Toronto Escorts

Munk Debate on Zionism


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The UN, which you love to quote, says Israel is apartheid,
Show us the UN resolution condemning Israel, like the one they passed in 1963 accusing S. Africa of apartheid. Until then, the board would appreciate if you STFU.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
You said blacks never had the vote in S. Africa. I provided the act that took away their vote in 1951. That is historical fact. Your claim is wrong no matter how much you pretzel. From wiki: Segregation of coloured voters In 1951 Parliament passed the Separate Representation of Voters Act, which removed coloured voters from the common voters roll

Your answer is now saying that voting rights don't mean voting rights. The most amazing pretzel ever. How do you function in this world? BTW, I didn't mention citizenship. I said that blacks who previously had the vote had it taken away because of apartheid and backed it up.

At this point you are descending to the depths of dumbassery. I don't have your experience in that realm. Enjoy talking to yourself as you cement your widely accepted and deserved reputation as someone of low intellect who cannot follow the facts in a debate..
As I mentioned in my previous post, I said Blacks did not have citizenship in South Africa pre-1948. You dishonestly pivoted to the right to vote.

Okay fine. Even considering that, only 0.1% of Blacks, in the province of Cape Colony had restricted voting rights and 99.9% of Blacks did not. You then claimed that because the Palestinians did not have a right to vote back in the day it is not apartheid to deny them voting privileges today. That is a non-sequitur.

How does any of this help your argument?

a) 99.9% of Blacks did not have voting rights before apartheid ended in the 90s.
b) Lack of basic civil rights back in the day does not justify lack of basic civil rights today.

A moron with half a brain and an ounce of common sense would understand this. But not you.

And finally, this has been brewing in my head for quite sometime over the last 2 months or so. So it is partly directed towards you, but I just wanted to vent for a second.

I have realized throughout my time here in TERB, that this forum is full of vile, old, uncivilized, racist, lonely, lowlife, fuckwits who aren't worth 2 cents. Barring a few decent folks. I dont even know why i joined this forum last year, because I was doing fine meeting providers without it. Infact, I have never used TERB for its intended purpose, so why did I even join?!

You yourself, are a fucking loser who has been on this forum for the last 25 years. 25 years!! 50K posts! You must be suffering from a profound loneliness, dementia and depression to be trolling a pooner forum for Israel threads at all hours of the day and spouting utter bullshit.

So you know what? I am done. I am rage quitting. I am very sure you will enjoy this, but you need to realize how much of a loser you are for even doing so, on fucking TERB of all places.

I dont care if I get perm-banned for saying this. And frankly it wont make a difference. I am logging out for good.

After all, it IS a win-win.

I give you racist fuckwits your space. I regain my time and peace of mind from not having to engage with you idiots.

And most importantly, and this IS the most important reason. I do not want to end up like you, trolling these forums 20 years from now, when I am in my 60s. That would be TRULY a low point in life!!

I feel like I just came to my senses. Phew!

Adios. Am out.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Israel proposed along with the US. Hamas rejected it.
That's a lie, it was Biden who pushed that resolution through without talking to either Hamas or Israel.

That's not Israel's problem. The UN specifically ordered Hamas to return the hostages unconditionally. Are you saying that the UN is being unfair to Hamas?

Your comments get stupider and stupider, Shazi.
The UN ordered both Israel and Hamas to ceasefire.
Its idiotic that you think only Hamas has to respond when only Israel is a UN member.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Show us the UN resolution condemning Israel, like the one they passed in 1963 accusing S. Africa of apartheid. Until then, the board would appreciate if you STFU.
Has Israel ever abided by any UN resolutions?
Israel is a pariah state.

  • 1957:
  • 1958:
  • 1959:
  • 1960:
  • 1961:
  • 1962:
  • 1963
    • 27 June: UN Special Assembly Resolution 1874.
    • 27 June: UN Special Assembly Resolution 1875.
    • 17 December: Resolution 1983 UNEF.
  • 1965:
  • 1966:
  • 1967:
  • 1968:
  • 1969:
    • 11 December: Resolution 2546: Condemns Israeli "violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms" in the occupied territories
  • 1970:
    • 4 November: Resolution 2628: Urges the speedy implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 242 and recognizes that "respect for the rights of the Palestinians is an indisputable element in the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East"
    • 5 December: Resolution 2727: Calls on Israel to implement the recommendations of the UN special committee investigating Israeli practices in the occupied territories
    • 15 December: Resolution 2728: Report of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the Human Rights of the population of the Occupied Territories.
  • 1971:
    • 6 December: Resolution 2792: UNRWA Report. Calls for the implementation of UN General Assembly Resolution 194, stresses the "inalienable rights of the people of Palestine", and calls on Israel to stop resettling the inhabitants of Palestinian refugee camps.
    • 13 December: Resolution 2799: The Situation in the Middle East.
    • 20 December: Resolution 2851: Report of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the Human Rights of the population of the Occupied Territories. Condemns Israeli practices in the occupied territories.
  • 1972:
    • 8 December: Resolution 2949: The Situation in the Middle East.
    • 15 December: Resolution 3005: Report of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the Human Rights of the population of the Occupied Territories.
  • 1973:
    • 7 December: Resolution 3092: Report of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the Human Rights of the population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 11 December: Resolution 3101: Financing of the UNEF.
    • 17 December: Resolution 3175: Permanent sovereignty over natural resources in the occupied Arab territories.
  • 1974:
    • 31 October and 29 November: Resolution 3211: Financing of the UNEF and the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF).
    • 29 November: Resolution 3240: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 29 November: Resolution 3246: Affirms the legitimacy of armed resistance by oppressed peoples in pursuit of the right to self-determination, and condemns governments which do not support that right
    • 9 December: Resolution 3263: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 17 December: Resolution 3336: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
  • 1975:
    • 30 October, 28 November and 2 December: Resolution 3374: Financing of the UNEF and the UNDOF.
    • 10 November: United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379: equating Zionism with racism.
    • 5 December: Resolution 3414: Calls for economic sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel until it withdraws from all territories occupied in 1967 and grants the Palestinians their "inalienable national rights".
    • 11 December: Resolution 3474: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 15 December: Resolution 3516: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
    • 15 December: Resolution 3525: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
  • 1976:
    • 9 November: Resolution 31/6-E: Condemnation of the collaboration of Israel and South Africa.
    • 24 November: Resolution 31/20: Expresses deep concern that no "just solution" to the "problem of Palestine" has been achieved, refers to the problem as the core of the Middle East conflict, and reaffirms the "inalienable rights" of the Palestinians, including the right of return and the right to national independence.
    • 1 December: Resolution 31/5: Financing of the UNEF and the UNDOF.
    • 9 December: Resolution 31/61: Reaffirms previous condemnations of Israel, and calls for the Security Council to take "effective measures" against Israel, and requests sanctions on Israel.
    • 9 December: Resolution 31/62: Calls for an international Middle East peace conference under the auspices of the UN and co-chaired by the United States and Soviet Union.
    • 10 December: Resolution 31/71: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 16 December: Resolution 31/106: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Occupied Territories.
    • 21 December: Resolution 31/186: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
  • 1977:
    • 25 October and 2 December: Resolution 32/4: Financing of the UNEF and the UNDOF.
    • 28 October: Resolution 32/5: Reaffirms previous condemnations of Israel, and stresses the "urgent need" to achieve a "just and lasting peace in the Middle East".
    • 25 November: Resolution 32/20: Reaffirms previous calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and an international peace conference with PLO participation.
    • 2 December: Resolution 32/40: Reaffirms the "inalienable rights of the Palestinian people", including the right to national sovereignty and the right of return.
    • 12 December: Resolution 32/82: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 13 December: Resolution 32/91: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories. Calls on Israel to respect the Geneva Conventions
    • 19 December: Resolution 32/161: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
  • 1978:
    • 3 November: Resolution 33/13: Financing of the UNEF and the UNDOF.
    • 7 December: Resolution 33/29: Reaffirms previous calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and an international peace conference with PLO participation.
    • 14 December: Resolution 33/64: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 14 December: Resolution 33/71-A: Expressing concern over military build-up and attempts to acquire nuclear weapons of Israel. Calling for arms embargo against Israel.
    • 18 December: Resolution 33/113: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
  • 1979:
    • 24 January: Resolution 33/183-D: Demanding that Israel terminate all form of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 25 October, 3 December and 17 December: Resolution 34/7: Financing of the UNEF and the UNDOF.
    • 16 November: Resolution 34/29: Expressing concern over the deportation of the Bassam Shakaa, Mayor of Nablus, by Israel.
    • 6 December: Resolution 34/70: Reaffirms previous calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and an international peace conference with PLO participation.
    • 11 December: Resolution 34/77: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 11 December: Resolution 34/89: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 12 December: Resolution 34/90: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 12 December: Resolution 34/93-P: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 14 December: Resolution 34/136: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
  • 1980:
    • 1 December: Resolution 35/45: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 5 December: Resolution 35/110: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
    • 11 December: Resolution 35/122: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 12 December: Resolution 35/147: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 12 December: Resolution 35/157: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 16 December: Resolution 35/206-H: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 16 December: Resolution 35/207: Reaffirms previous calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and the establishment of a Palestinian state.
  • 1981:
    • 28 October: Resolution 36/15: Demanding that Israel desist any archaeological excavations in the Temple Mount.
    • 13 November: Resolution 36/27: Condemns Israeli attack on Iraqi nuclear facilities and demands Israel to compensate Iraq.
    • 30 November: Resolution 36/66: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 9 December: Resolution 36/87: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 9 December: Resolution 36/98: Israeli nuclear armament. Demands that Israel renounce possession of nuclear weapons and submit its facilities to inspection.
    • 16 December: Resolution 36/147: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 16 December: Resolution 36/150: Demands Israel to cease planning of a canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.
    • 17 December: Resolution 36/172-M: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 17 December: Resolution 36/173: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
    • 17 December: UN General Assembly Resolutions 36/226 A & B: Reaffirms previous calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and the establishment of a Palestinian state.
  • 1982:
    • 5 February: Ninth Emergency Special Session ES/9-1: The situation in the occupied Arab territories.
    • 16 November: Resolution 37/18: Condemns Israel's refusal to implement Security Council resolution 487, and demands Israel to withdraw its threat to attack nuclear facilities of neighbouring nations.
    • 30 November: Resolution 37/38: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 9 December: Resolution 37/75: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 9 December: Resolution 37/82: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 10 December: Resolution 37/88: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 16 December: Resolution 37/122: Demands Israel not to build a canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.
    • 16 December: Resolution 37/123: Condemnation of Israel's alleged responsibility for the Sabra and Shatila massacre by Kataeb Party in Beirut, Lebanon; resolves that the massacre was an act of genocide; condemns acts of plundering Palestinian cultural heritage; condemns the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights; and condemns the annexation of Jerusalem.
    • 17 December: Resolution 37/135: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories.
    • 20 December: Resolution 37/222: Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.
  • 1983:
    • 10 November: Resolution 38/9: Reiterates the demand that Israel withdraw its threat to attack the nuclear facilities of neighbouring nations.
    • 1 December: Resolution 38/35: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 5 December: Resolution 38/39-F: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 13 December: Resolution 38/64: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 15 December: Resolution 38/69: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 15 December: Resolutions 38/79: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 15 December: Resolution 38/85: Demands Israel not to build a canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.
    • 19 December: Resolution 38/144: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories.
    • 19 December: Resolution 38/166: Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    • 19 December: Resolutions 38/180: Calls all nations to suspend or sever all diplomatic, economic and technological ties with Israel. Condemnation of Israel on various topics including the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights, war in Lebanon and the annexation of Jerusalem.
  • 1984:
    • 23 November: Resolution 39/14: Reiterates the demand that Israel withdraw its threat to attack the nuclear facilities of neighbouring nations.
    • 30 November: Resolution 39/28: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 12 December: Resolution 39/54: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 13 December: Resolution 39/72-C: Demanding that Israel terminate all form of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 14 December: Resolutions 39/95: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 14 December: Resolution 39/101: Demands Israel not to build a canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.
    • 14 December: Resolution 39/146: Reaffirmation of resolution 38/180 condemning Israel and calling all nations to cut ties with it.
    • 17 December: Resolution 39/147: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 17 December: Resolution 39/169: Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    • 18 December: Resolution 39/223: Economic development projects in the occupied Palestinian territories.
  • 1985:
    • 1 November: Resolution 40/6: Reaffirmation of the condemnation of Israel on its attack on the Iraqi nuclear facility.
    • 2 December: Resolution 40/59: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 10 December: Resolution 40/64-E: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 12 December: Resolution 40/82: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 12 December: Resolution 40/93: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 16 December: Resolutions 40/161: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 16 December: Resolution 40/167: Decides to monitor Israel's decision to construct a canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.
    • 16 December: Resolution 40/168: Reaffirmation of resolution 38/180 condemning Israel and calling all nations to cut ties with it.
    • 17 December: Resolution 40/169: Economic development projects in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    • 17 December: Resolution 40/201: Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.
  • 1986:
    • 29 October: Resolution 41/12: Calling Israel to place its nuclear facilities under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
    • 10 November: Resolution 41/35-C: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 3 December: Resolution 41/44: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 3 December: Resolution 41/48: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 3 December: Resolutions 41/63: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 4 December: Resolution 41/93: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 4 December: Resolution 41/162: Reaffirmation of resolution 38/180 condemning Israel and calling all nations to cut ties with it.
  • 1987:
    • 20 November: Resolution 42/23-D: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 30 November: Resolution 42/28: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 30 November: Resolution 42/44: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 3 December: Resolution 42/70: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 8 December: Resolutions 42/160: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 11 December: Resolution 42/166: Assistance to the Palestinian people.
    • 11 December: Resolution 42/190: Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    • 11 December: Resolution 42/209: Reaffirmation of resolution 38/180 condemning Israel and calling all nations to cut ties with it.
  • 1988:
  • 1991:
  • 2012
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2023
United Nations Security Council resolutions
United Nations Security Council resolutions are as follows:

  1. Resolution 42: The Palestine Question (5 March 1948) Requests recommendations for the Palestine Commission
  2. Resolution 43: The Palestine Question (1 Apr 1948) Recognizes "increasing violence and disorder in Palestine" and requests that representatives of "the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Arab Higher Committee" arrange, with the Security Council, "a truce between the Arab and Jewish Communities of Palestine ... Calls upon Arab and Jewish armed groups in Palestine to cease acts of violence immediately."
  3. Resolution 44: The Palestine Question (1 Apr 1948) Requests convocation of special session of the General Assembly
  4. Resolution 46: The Palestine Question (17 Apr 1948) As the United Kingdom is the Mandatory Power, "it is responsible for the maintenance of peace and order in Palestine." The Resolutions also "Calls upon all persons and organizations in Palestine" to stop importing "armed bands and fighting personnel ... whatever their origin; ... weapons and war materials; ... Refrain, pending the future government of Palestine...from any political activity which might prejudice the rights, claims, or position of either community; ... refrain from any action which will endanger the safety of the Holy Places in Palestine."
  5. Resolution 48: 23 April 1948, calls on all concerned parties to comply with UNSC Resolution 46 and establishes a Truce Commission for Palestine to assist the SC in implementing the truce. Approved 8–0, abstentions from Colombia, Ukrainian SSR and USSR.
  6. Resolution 49: 22 May 1948 issues a cease-fire order to come into effect at noon, 24 May 1948, New York City local time. Orders the Truce Commission for Palestine previously set up to report on compliance. Adopted by 8–0, abstentions from Ukrainian SSR, USSR and Syria.
  7. Resolution 50: 29 May 1948, calls for a four-week ceasefire covering Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Transjordan and Yemen. Urges all to protect the Holy Places and Jerusalem. Offers the UN Mediator as many military observers as necessary. Further violations and the council would consider action under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Adopted in parts; no voting on the resolution as a whole.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Has Israel ever abided by any UN resolutions?
Israel is a pariah state.

  • 1957:
  • 1958:
  • 1959:
  • 1960:
  • 1961:
  • 1962:
  • 1963
    • 27 June: UN Special Assembly Resolution 1874.
    • 27 June: UN Special Assembly Resolution 1875.
    • 17 December: Resolution 1983 UNEF.
  • 1965:
  • 1966:
  • 1967:
  • 1968:
  • 1969:
    • 11 December: Resolution 2546: Condemns Israeli "violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms" in the occupied territories
  • 1970:
    • 4 November: Resolution 2628: Urges the speedy implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 242 and recognizes that "respect for the rights of the Palestinians is an indisputable element in the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East"
    • 5 December: Resolution 2727: Calls on Israel to implement the recommendations of the UN special committee investigating Israeli practices in the occupied territories
    • 15 December: Resolution 2728: Report of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the Human Rights of the population of the Occupied Territories.
  • 1971:
    • 6 December: Resolution 2792: UNRWA Report. Calls for the implementation of UN General Assembly Resolution 194, stresses the "inalienable rights of the people of Palestine", and calls on Israel to stop resettling the inhabitants of Palestinian refugee camps.
    • 13 December: Resolution 2799: The Situation in the Middle East.
    • 20 December: Resolution 2851: Report of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the Human Rights of the population of the Occupied Territories. Condemns Israeli practices in the occupied territories.
  • 1972:
    • 8 December: Resolution 2949: The Situation in the Middle East.
    • 15 December: Resolution 3005: Report of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the Human Rights of the population of the Occupied Territories.
  • 1973:
    • 7 December: Resolution 3092: Report of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices affecting the Human Rights of the population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 11 December: Resolution 3101: Financing of the UNEF.
    • 17 December: Resolution 3175: Permanent sovereignty over natural resources in the occupied Arab territories.
  • 1974:
    • 31 October and 29 November: Resolution 3211: Financing of the UNEF and the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF).
    • 29 November: Resolution 3240: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 29 November: Resolution 3246: Affirms the legitimacy of armed resistance by oppressed peoples in pursuit of the right to self-determination, and condemns governments which do not support that right
    • 9 December: Resolution 3263: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 17 December: Resolution 3336: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
  • 1975:
    • 30 October, 28 November and 2 December: Resolution 3374: Financing of the UNEF and the UNDOF.
    • 10 November: United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3379: equating Zionism with racism.
    • 5 December: Resolution 3414: Calls for economic sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel until it withdraws from all territories occupied in 1967 and grants the Palestinians their "inalienable national rights".
    • 11 December: Resolution 3474: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 15 December: Resolution 3516: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
    • 15 December: Resolution 3525: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
  • 1976:
    • 9 November: Resolution 31/6-E: Condemnation of the collaboration of Israel and South Africa.
    • 24 November: Resolution 31/20: Expresses deep concern that no "just solution" to the "problem of Palestine" has been achieved, refers to the problem as the core of the Middle East conflict, and reaffirms the "inalienable rights" of the Palestinians, including the right of return and the right to national independence.
    • 1 December: Resolution 31/5: Financing of the UNEF and the UNDOF.
    • 9 December: Resolution 31/61: Reaffirms previous condemnations of Israel, and calls for the Security Council to take "effective measures" against Israel, and requests sanctions on Israel.
    • 9 December: Resolution 31/62: Calls for an international Middle East peace conference under the auspices of the UN and co-chaired by the United States and Soviet Union.
    • 10 December: Resolution 31/71: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 16 December: Resolution 31/106: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Occupied Territories.
    • 21 December: Resolution 31/186: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
  • 1977:
    • 25 October and 2 December: Resolution 32/4: Financing of the UNEF and the UNDOF.
    • 28 October: Resolution 32/5: Reaffirms previous condemnations of Israel, and stresses the "urgent need" to achieve a "just and lasting peace in the Middle East".
    • 25 November: Resolution 32/20: Reaffirms previous calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and an international peace conference with PLO participation.
    • 2 December: Resolution 32/40: Reaffirms the "inalienable rights of the Palestinian people", including the right to national sovereignty and the right of return.
    • 12 December: Resolution 32/82: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 13 December: Resolution 32/91: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories. Calls on Israel to respect the Geneva Conventions
    • 19 December: Resolution 32/161: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
  • 1978:
    • 3 November: Resolution 33/13: Financing of the UNEF and the UNDOF.
    • 7 December: Resolution 33/29: Reaffirms previous calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and an international peace conference with PLO participation.
    • 14 December: Resolution 33/64: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 14 December: Resolution 33/71-A: Expressing concern over military build-up and attempts to acquire nuclear weapons of Israel. Calling for arms embargo against Israel.
    • 18 December: Resolution 33/113: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
  • 1979:
    • 24 January: Resolution 33/183-D: Demanding that Israel terminate all form of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 25 October, 3 December and 17 December: Resolution 34/7: Financing of the UNEF and the UNDOF.
    • 16 November: Resolution 34/29: Expressing concern over the deportation of the Bassam Shakaa, Mayor of Nablus, by Israel.
    • 6 December: Resolution 34/70: Reaffirms previous calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and an international peace conference with PLO participation.
    • 11 December: Resolution 34/77: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 11 December: Resolution 34/89: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 12 December: Resolution 34/90: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 12 December: Resolution 34/93-P: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 14 December: Resolution 34/136: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
  • 1980:
    • 1 December: Resolution 35/45: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 5 December: Resolution 35/110: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
    • 11 December: Resolution 35/122: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 12 December: Resolution 35/147: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 12 December: Resolution 35/157: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 16 December: Resolution 35/206-H: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 16 December: Resolution 35/207: Reaffirms previous calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and the establishment of a Palestinian state.
  • 1981:
    • 28 October: Resolution 36/15: Demanding that Israel desist any archaeological excavations in the Temple Mount.
    • 13 November: Resolution 36/27: Condemns Israeli attack on Iraqi nuclear facilities and demands Israel to compensate Iraq.
    • 30 November: Resolution 36/66: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 9 December: Resolution 36/87: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 9 December: Resolution 36/98: Israeli nuclear armament. Demands that Israel renounce possession of nuclear weapons and submit its facilities to inspection.
    • 16 December: Resolution 36/147: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 16 December: Resolution 36/150: Demands Israel to cease planning of a canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.
    • 17 December: Resolution 36/172-M: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 17 December: Resolution 36/173: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Arab territories.
    • 17 December: UN General Assembly Resolutions 36/226 A & B: Reaffirms previous calls for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories and the establishment of a Palestinian state.
  • 1982:
    • 5 February: Ninth Emergency Special Session ES/9-1: The situation in the occupied Arab territories.
    • 16 November: Resolution 37/18: Condemns Israel's refusal to implement Security Council resolution 487, and demands Israel to withdraw its threat to attack nuclear facilities of neighbouring nations.
    • 30 November: Resolution 37/38: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 9 December: Resolution 37/75: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 9 December: Resolution 37/82: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 10 December: Resolution 37/88: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 16 December: Resolution 37/122: Demands Israel not to build a canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.
    • 16 December: Resolution 37/123: Condemnation of Israel's alleged responsibility for the Sabra and Shatila massacre by Kataeb Party in Beirut, Lebanon; resolves that the massacre was an act of genocide; condemns acts of plundering Palestinian cultural heritage; condemns the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights; and condemns the annexation of Jerusalem.
    • 17 December: Resolution 37/135: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories.
    • 20 December: Resolution 37/222: Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.
  • 1983:
    • 10 November: Resolution 38/9: Reiterates the demand that Israel withdraw its threat to attack the nuclear facilities of neighbouring nations.
    • 1 December: Resolution 38/35: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 5 December: Resolution 38/39-F: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 13 December: Resolution 38/64: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 15 December: Resolution 38/69: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 15 December: Resolutions 38/79: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 15 December: Resolution 38/85: Demands Israel not to build a canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.
    • 19 December: Resolution 38/144: Permanent sovereignty over national resources in the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories.
    • 19 December: Resolution 38/166: Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    • 19 December: Resolutions 38/180: Calls all nations to suspend or sever all diplomatic, economic and technological ties with Israel. Condemnation of Israel on various topics including the occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights, war in Lebanon and the annexation of Jerusalem.
  • 1984:
    • 23 November: Resolution 39/14: Reiterates the demand that Israel withdraw its threat to attack the nuclear facilities of neighbouring nations.
    • 30 November: Resolution 39/28: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 12 December: Resolution 39/54: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 13 December: Resolution 39/72-C: Demanding that Israel terminate all form of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 14 December: Resolutions 39/95: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 14 December: Resolution 39/101: Demands Israel not to build a canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.
    • 14 December: Resolution 39/146: Reaffirmation of resolution 38/180 condemning Israel and calling all nations to cut ties with it.
    • 17 December: Resolution 39/147: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 17 December: Resolution 39/169: Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    • 18 December: Resolution 39/223: Economic development projects in the occupied Palestinian territories.
  • 1985:
    • 1 November: Resolution 40/6: Reaffirmation of the condemnation of Israel on its attack on the Iraqi nuclear facility.
    • 2 December: Resolution 40/59: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 10 December: Resolution 40/64-E: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 12 December: Resolution 40/82: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 12 December: Resolution 40/93: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 16 December: Resolutions 40/161: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 16 December: Resolution 40/167: Decides to monitor Israel's decision to construct a canal between the Dead Sea and the Mediterranean.
    • 16 December: Resolution 40/168: Reaffirmation of resolution 38/180 condemning Israel and calling all nations to cut ties with it.
    • 17 December: Resolution 40/169: Economic development projects in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    • 17 December: Resolution 40/201: Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.
  • 1986:
    • 29 October: Resolution 41/12: Calling Israel to place its nuclear facilities under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
    • 10 November: Resolution 41/35-C: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 3 December: Resolution 41/44: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 3 December: Resolution 41/48: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 3 December: Resolutions 41/63: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 4 December: Resolution 41/93: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 4 December: Resolution 41/162: Reaffirmation of resolution 38/180 condemning Israel and calling all nations to cut ties with it.
  • 1987:
    • 20 November: Resolution 42/23-D: Demanding that Israel terminate all forms of collaboration with South Africa.
    • 30 November: Resolution 42/28: Calling for an establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East.
    • 30 November: Resolution 42/44: Israeli nuclear armament.
    • 3 December: Resolution 42/70: Financing of UNDOF.
    • 8 December: Resolutions 42/160: Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Population of the Occupied Territories.
    • 11 December: Resolution 42/166: Assistance to the Palestinian people.
    • 11 December: Resolution 42/190: Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories.
    • 11 December: Resolution 42/209: Reaffirmation of resolution 38/180 condemning Israel and calling all nations to cut ties with it.
  • 1988:
  • 1991:
  • 2012
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2023
United Nations Security Council resolutions
United Nations Security Council resolutions are as follows:

  1. Resolution 42: The Palestine Question (5 March 1948) Requests recommendations for the Palestine Commission
  2. Resolution 43: The Palestine Question (1 Apr 1948) Recognizes "increasing violence and disorder in Palestine" and requests that representatives of "the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Arab Higher Committee" arrange, with the Security Council, "a truce between the Arab and Jewish Communities of Palestine ... Calls upon Arab and Jewish armed groups in Palestine to cease acts of violence immediately."
  3. Resolution 44: The Palestine Question (1 Apr 1948) Requests convocation of special session of the General Assembly
  4. Resolution 46: The Palestine Question (17 Apr 1948) As the United Kingdom is the Mandatory Power, "it is responsible for the maintenance of peace and order in Palestine." The Resolutions also "Calls upon all persons and organizations in Palestine" to stop importing "armed bands and fighting personnel ... whatever their origin; ... weapons and war materials; ... Refrain, pending the future government of Palestine...from any political activity which might prejudice the rights, claims, or position of either community; ... refrain from any action which will endanger the safety of the Holy Places in Palestine."
  5. Resolution 48: 23 April 1948, calls on all concerned parties to comply with UNSC Resolution 46 and establishes a Truce Commission for Palestine to assist the SC in implementing the truce. Approved 8–0, abstentions from Colombia, Ukrainian SSR and USSR.
  6. Resolution 49: 22 May 1948 issues a cease-fire order to come into effect at noon, 24 May 1948, New York City local time. Orders the Truce Commission for Palestine previously set up to report on compliance. Adopted by 8–0, abstentions from Ukrainian SSR, USSR and Syria.
  7. Resolution 50: 29 May 1948, calls for a four-week ceasefire covering Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Transjordan and Yemen. Urges all to protect the Holy Places and Jerusalem. Offers the UN Mediator as many military observers as necessary. Further violations and the council would consider action under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. Adopted in parts; no voting on the resolution as a whole.
That's a lot of wasted bandwidth instead of just saying that the UN has never declared Israel an apartheid state.

Everytime you say Israel is, is a big lie.


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
You agree that Geno's claim that Israel MUST bestow citizenship on Palis/Gazans is patently false.
Yes I do. Which is why they should either give them their own state, or else acknowledge they are an apartheid ethnostate.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Israel agreed.
No, Israel has never agreed to a ceasefire.

They ordered Hamas to return the hostages from Oct.7. Admit that Hamas has not followed that order.
The UN also ordered Israel to release their hostages, ceasefire and allow all aid through.

Both sides are not abiding by the UN resolution but only one side is a genocidal supremacist, colonial venture.

Admit they haven't done any of those things.
Israel has 9,300 hostages and they are raping, torturing and starving them.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
That's a lot of wasted bandwidth instead of just saying that the UN has never declared Israel an apartheid state.

Everytime you say Israel is, is a big lie.
The UN has issued multiple reports that show Israel is apartheid.
Along with reports saying the occupation is illegal, every settlement is illegal and Israel is committing genocide.

Shazi, your attempts to move goal posts are pathetic and disgusting.
Zionism is a genocidal movement, you are forever tarred to be named along the KKK and the nazis.

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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
Yes I do. Which is why they should either give them their own state, or else acknowledge they are an apartheid ethnostate.
Would you be a little concerned that if Palestinians get their state with the ability to import and accumulate weapons they would inevitably attack israel just as they always promise to do?
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