. I never said they were
Each one of is however, much preferable to any other system to date

$40B to solve worldwide poverty & starvation you say
That amount is probably half of the excess over and above market value that the unions carve out of world economies.
Be my guest, please solve the problem

The reality is you could throw $400 B or a Trillion $ at the problem & it still would not go away.
Unless it is handled very carefully the war-loads in Africa will steal a great deal of the aid. Or some leftist dictator will in another country (Hugo the closet commie)
Then we need the guns you despise

Do not misunderstand me.
I would prefer all arms $ going to solve this problem, but writing a blank cheque will not work.

If you can show me an organization that is truly making a difference & not consuming 70-90% of donation $ Thur administrative costs I will take a close look at it and make a donation

But that will be my choice, and the amount will be my choice
Turning the country into a socialist state where the govt gets to chose is not good.
Because they waste & the end result would be worst than the status quo for all those starving people

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
vsailor said:
Man, where's Ronald Reagan when ya need him?

Who Needs RR when we got Rush Limbaugh !

I saw him on the news screaming (literally) at a dinner for the Washington elite that he hopes Obamas' policies fail or the rich will lose all of their freedom


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yoga Face said:
But why cannot you accept that the imperfections of the USA, the IMF, but more importantly, the laws of capitalism, cause harm that needs to be addressed and that what you hear on "the news" is biased and too often about MJ or something else shallow?


Because the solutions you advocate, like the elimination of the money changers (ie Capital Markets) will result in far more harm .

If there is a billion Pepe starving now, your solution would result in 10 Billion starving, including me & you.

The laws of capitalism are not static.
Despite what nut jobs like Woodpeker say it is a much softer & kinder capitalism than existed 100 or 150 years ago
Take a close look at how Rockefeller or JP Gould (Spelling?)made his billions.
You cant operate that way now

There is no more child labor in the Western World, union employees have never enjoyed so much (too much) compensation & Woman now run large corporation.

I will offer your some sound advise
Accept the way things are, work slowly & diligently for change if you truly believe there is an issue & be happy with what you can accomplish in the way of change.
Change your little corner of the world,but tread carefully when the change you advocate affects others & their ability to provide what they want for their family ie taxation

Taking an extreme view & stating the capital markets are evil & everyone should share their pay cheques equally with all will not gain you any credibility.
But most importantly you will not get what you want

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
JohnLarue said:
Because the solutions you advocate, like the elimination of the money changers (ie Capital Markets) will result in far more harm .
In my defense I have not advocated elimination of the capitalist system. I have pointed out the flaws

JohnLarue said:
The laws of capitalism are not static..
Then let us work for change. But unfortunately change is not a matter of idealogical argument. It is a matter that those in power and wealth will not surrender unless forced to.

JohnLarue said:
Taking an extreme view & stating the capital markets are evil & everyone should share their pay cheques equally with all will not gain you any credibility.
Capital markets, per se, are not evil. They do great good in expanding wealth but there is evil elements within it. The rich getting richer only because they are rich until they own everything is an example

And while we need change it is not "the new world order" .

Bush has never said what that means but I suspect it means corporations ( you know, the guys who invented the phrase "greed is good") own everything and make all the rules ( rule number one is no unions and no worker rights. Rule number two is laissez faire until the rich own it all )


Apr 24, 2005
Unless someone can convince me otherwise, responsible capitalism despite its imperfections is still the best system in this life. I dare someone to name a better system.

Along with wealth comes advances in science, medicine, arts and respect for human rights (except when you are in the VIP and some yo yo shines a huge flashlight in your eyes:mad: ).


New member
Jun 3, 2009

Rockslinger said:
A socialist is someone who wants everything for free and let someone else pay for it.:(
A socialist is a person who says "What I wish for myself, I wish for all people."


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Better System? Social Democracy the Best System

Rockslinger said:
Unless someone can convince me otherwise, responsible capitalism despite its imperfections is still the best system in this life. I dare someone to name a better system.

Along with wealth comes advances in science, medicine, arts and respect for human rights (except when you are in the VIP and some yo yo shines a huge flashlight in your eyes:mad: ).
It depends whether you consider Swedish Social Democracy as spin off of capitalism or a spin off of socialism. This beutiful hybrid takes the best of capitalism and socialism and creates the best system on Earth. Check the UN data on life expectancy, average income, infant mortality and almost every quality of life statistic, northern European Social Democracy comes out on top. Similar system in Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands etc...


Jun 6, 2009
Mrbig1949 said:
It depends whether you consider Swedish Social Democracy as spin off of capitalism or a spin off of socialism. This beutiful hybrid takes the best of capitalism and socialism and creates the best system on Earth. Check the UN data on life expectancy, average income, infant mortality and almost every quality of life statistic, northern European Social Democracy comes out on top. Similar system in Norway, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands etc...
You didn't go far enough down the list we're on it and have much lower taxes than most on the top end of the list and our cost of living is similar.


Apr 24, 2005
Mrbig1949 said:
Check the UN data on life expectancy, average income, infant mortality and almost every quality of life statistic, northern European Social Democracy comes out on top.
I fear as the population ages and the birthrate not rising, this sytem is coming to it day of reckoning. The social programs and 5 weeks vacation are becoming unaffordable. The VAT rate in these countries are in the high teens coupled with high personal and corporate tax rates. Just not sustainable (just like the GM pension plan).


New member
Jun 3, 2009
Unaffordable, perish the Thought

Rockslinger said:
I fear as the population ages and the birthrate not rising, this sytem is coming to it day of reckoning. The social programs and 5 weeks vacation are becoming unaffordable. The VAT rate in these countries are in the high teens coupled with high personal and corporate tax rates. Just not sustainable (just like the GM pension plan).
Read some history, the right wing has been saying decent social programs, pensions, education, health, holidays we cannot afford since Ronald Reagan, the author of our current problems was in short pants.

With most of these programs it is cheaper to do it than not to do it. It is the Fram Oil argument, "You can pay me now or pay me later but later will cost you much more."

Day Care, education, health system ... are in fact FREE, because they save far more that they cost in ingenuity, productivity, reduced crime, and so on.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Mrbig1949 said:
A socialist is a person who says "What I wish for myself, I wish for all people."
You are only focusing on one side of the equation. The reward
The other half of the equation is the risk.

Therefore: A socialist is a person who says "What the other guy has, I want, but am unwilling to either
a) take the risks the other guy does or
b) work as hard as the other guy does"

It is the risk takers who push the economy forward & its is the risk takers who will drive any recovery.
This will only happen when the ratio of reward to risk is acceptable to them

Socialism reduces the reward & increases the risk for these investors.
They will move there money elsewhere, Despite what you say about some $ staying its been proven that excessive taxation forces money to move offshore

You think things are tough now, a more toward socialism will fuck things up so badly,, it will make your head spin


New member
Jun 3, 2009

JohnLarue said:
You are only focusing on one side of the equation. The reward
The other half of the equation is the risk.

Therefore: A socialist is a person who says "What the other guy has, I want, but am unwilling to either
a) take the risks the other guy does or
b) work as hard as the other guy does"

It is the risk takers who push the economy forward & its is the risk takers who will drive any recovery.
This will only happen when the ratio of reward to risk is acceptable to them

Socialism reduces the reward & increases the risk for these investors.
They will move there money elsewhere, Despite what you say about some $ staying its been proven that excessive taxation forces money to move offshore

You think things are tough now, a more toward socialism will fuck things up so badly,, it will make your head spin
Of course Larue's spin is a complete crock since we now are in a system called "State Capitalism" where the state provides grants, subsities and bailouts to the companies so there is no risk for the big boys, did somebody say AIG?
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