My opinionated opinion of the garbage strike

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Mao Tse Tongue said:
One more point before I go out and enjoy the beautiful day.

It has nothing to do with tactics. It's their very raison d'etre which is the problem: bullying governments into protecting wages and benefits that are unrealistic to similarly skilled non-union people. It really is that simple.
I am gonna reseed the lawn. I enjoy making things grow.

Believe it or not I am anti union ...

they protect the lazy and care only about themselves not the working man as they pretend ... the CAW is a excellent example of this... their main give back to GM was the right for GM to hire new workers at well below the current wage ... they said fuck you to the next generation instead of giving up a few dollars an hour that they could have afforded

I just see them as a necessary evil until ...

...this new capitalism you talk about is created....

...A utopia without unions but where workers are part of the process not just pawns of the elite super rich sent to kill the other pawns of their super rich competitors when the super rich fuck things up...

...As long as it is not run by that other Mao ..... :eek:


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Mao Tse Tongue said:
One more point before I go out and enjoy the beautiful day.

It has nothing to do with tactics. It's their very raison d'etre which is the problem: bullying governments into protecting wages and benefits that are unrealistic to similarly skilled non-union people. It really is that simple.
I agree that much of the disgust with the union goes beyond tactics. However, I do really wonder about their tactics. They must have known that the timing of the current strike was really bad. Although the old contract had expired, I very much doubt that the city would have locked them out to get concisions. And if the city did lock them out, I suspect at least some members of the public would have been more likely to side with the union. It seems to me that from the union prospective, continuing to work under the current contract until an economic recovery would have been a much better tactic. That might have postponed their timing by a year (e.g. summer strikes by garbage workers would be more effective than ones in the middle of winter). However, they would have kept their sick days and other benefits for now and have had the opportunity to strike when public opinion was not so strongly against them due to the timing. It would have meant delaying a wage increase, but given all the lost pay from a long strike they are unlikely to win, I think they still would have been ahead. Moreover, they could have used the delay to increase their public support.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Why the summer strike? Well, one picket line I saw today looked like a camp, with shorts, tube tops, a card table set up and games being played. Much harder to picket when it is -5C and it is snowing.

I received a job offer today and the issue of sick days is in my offer of employment. My potential new employer is offering five (5) paid days off each year, provided I supply a doctor's note explaining my absence and I have to inform someone higher up the chain each day no later than 8 am that I will not be in. There are no benefits such as drug or dental or eye glasses.

I am to be given ten (10) working days off as paid holiday each year, until I have been with the company ten years, in which I shall be given 15 days off.

I have absolutely no sympathy for the unions.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Compromised said:
Why the summer strike? Well, one picket line I saw today looked like a camp, with shorts, tube tops, a card table set up and games being played. Much harder to picket when it is -5C and it is snowing.

Garbage collection is the most immediate service. In summer garbage stinks, The union believes this increases the pressure on the City. Summer is also tourist season. They are unhappy with the cooler than normal weather.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
someone said:
I agree that much of the disgust with the union goes beyond tactics. However, I do really wonder about their tactics. They must have known that the timing of the current strike was really bad. Although the old contract had expired, I very much doubt that the city would have locked them out to get concisions. And if the city did lock them out, I suspect at least some members of the public would have been more likely to side with the union. It seems to me that from the union prospective, continuing to work under the current contract until an economic recovery would have been a much better tactic. That might have postponed their timing by a year (e.g. summer strikes by garbage workers would be more effective than ones in the middle of winter). However, they would have kept their sick days and other benefits for now and have had the opportunity to strike when public opinion was not so strongly against them due to the timing. It would have meant delaying a wage increase, but given all the lost pay from a long strike they are unlikely to win, I think they still would have been ahead. Moreover, they could have used the delay to increase their public support.
You're right and I chalk it up to delusion. They were delusional in judging public opinion.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
buckwheat1 said:
Unions have always faught for better wages and benefits.
The problem is they don't know when they have already won - the greedy little pigs. They are surplanting CEO's right now as the symbol of greed.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
buckwheat1 said:
Unions have always faught for better wages and benefits.

There in lies the problem
The union mentality is it's always a fight.
Try approaching it as a partnership & it would work better

If it must be a fight, should not be a fight for fair and reasonable wages & benefits as opposed to just better.

Dealing with a group that has that mentality implies, no matter what you agree to, the next time it will be more

Eventually you wind up paying too much.
Oh, were there already & then some


New member
Sep 18, 2002
Can't we just hire an army of chimps and orangutans to collect the garbage. We would likely get better service and it will only cost us some bananas.


Apr 24, 2005
Back Burner said:
I think the city should give the workers what they want.
I think the "workers" should give the public what they need and can afford. The strikers have the right to strike, the workers have the right to quit their jobs and try to find a better one. The strikers do not have the right to bully :( the public and those union members who want to work.

This strike reminds me of the NHL strike/lockout a few years ago. End result, the players lost a year's salary and took pay cuts in a new contract and their brilliant union leader Goodenough (check spelling) was fired.


Apr 24, 2005
Yoga Face said:
A billion people are starving now because of the policies of USA , Canada the G6 the World Bank and the IMF have doubled the cost of food.
Hey Yoga, you have stop listening to the LLL 24/7. If there was no USA, Canada and G6 there would be 2 billion starving people which will be reduced to 1 billion as the other 1 billion die from starvation and malaria.
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