I am gonna reseed the lawn. I enjoy making things grow.Mao Tse Tongue said:One more point before I go out and enjoy the beautiful day.
It has nothing to do with tactics. It's their very raison d'etre which is the problem: bullying governments into protecting wages and benefits that are unrealistic to similarly skilled non-union people. It really is that simple.
Believe it or not I am anti union ...
they protect the lazy and care only about themselves not the working man as they pretend ... the CAW is a excellent example of this... their main give back to GM was the right for GM to hire new workers at well below the current wage ... they said fuck you to the next generation instead of giving up a few dollars an hour that they could have afforded
I just see them as a necessary evil until ...
...this new capitalism you talk about is created....
...A utopia without unions but where workers are part of the process not just pawns of the elite super rich sent to kill the other pawns of their super rich competitors when the super rich fuck things up...
...As long as it is not run by that other Mao .....